shikamaru317 said: Demon's Souls remake is a timed PS5 exclusive, coming to Xbox eventually. |
That makes no sense. Sony owns the ip and has no obligation to release it anywhere else.
shikamaru317 said: Demon's Souls remake is a timed PS5 exclusive, coming to Xbox eventually. |
That makes no sense. Sony owns the ip and has no obligation to release it anywhere else.
80 Euros for a remake? lol
Nah bro....I mean I wasn't planning on getting a PS5 anyway, but....nah
shikamaru317 said: Sony game pricing is legit terrible, especially in Europe. They are really abusing their market leader position in Europe with that 80 euros. MS could have a real chance to steal some Europe marketshare this gen between the value of Series S and the value of Gamepass with all Xbox exclusives available day one for 10 euros a month. |
Next gen gonna be all GamePass and sales for me lol
I mean I'll get the occasional game that I'm super hyped for, like Cyberpunk, at full price, no doubt.....but 90% is gonna be GamePass and sales.
shikamaru317 said: So, Xbox is beating Sony on Twitter Trending the day of a PS5 show xD 208k tweets vs 168k currently. |
I've noticed they usually trend together, and Xbox often trends higher, just because a lot of people are more interested in trolling Xbox than actually talking PS.
FFXVI graphics were good. What i didnt like is how western-ized it looked. There was no trace of the typical Japanese style of FF games. I know for some this is good news but FF is the premier Japanese franchise and that style doesnt fit at all.
tbh I don't think MS can do much about the double standard in regards to cross gen because at the end of the day it's not like they have any games to show. It will be nice that MS isn't the only company to face this nonsensical backlash against cross gen, but they can eliminate all of their XSX/S marketing mistakes by just showing some quality stuff. AFAIK Halo is still the only first party MS title we've seen real gameplay of, I could be mistaken.
And regarding Sony now also facing backlash about cross gen, I don't think it will really happen, I think now cross gen criticism will magically get swept under the rug.
shikamaru317 said: On a side note, there is no way that PS5's 2021 is as stacked as Sony is trying to make us believe it is. No way Sony has Kena, Deathloop, Ghostwire Tokyo, Demon's Souls Remake, Ratchet & Clank, Horizon: Forbidden West, and God of War 5 all in one year, plus other smaller AA and A exclusives. Either Horizon 2 or God of War 5 is getting delayed into 2022 for sure, maybe another game as well. Still, MS really needs to improve their 2021, it's looking quite meh right now by comparison. Flight Sim, Halo Infinite, and probably Forza Horizon 5 are the only AAA's unless they timed hat a multiplat soon, plus a few smaller games like Scorn, Call of the Sea, Exomecha, Hello Neighbor 2, and Second Extinction probably. They really need more AAA's for 2021. |
Sadly I think we always expected this. Given the timing of a lot of their acquisitions, big exclusive revivals of old IP and new IP arent going to start landing with any consistency until at least 2022.
With the pricing of the new consoles, today just confirmed for me there is no need to buy a Series X (given I have a One X) or a PS5 until at least the end of 2021 if not beyond.
starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS
Ryuu96 said: Should Microsoft move pre-orders up? Sony already opened them. Feel like there's a lot of stuff Microsoft could capitalise on from today...if their marketing was good. Get Infinite beta ready for Series X launch! |
I'd push "A Year of Gamepass for $69.99" limited offer.
shikamaru317 said: One thing that that MS does need to change before release imo: Games With Gold. GWG quality has been on the decline for about a year now, we mostly get several years old AAA games or more recent AA and A/indie games these day on Xbox One, and we don't even get AAA's on 360 all the time, sometimes the 360 games are total shovelware. PS+ has done a much better job of getting more recent AAA's for PS+, and now they added the PS+ Collection as well, which has alot of their older 1st party games with a few 2nd and 3rd party as well. Then you have the price of Gold technically increasing due to 12 month cards/codes being dropped for no reason at all, making the value of Gold even worse compared to PS+. MS badly needs to remedy the GWG situation soon. Monthly 360 games should almost always be AAA considering how old they are now, and Xbox One games need to be recent AAA's far more often than they are now. 360 should be dropped from GWG around about September 2021, with Xbox Series games replacing 360 on GWG, starting with indie/A tier stuff and moving on to AA and AAA Xbox Series games in 2022. |
The irony is it was the other way around at the start. I agree with this. Either that or turning it into Game Pass Lite.
I'd push "A Year of Gamepass for $69.99" limited offer. |
That would be a good deal. Also, the fact that a good Infinite beta alone could move plenty of units should be kept in mind: a free limited MP game is an easy draw.
OTOH, the Sony event did confirm one of shika's suspicions: they moneyhatted FF. I have no clue how after going multiplat they can just roll back into a single ecosystem, presumably for good. On the other hand, there was no mention of the other project... and this reveal seemed kind of... underwhelming tbh. Maybe, as some have mentioned, this is Square's way of rebooting the series and they are cutting any potential source of losses and replacing them with the monnies from Sony.
Thankfully that was it. Now, if I may...
Return the favor with TESVI, add better mod support (as in, let Nexus in!)
I can't help but chuckle a bit by the news today. For all the flack MS was getting for cross-gen support, Sony is doing the same thing. I'm okay with cross-gen to an extent, and it wasn't going to change when I buy my next gen console, but I do have an issue of Sony hiding this information purposefully. At least MS was upfront about it.