Spade said: NIS and Idea Factory are trash. Big meh, that they not on Xbox.  |
shikamaru317 said:
AsGryffynn said:
Shhh! You don't want them here.
Them and Idea Fuck, the lot of them. Eeesh!
Spade said: NIS and Idea Factory are trash. Big meh, that they not on Xbox.  |
I'm not the biggest fan of NIS and Idea Factory games either. It's the other 2/4 JP publishers who aren't on Xbox that bother me far more; Atlus and Marvelous. Also Nihon Falcom's games don't release on Xbox in the west because NIS America publishes them, which sucks because we need Ys and Trails of Cold Steel.
Edit: Oh, and Level-5 still avoids Xbox like the plague. I really wish that Phil Spencer could win over the smaller JP publishers, seems like he concentrates all of his efforts on the big publishers on his frequent trips to Japan.
I trust Marvelous but not their NA branch (XSEED) and I am lukewarm towards Atlus (always have).
I agree with NH though... we really need to have them divide their demographic. Remember that Ys Origin did get ported, but it wasn't by NIS. I even skipped on the last Ys after learning it would be sold by NIS. Nope, just like Nope to XSEED, nope to IF and SpC and also nope to Koei (but not necessarily Tecmo), D3 (thankfully RIP on console) and HELL TO THE NOPE to Aksys.
I wouldn't trust Level 5 either.
They need to find what Itagaki's Valhalla and Mistwalker are up to... and pry open Marvelous to rip Tamsoft (their developer) off them. That's a lot of AA Japanese developing muscle to join with Valhalla and Mistwalker.
Sad that Cavia, Imageepoch and Eighting had to die. With the resources of Tamsoft, I'd buy the IPs off their current owners (near dead) and bring the three brands back under XGS.