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Another thing that annoys me about Unity is the reliance of co-op to get stuff like skill points. Does co op play this type of function in later games? Clearly some of these missions would be MUCH easier with other people (obviously).">"><img src="

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Spade said:
Another thing that annoys me about Unity is the reliance of co-op to get stuff like skill points. Does co op play this type of function in later games? Clearly some of these missions would be MUCH easier with other people (obviously).

I really started to like AC only with Origin and Odyssey; and there is no such thing in those 2 for sure. Cannot talk about the rest obviously.

So what could this big game pass release on series x potentially be? Cyberpunk imo cant be that so what options do we have left hmm maybe watch dogs or valhalla? Dirt 5 was coming in release also so it might be that but is that really big news?

shikamaru317 said:
Flayer said:
So what could this big game pass release on series x potentially be? Cyberpunk imo cant be that so what options do we have left hmm maybe watch dogs or valhalla? Dirt 5 was coming in release also so it might be that but is that really big news?

It could still possibly be Cyberpunk. This new rumor indicates a recent deal, and CD Projekt shot down an older Gamepass rumor more than a month ago, so this deal could have been made since CD Projekt shot down Cyberpunk on Gamepass. However, if it's not Cyberpunk and is releasing this year, it's bound to be either Watch Dogs or AC Valhalla, they are the only other Holiday 2020 AAA's that MS has marketing on. 

Well this makes my life harder since i was gonna preorder valhalla and cyberpunk lol.

Last edited by Flayer - on 13 September 2020

I hope it's not Cyberpunk. I'd have to change my pre-order otherwise.

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shikamaru317 said:
Spade said:
Another thing that annoys me about Unity is the reliance of co-op to get stuff like skill points. Does co op play this type of function in later games? Clearly some of these missions would be MUCH easier with other people (obviously).

No, the co-op focus was a 1 game only thing they tried with Unity. I don't think any other AC game even has co-op as an option.

Awesome good to know! Thank you.">"><img src="

Finished Unity as much as I wanted. Overall, I did think it was a good game, some thing annoyed the hell out of me, but when the parkour worked, I really did enjoy it. The assassinations and overall city were a blast to play as well. Very impressive and lively crowds for 2015. Will definitely give Syndicate, and the two rpg focused ones a try. Will also be picking up Valhalla, just not at 60. Best thing about Ubisoft is their games go down in price pretty fast.">"><img src="

Where are these rumors coming from about a big game pass deal? I also wonder if we will be getting another conference like Sony is having.">"><img src="

Microsoft needs to update their website. Games just show Xbox Ome amd Xbox Series X, no mention of the Series S.

Spade said:
Didn't CD Project Red debunk that rumor about Cyberpunk on game pass?

Technically they did but it was back in July, so things could have changed as of now and as we approach the launch of the game.