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Laugh or cry, here's a look at what is being taught in American private schools:

I like the parts with the jeans wearing dinosaur hunters and friendly neighborhood klansmen. We definitely need to be worried about that scary Critical Race Theory that is definitely being taught to our children, though.

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The withdrawal of Afghanistan is a bipartisan failure 20 years in the making. All that violence and money for what?

I don't think there is the political will to stay or go back.

I hope the Taliban are not too vicious to the civilians, especially the women and children.

Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.

CaptainExplosion said:

Seems Republicans are trying to kill as many children as possible.

Why is it that whenever decent human beings try to get America out of a major disaster the Republicans have to try their damnedest to make it all worse?

They really are a white collar terrorist group.

Yep, they can no longer claim to be the party of "life". 

Oh, and speaking of trying to make America a better place to live, New York and L.A. have just passed laws requiring vaccination cards to enter theaters, restaurants, and other indoor places:

As you might expect, there was much salt in the comments section from anti-vaxxers/Covid-deniers. "My body, my choice", except you're willfully using your body to infect or even kill others and their kids, I don't know why this fact is still lost on them after all this time, more like "their choice, MY body". 

I don't agree with everything John Campea says, but I'm with him on this one. Anything that'll encourage others to get vaccinated, much like the NFL's new Covid policy (force teams to potentially forfeit games if their douchey players refuse to get vaccinated and cause an outbreak) can only be seen as a good thing in responsible people's eyes. I get that it might hurt their bottom line in the short term, but it'll lessen the burden on hospitals, which are quickly running out of beds/resources because of these morons. Hell, I'd gladly play the opening of this clip on a loud speaker for these delusionists:

Remember how Reagan teamed up with Osama Bin Laden for the express purpose of weaponizing Islam to fight the Soviets? That same guy wrote the military/foreign policy playbook that his Party still carries closer to their hearts than the Bible. The last 20 years has been an exhaustively televised thesis on Conservatism's failed approach to security, warfare, and diplomacy. It's time to look to the Left for a new playbook to be written.

Hmm, I see a business in the black market for Vaccination cards. Its time to head to California!!! I wonder what I should charge for pricing??

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numberwang said:

Afghans overthrew Soviet communism and now the US LGBTQ-BLM empire. Dedicated fighters with sandals and Kalashnikovs are marching towards Kabul and the US embassy gets evacuated. 2 trillion Dollars spend for regime change and the regime did not change.

At least it seems for now Biden is willing to end a never ending war unlike Obama and Bush.

2 Trillion? I thought it was 1 Trillion. Nothing that more money printing cannot solve.

Anyway it's a lot of money. Makes me think about that Tupac song where he sings "they got money for war but cant feed the poor".

I hope US and it's people can learn a lesson from this. 

Interesting that the government decided to leave a lot of equipment behind. Must hurt to see your tax money being used by the Taleban. Also some people say it is actually to prepare them defend themselves for when the Chinese or Russians arrive. Interesting theory.

And ss expected some people are already blaming Trump.

EnricoPallazzo said:
numberwang said:

Afghans overthrew Soviet communism and now the US LGBTQ-BLM empire. Dedicated fighters with sandals and Kalashnikovs are marching towards Kabul and the US embassy gets evacuated. 2 trillion Dollars spend for regime change and the regime did not change.

At least it seems for now Biden is willing to end a never ending war unlike Obama and Bush.

2 Trillion? I thought it was 1 Trillion. Nothing that more money printing cannot solve.

Anyway it's a lot of money. Makes me think about that Tupac song where he sings "they got money for war but cant feed the poor".

I hope US and it's people can learn a lesson from this. 

Interesting that the government decided to leave a lot of equipment behind. Must hurt to see your tax money being used by the Taleban. Also some people say it is actually to prepare them defend themselves for when the Chinese or Russians arrive. Interesting theory.

And ss expected some people are already blaming Trump.

Lol, you really do not know the US very well do you.  This is a drop in the bucket.  Do not forget that the US spends more than a 3rd of its budget on the military.  With that kind of money going to the Military, it has to do something or how can you justify those dollars.  Yeah, blame will go around but its probably not one specific President and more the whole system in place.  

After they get through with the blame game to satisfy a few onlookers, things will go right back to the way they were.  Its a cycle that has been going on for a very long time.

Machiavellian said:
EnricoPallazzo said:

2 Trillion? I thought it was 1 Trillion. Nothing that more money printing cannot solve.

Anyway it's a lot of money. Makes me think about that Tupac song where he sings "they got money for war but cant feed the poor".

I hope US and it's people can learn a lesson from this. 

Interesting that the government decided to leave a lot of equipment behind. Must hurt to see your tax money being used by the Taleban. Also some people say it is actually to prepare them defend themselves for when the Chinese or Russians arrive. Interesting theory.

And ss expected some people are already blaming Trump.

Lol, you really do not know the US very well do you.  This is a drop in the bucket.  Do not forget that the US spends more than a 3rd of its budget on the military.  With that kind of money going to the Military, it has to do something or how can you justify those dollars.  Yeah, blame will go around but its probably not one specific President and more the whole system in place.  

After they get through with the blame game to satisfy a few onlookers, things will go right back to the way they were.  Its a cycle that has been going on for a very long time.

Did I say otherwise?

Hiku said:

EnricoPallazzo said:

And ss expected some people are already blaming Trump.

Since you didn't say "partially" or "mostly" etc, your comment reads as if Trump is blameless.
Could you elaborate on why you think so? Does it mean you think leaving the country in this shape was the right call after so many years?

First of all it's the American people's fault for choosing their leaders and supporting those invasions in other countries. I hope nowadays with internet and ease of communication they can really oppose those stupid wars that kills so many people and spends so much money (trillions) invading other people's countries. This printed money could have been used for something else in benefit of the American people. Most likely nothing will change though, they prefer to take the streets for other purposes.

It's also Bush's fault for starting this stupid war and throwing the country inside the cemetery of empires. Then after that Iraq. Unbelievable this guy was president for 8 years. He is much worse than Trump.

It's Obama's fault for having 8 years to end this shit. He made so many promises about it but in the end he just kept the ball rolling and killing people using Drones. Gosh, he killed so many people. 

It's Trump's fault because 1) he exists and 2) he could have started the process earlier and in a more organized way. We would never know how he would have ended the process as Covid came, elections came and he never got his second term. But since it's Trump it would probably have been bad even if it was good and organized.

It's Biden's fault for fucking up everything to the highest level and leaving all of a sudden, leaving a lot of equipment behind, not extracting key people first, and throwing the Afeghan people, especially women, to the lions. It was clear this was going to happen and he knew exactly what he was doing. Leaving this way is pure evil, product of a sick mind. But he is a democrat and this is the most diverse US army ever so it is ok.

In the end the US media will somehow throw the blame on Trump's shoulder.

I really hope the American people can learn a little bit from it. It's one thing to go to war to defend your allies, like they did with Kwait (although there is more into it) or they may have to do in the future with Taiwan. But Afghanistan and Iraq, that's just evil, pure evil. Most likely nothing will change.

I'm surprised someone still tries to argue in such an echo chamber as this. What a brave soul.

All I'm gonna say, is despite how ridiculously terrible this was executed, I'm glad the troops will be pulled out. I just hope that the tax payer's money that gets burned in Afghanistan can now be spent for the actual tax payer's benefit.