Trumpstyle said:
Dude, both Sinema and Manchin gave up on negotiations thursday night, they were just too far apart from the progressives.
"— WaPo’s Greg Sargent reports that when Sens. KYRSTEN SINEMA (D-Ariz.) and JOE MANCHIN (D-W.Va.) walked away from negotiations late Thursday night without a deal on reconciliation"
In your political system, politicians just haft to raise money to remain competitive in most cases. And I have seen a lot of posts from you on this site, this is the first time I have seen you attacking a politician for raising money which just happens to be a Woman and you mention SPA, Tailhouse also called her a b*tch. I can see what's going on.
Jaicee said:
While the findings of your poll are certainly interesting and worth noting, I find your dependence on a single poll indicating that 46% of Arizonans like Senator Sinema as a person (which is quite far from "everybody") amusing. This is much too big a leap of logic to draw from such limited evidence. For example, here's another survey of Arizonans conducted early last month (i.e. at a similar point in time to the one you showcased) that 1) evaluates her actual job approval rating, which is more important than her personal favorability rating, and 2) finds Senator Sinema to be dead even at 30% job approval and 30% disapproval, which stands in contrast to the other Democratic Senator from Arizona, Mark Kelly, who is above water by 15 points (45% approve, 30% disapprove). Sinema, in this survey, is notably better-liked by Donald Trump voters than by Joe Biden voters. And that I find somehow believable, as her sole enthusiast here seems to be a contributor named Trumpstyle who joined the forum shortly before the 2016 presidential election.
Why are you mentioning my name, I had Trumpstyle since Vanilla Wow and you trying imply some kind of timing with it when I created my account here. Which was over 1 year ago after when Donald Trump announced his presidential run and 2 month before the general election when every poll had him losing big.
The poll you linked isn't so bad, you didn't mention that 27% didnt have a opinion on her. I only get my america news from twitter and The young turks, but from what I seen she has been hammered from both youtubers, comedians like seth meyers/colbert and mainstream media, so it isn't that terrible.
When Kyrsten won Arizona in 2018 it was still considered a red state and not a purple state. The governor was a republican (Doug Docey) and 2 republican senators (john mccain, Jeff flake) so she had to form her strategy after that time period, which was to be a moderate. And Sinema is a Woman and Mark Kelly is a Man, it's just a lot easier for a man to win in politics. There have been articles about this in the NYT when looking at Hillary Clinton/Joe Biden. Mark Kelly won 2020 when the state was considered purple and he's a Man so he will form his strat after that. Comparing Kyrsten to Mark Kelly is just silly.
I sense a tinge of sexism in those who are criticizing only the female member of this right wing policy duo and not Senator Manchin as well, and that issue stretches well beyond this forum to include certain MSNBC hosts and lots of other "progressive" voices out there. On this much we can agree. Matter-of-factly, I've noticed that, regardless of a particular contributor's politics, women seem to usually be cast as the main villains in people's arguments around here despite composing only a relatively small minority of Congresspeople and state governors and public officials in general. This vastly disproportionate fixation specifically on women's evils, both real and imagined, is noticeable both in public policy topics like this and also on the more gaming-oriented political topics that get posted to the VGC main page. (Nevermind that female gamers and developers and even journalists compose only a small share of the total either, they are most of the villains in just about any given story somehow.) I think it's just a groupthink mentality that develops in the absence of women. With no one here to defend the female sex, men instinctively gravitate toward attacking a force that won't fight back. It's cowardly and offensive. Manchin has clearly been the ringleader here, but when a man does it it's statesmanship, according to Lawrence O'Donnell. It's more respectable if you've been behaving this way for a long time already. Free pass. 
You're likewise correct when you point out that that kind of cultural sexism really does apply even (especially really) at the highest levels of politics. I thought Chris Hayes's observations last year on how even Donald Trump and his supporters gave Joe Biden lots of free passes that they hadn't to Hillary Clinton and their fixation on her and penchant for even blaming what they perceive as Joe Biden's faults on other people rather than the actual 2020 Democratic nominee was absolutely spot-on:
I don't do these things. I blame President Biden for his own faults and treat Joe Manchin no more favorably than Kyrsten Sinema. And while I too am human, flawed, and inescapably part of the patriarchal culture in which I live, most of the time I use gendered slurs like "bitch" I'm describing myself.
But I am a conscientious feminist in a way that probably most people aren't.
That said, while your point about Sinema's groundbreaking victory in Arizona is taken, as to the significance of Kyrsten Sinema having run for her current Senate seat as a woman, I would point out that her Republican opponent in that particular election was also female: Martha McSally. I hence think the role of sexism in that particular election was minimal.
I would also point out that Mark Kelly also ran as a "moderate" Democrat, which in his case meant in opposition to certain major economic planks of the Progressive Caucus like single-payer health care and the abolition of tuition at all of America's public colleges and universities, this sort of thing. Kelly's support for the family bill, which is part of what Biden ran on, is consistent with this history. But I kinda get what you're saying though, as regardless of press labels, I, and I think most people really, think of Kelly as an ordinary, Biden-like social liberal and Sinema as more a kind of almost free-market libertarian (someone who is socially permissive or left wing, but fiscally conservative). "Moderate" is a term the press has redefined in recent years in such a way as to encompass both of these groups. Practically the only kind of Democrats the press doesn't describe as "moderate" these days are members of the Progressive Caucus and their voters, who are given an unfair virtual monopoly on the term "liberal" despite being a minority of self-described liberals in this country. It's a broadening of the term "moderate" that's not a match for how people actually describe themselves. I get what you're saying in that regard; Kelly is clearly to the left of Sinema (who is, after all, a member of the right wing Blue Dogs), which is why I respect the former more and you, as a more center-right person, have a higher opinion of the latter. But I'm just saying that neither of them ran as what we might call all-out defund-the-police leftists or something.
I invoked you because, as I recall, you've described yourself as someone who liked Donald Trump's personality (though maybe not his politics as much) and the connection to Sinema fandom just made sense to me, given that there's a similar penchant for extravagance and for what we might call trolling people, "owning the libs", doing anything for attention and without substance, this kind of narcissistic mentality between them that I've observed. Maybe it's their somewhat similar personalities that you're drawn to, I suspect, and which the rest of us find repugnant.
As to 27% of registered voters in the survey I linked to not having an opinion of Sinema, something generally similar is true across all the polls. Even the one you supplied finds that fewer people are familiar with her than with Mark Kelly, and so fewer Arizonans have formed an opinion of her as yet. It's a familiarity issue that these sorts of nationally-publicized antics may do a lot to resolve.
Last edited by Jaicee - on 03 October 2021