I have Sony KD-55XE8096. It is one of the best cheap entry options for 4K. But the next time I upgrade my TV, I'll definitely go for OLED. My friend has LG C7 and it is amazing.
I have Sony KD-55XE8096. It is one of the best cheap entry options for 4K. But the next time I upgrade my TV, I'll definitely go for OLED. My friend has LG C7 and it is amazing.
LG OLED55C9PLV, can't wait to unleash the 4K-120Hz-mode with the XSX or a HDMI2.1 graphic card.
Ryuu96 said: Decided to change the poll now, for slightly selfish reasons, I'm looking for a 4K TV and wondering what others have, I've been looking at the Samsung Q70R or Q80R - I keep hearing a lot about HDMI 2.1 and how important it will be for next generation as HDMI 2.0 can't support anything above 4k/60fps? But honestly I don't see many titles going above that, nor do I really care, I think I'd be perfectly happy on a stable 4K/60FPS. LG is the best brand AFAIK but I'm pretty sure I would get burn in. |
When buying a TV, I looked through multiple sites, forums, whatever and found the site above to be the best resource by a country mile.
I stayed away from OLED for the same reason. I have a Samsung Q7FN.
I bought a LG B8 last year and hot damn! the difference between 1080p and 4K couldn’t be starker. From any distance that crunchy black on the OLED would make a difference.
And no @Ryuu there’s no burn in on my panel, if your screen is idle for a minute, it will fire up a save screen. And there’s been instances where still images stayed on for a while and it never burned in.
I've got a TCL 4 series 4K, it's pretty basic but it has decent enough picture, I plan on upgrading to Samsung at some point in the future (or I may just buy a second monitor for my PC setup).
Angelus said: Was just looking into some 4k TVs, since I figured I'd upgrade for next gen but.....according to the internet, there's pretty much no point. Apparently the ideal distance to actually see the full detail of 4k, is about 5 feet for like a 75 inch screen. I sit like 11-12 feet from my TV lol. Unless I'm missing something, there's pretty much no way I'd notice any kind of real difference, even if I go out and buy some fucking monstrosity. |
Improvements aren't just in the resolution.
You will still notice a reduction in stair stepping/shimmering in games... The human eye doesn't see in terms of pixels remember.
Colour, Contrasts, input latency and so forth should all see tangible improvements with a more modern panel.
--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--
@4:50 is a really neat feature I didnt know the new controller had until now.
I'm afraid I have some bad news guys. It's been over 24 hours since Ryu last posted in this thread. As such, I'm afraid we have no choice but to declare him officially dead. These are difficult times, however, I hope it grants you some small measure of comfort to know, that he died peacefully, and not at the hands of treacherous, undercover Sony agents....probably.
Anyway, after careful deliberation with nobody else, I've decided that I am your new Emperor now. Congratulations, you lucky bastards.
I'll take applications for an official slave driver lieutenant, and open the floor to anyone who wants to say some kind words about the deceased.
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