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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Tinder worth paying for?


Is it worth paying for?

Yep! 5 8.62%
No! 53 91.38%
curl-6 said:

Autism definitely makes things more challenging, but it's not a death sentence; in spite of it I have managed to date three awesome and beautiful women in my life. I've been rejected hundreds if not thousands of times, but the only certainty of failure is giving up. I just dust myself off and keep going, and try to learn from my mistakes.

I don't doubt that autism complicates dating.  But, all men are rejected way more often than not.  Even the most attractive, desirable men are mostly rejected.

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VAMatt said:
curl-6 said:

Autism definitely makes things more challenging, but it's not a death sentence; in spite of it I have managed to date three awesome and beautiful women in my life. I've been rejected hundreds if not thousands of times, but the only certainty of failure is giving up. I just dust myself off and keep going, and try to learn from my mistakes.

I don't doubt that autism complicates dating.  But, all men are rejected way more often than not.  Even the most attractive, desirable men are mostly rejected.

I'm sure they do, I didn't mean to imply rejection is an Autistic thing, just that perseverance is key in my experience.

Cobretti2 said:
curl-6 said:

Yeah I've heard since women tend to be more liberal than men being conservative is a turn-off to many of them. I have my profile's political standing set to "moderate", maybe I should set it to "left/liberal" haha.

Do women want Liberal males though? TBH I don't even know what a liberal male would look like lol.

My wife's single friends seem to want some unrealistic expectations of a man. One of them I given up hope on as she wants a guy that is exactly 6 foot 2, a vegan, save the planet oriented and someone that they can bend to their will and do everything they want. What happen to just wanting a nice guy who respect and treats you right lol?). I have to bite my tongue and say perhaps this is why you are still single lol.

Well, I'm a "Liberal" male. If you wanna see what I look like there's a video of me in the general discussion section on my autism conference keynote. :P

But yeah I know what you mean, my best (female) friend is just like that, she's 26 and has never had a boyfriend (or a girlfriend, she is bisexual) because she has insanely unrealistic expectations of what she wants in a partner. She says all guys just want sex and all girls play mind games, and she never goes further than a first date before rejecting someone for being imperfect.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 06 February 2021

curl-6 said:
VAMatt said:

I don't doubt that autism complicates dating.  But, all men are rejected way more often than not.  Even the most attractive, desirable men are mostly rejected.

I'm sure they do, I didn't mean to imply rejection is an Autistic thing, just that perseverance is key in my experience.

Cobretti2 said:

Do women want Liberal males though? TBH I don't even know what a liberal male would look like lol.

My wife's single friends seem to want some unrealistic expectations of a man. One of them I given up hope on as she wants a guy that is exactly 6 foot 2, a vegan, save the planet oriented and someone that they can bend to their will and do everything they want. What happen to just wanting a nice guy who respect and treats you right lol?). I have to bite my tongue and say perhaps this is why you are still single lol.

Well, I'm a "Liberal" male. If you wanna see what I look like there's a video of me in the general discussion section on my autism conference keynote. :P

But yeah I know what you mean, my best (female) friend is just like that, she's 26 and has never had a boyfriend (or a girlfriend, she is bisexual) because she has insanely unrealistic expectations of what she wants in a partner. She says all guys just want sex and all girls play mind games, and she never goes further than a first date before rejecting someone for being imperfect.

I seen you video before lol. To me you look like a normal guy lol. No crazy eyes, no serial killer look, no up himself look. 

My wife's friends are in their 30s, so it will be like that for a while if your friend is in her 20s. 



Cobretti2 said:
curl-6 said:

I'm sure they do, I didn't mean to imply rejection is an Autistic thing, just that perseverance is key in my experience.

Cobretti2 said:

Do women want Liberal males though? TBH I don't even know what a liberal male would look like lol.

My wife's single friends seem to want some unrealistic expectations of a man. One of them I given up hope on as she wants a guy that is exactly 6 foot 2, a vegan, save the planet oriented and someone that they can bend to their will and do everything they want. What happen to just wanting a nice guy who respect and treats you right lol?). I have to bite my tongue and say perhaps this is why you are still single lol.

Well, I'm a "Liberal" male. If you wanna see what I look like there's a video of me in the general discussion section on my autism conference keynote. :P

But yeah I know what you mean, my best (female) friend is just like that, she's 26 and has never had a boyfriend (or a girlfriend, she is bisexual) because she has insanely unrealistic expectations of what she wants in a partner. She says all guys just want sex and all girls play mind games, and she never goes further than a first date before rejecting someone for being imperfect.

I seen you video before lol. To me you look like a normal guy lol. No crazy eyes, no serial killer look, no up himself look. 

My wife's friends are in their 30s, so it will be like that for a while if your friend is in her 20s. 

Thanks haha.

And yeah I worry about this one, she's a really great person but I feel like she just can't let her guard down enough to give anyone a chance, which is a shame as she does want a relationship. I'd date her like a shot if she hadn't made it clear years ago that she only sees me as a friend. 

Online dating is a long boring numbers game that wastes a lot of time going no where. The lowering standards does not help with online dating, swiping right or liking all profiles does not filter out the fake profiles, scammers/bots online. Sites that use filters/preferences help improve quality of matches and remove incompatible matches. 

Online dating and social media creates unrealistic expectations because people hide behind fake personas that are an inaccurate representations of their true self. Social media is a positive highlight reel only showing the positive/good traits of an individual and the negative traits are hidden away. Like a chameleon, a person changes from being perfect online to imperfect in person.

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Phoenix20 said:

He's not average

For the perpetually anxious, online dating embodies so much of what makes the internet both a blessing and a curse.

Avoidance — coupled with a desire for more control over situations — is a bedrock of anxiety, particularly those who struggle with it in social contexts like dating. When those struggles get ported into the world of virtual courtship, the results are a surprising contradiction of pros and cons that can be difficult but ultimately rewarding when navigated properly....



Cobretti2 said:
curl-6 said:

Yeah I've heard since women tend to be more liberal than men being conservative is a turn-off to many of them. I have my profile's political standing set to "moderate", maybe I should set it to "left/liberal" haha.

Do women want Liberal males though? TBH I don't even know what a liberal male would look like lol.

My wife's single friends seem to want some unrealistic expectations of a man. One of them I given up hope on as she wants a guy that is exactly 6 foot 2, a vegan, save the planet oriented and someone that they can bend to their will and do everything they want. What happen to just wanting a nice guy who respect and treats you right lol?). I have to bite my tongue and say perhaps this is why you are still single lol.

THis Joke always comes to mind when people talk about men and women and how they pick a mate.

Female and male department store


A department store opened in New York City that sold men and a woman decides to visit it in search of a husband.
At the store’s entrance, there’s a sign outlining the department store policy.
The first rule states that you can only enter the store once.
There are six floors and on each floor you can choose a husband or elect to move on to the next floor.
You cannot visit a floor more than once other than to leave the building.
The woman visits the first floor.
The sign reads:
· Men with jobs.
She moves on to the second floor:
· Men with jobs that adore children.
She moves on the the third floor where the sign reads:
· Wealthy men that adore children and are very handsome.
She thinks to herself, "that's a very good deal" yet moves on to the fourth floor:
· Wealthy men that adore children, are very handsome and help with the household chores.
She decides to move on as things are constantly improving:
· Wealthy men that adore childern, are very handsome, help with the household chores and are very romantic.
The woman is about to make her purchase but can't resist moving on to the sixth floor.
There the sign reads:
· You are visitor number 31,456,012 on this floor.
· There are no men here.
· This floor exists as proof that it is impossible to please women.

& MEN…

Opposite this department store, another department store opened that sold women. The sign on the first floor reads:
· Women that love sex.
On the second floor the sign reads:
· Women that love sex and are wealthy.
On the third floor the sign reads:
· Women that love sex, are wealthy and have large breasts.

Not a single man has visited the fourth floor.

Tinder is trash, Bumble and OKCupid are way better in my experience.

I don't even go on Tinder any more, whereas I've already connected with three awesome women so far this year on other apps and dated two of them, which is way better than I used to do.

Not sure if I'm finally coming into my own as a silver fox at the ripe old age of 32, or, more likely, if women are extra lonely after a year of lockdowns and social distancing.