Mnementh said:
Ryuu96 said: Hype, another ESO fan. |
Yeah, although I may be a strange ESO fan. Hence the surprise. I am mostly ignoring all the multiplayer content. But ESO has pretty good questlines for single player and an extraordinary worldbuilding with lots of attention to detail. I love that exploring gains me little stories or world details, that all fit together. The world has a feel of history, multiple cultures and is living and breathing. I appreciate this a lot. |
I think that makes sense, ESO isn't really a hardcore MMO, I would say that like 90% of the game can be done solo fairly easily and that's what I've been doing, I wouldn't exactly say it would appeal much to hardcore MMO fans and the combat is fairly basic but if you're a fan of Elder Scrolls world, lore, characters, etc. It's well worth it for that alone.
Questlines are pretty good and as you said, the worldbuilding is great too, I do think Elder Scrolls has among the best lore in gaming and ESO has helped me discover a ton more about the lore, I play the game and then often end up going through about 10 Wiki pages reading up more on things, Lol. It's just a ton of lore and I love that, as I was already a big ES lore fan.
It's also awesome to just visit all the different continents that I haven't been able to in mainline Elder Scrolls and explore all the different races cultures, learn more about them, a lot more. Battle various Daedric Princes who are also awesome, a lot of the recurring characters have stuck with me too like Razum-Dar, Naryu, Rigurt, Darien, Eveli, Stibbons, etc. Oh, and meeting the Living Gods in their prime.
I'm just constantly reading Elder Scrolls lore now, Lol. I hope that one day the entire map is filled out and then we get an Elder Scrolls Online on a new engine set in the 3rd era during Tiber Septim's conquest. Could talk about Elder Scrolls lore all day