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SpokenTruth said:
RJTM1991 said:
It's always the same type of people who peddle Socialism, isn't it? Middle-class, coddled, privileged, out of touch... They'll preach about Socialism from their iPhones and iPads, completely oblivious to the fact that they all benefit from Capitalism every single day.

The overwhelming number of people who've fled from broken countries always try to shine a light on the horrors of Socialism. There's a near-endless amount of videos and news articles online, but no-one listens to them.

A damn shame.

You are confusing totalitarianism with socialism.  I forgive you....this time.

EricHiggin said:

Even I'm disappointed with this attempted spin, and that's sad. You're loosing your touch. Stop watching the Dems provide 'evidence' in the Senate. It'll rot your brain.

I'm not sure you are using that word correctly.  I replied to your question with an answer I had already provided.  Spin would mean I altered a statement to mean something else...usually with changing the statement from either positive to negative or a negative to positive.

I suggest you read more carefully and think through what's being said.

All of your replies very recently are not based on what was meant by what was originally said. I honestly don't know how you came up with the meaning you did, assuming good faith, but it's incorrect. If you don't want to converse about what was meant, then converse with the MSM.

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SpokenTruth said:
EricHiggin said:

Since you must have, explain.

According to your analysis of socialism, western Europe must be broke, used everybody else's money, lazy, don't work, just has government do everything for them, no drive or motivation.

It just blows me away that people say X doesn't work when examples of it working have existed for decades....including in the US itself. 

"Socialism has never worked!!!"

"What about Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Germany, France, etc?"


When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

SpokenTruth said:
RJTM1991 said:
It's always the same type of people who peddle Socialism, isn't it? Middle-class, coddled, privileged, out of touch... They'll preach about Socialism from their iPhones and iPads, completely oblivious to the fact that they all benefit from Capitalism every single day.

The overwhelming number of people who've fled from broken countries always try to shine a light on the horrors of Socialism. There's a near-endless amount of videos and news articles online, but no-one listens to them.

A damn shame.

You are confusing totalitarianism with socialism.  I forgive you....this time.

EricHiggin said:

Even I'm disappointed with this attempted spin, and that's sad. You're loosing your touch. Stop watching the Dems provide 'evidence' in the Senate. It'll rot your brain.

I'm not sure you are using that word correctly.  I replied to your question with an answer I had already provided.  Spin would mean I altered a statement to mean something else...usually with changing the statement from either positive to negative or a negative to positive.

Not at all, my man. Though I'm not super into politics, I do know of Socialism and what a cancer it is.

I've always wanted to see some eccentric multi-millionaire offer serious money to some of those so-called "Socialists" to live in a Socialist country for a month. It's quite obvious that photos, videos, and pleas from immigrants won't work, so giving them first-hand experience should do the trick.

SpokenTruth said:
zorg1000 said:

"Socialism has never worked!!!"

"What about Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Germany, France, etc?"


Melbye is about to colorfully inform you that Norway does not participate in any form of socialism.

SpokenTruth said:
RJTM1991 said:

Not at all, my man. Though I'm not super into politics, I do know of Socialism and what a cancer it is.

I've always wanted to see some eccentric multi-millionaire offer serious money to some of those so-called "Socialists" to live in a Socialist country for a month. It's quite obvious that photos, videos, and pleas from immigrants won't work, so giving them first-hand experience should do the trick.

zorg1000 said:

"Socialism has never worked!!!"

"What about Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Germany, France, etc?"


OMG... there it is.

You can try to brush it off, but it's there and it's true.

Around the Network
RJTM1991 said:
SpokenTruth said:

You are confusing totalitarianism with socialism.  I forgive you....this time.

I'm not sure you are using that word correctly.  I replied to your question with an answer I had already provided.  Spin would mean I altered a statement to mean something else...usually with changing the statement from either positive to negative or a negative to positive.

Not at all, my man. Though I'm not super into politics, I do know of Socialism and what a cancer it is.

I've always wanted to see some eccentric multi-millionaire offer serious money to some of those so-called "Socialists" to live in a Socialist country for a month. It's quite obvious that photos, videos, and pleas from immigrants won't work, so giving them first-hand experience should do the trick.

Funny, because every time you use the NHS, and everytime you don't have to pay expensive health insurance payments like the americans, you do it because you yourself live in a (partly) socialist country.


the-pi-guy said:
EricHiggin said:

This is why socialism doesn't work well, even in smaller doses. Most people who are intelligent, hard working, good decision makers, etc, won't put up with this. It's one thing to help the needy on a personal level, and another for Gov to heavily promote making bad decisions. The more socialist idea's that get implemented, the more the people propping everyone else up will stop caring, and soon enough you run out of money because literally everyone expects free Gov handouts. Why bother trying to make something of yourself now, when all you need to do is bide your time until you can have your mistakes and poor decisions erased by some politician?

The unfortunate truth is that people need to learn, and sometimes the hard way, which is baked into capitalism.

You're right Eric. Socialism won't work in  America because we are greedy, selfish unemphatic  people only looking out for ourselves. 

The point of paying off the debt is about helping people who weren't able to pay for schooling. You have to be doing halfway decently to pay your way through school, or able to pay off your debt afterwards. 

Who needs the money more: a millionaire who paid their way through college because they can afford it. Or a family under the poverty line who went in debt to try better themselves. 

>The unfortunate truth is that people need to learn, and sometimes the hard way, which is baked into capitalism.

Because people should suffer the rest of their life for trying to improve their lives. 

People shouldn't expect easy bail outs for doing stupid shit. That's getting their cake and eating it at the same time.

One of the biggest lies you can tell a kid these days is that they "can be anything they want" when they grow up. In some cases, if they're privileged enough, it's true, but in most, it's not.

An example, I went to college and studied art. A totally fucking useless thing. Stupid. I should've become an electrician, or a plumber, or something that I could actually make a living out of. Instead, I wasted my time on something that I'd have to catch lightning in a bottle to make a career with.

Like the morons who choose gender studies, then wonder why they're back living with their parents, have no money, and a ton of debt. We've got no-one to blame but ourselves and expecting others to pay for our mistakes is an insult.

the-pi-guy said:
EricHiggin said:

This is why socialism doesn't work well, even in smaller doses. Most people who are intelligent, hard working, good decision makers, etc, won't put up with this. It's one thing to help the needy on a personal level, and another for Gov to heavily promote making bad decisions. The more socialist idea's that get implemented, the more the people propping everyone else up will stop caring, and soon enough you run out of money because literally everyone expects free Gov handouts. Why bother trying to make something of yourself now, when all you need to do is bide your time until you can have your mistakes and poor decisions erased by some politician?

The unfortunate truth is that people need to learn, and sometimes the hard way, which is baked into capitalism.

You're right Eric. Socialism won't work in  America because we are greedy, selfish unemphatic  people only looking out for ourselves. 

The point of paying off the debt is about helping people who weren't able to pay for schooling. You have to be doing halfway decently to pay your way through school, or able to pay off your debt afterwards. 

Who needs the money more: a millionaire who paid their way through college because they can afford it. Or a family under the poverty line who went in debt to try better themselves. 

>The unfortunate truth is that people need to learn, and sometimes the hard way, which is baked into capitalism.

Because people should suffer the rest of their life for trying to improve their lives. 

Now this is a reply.

Greedy could be a word used to describe it. Progress would be another. Countries who bring in socialism slow progress, and too much socialism cripples them. The less socialism, the more progress. Yet it also means there will be a greater divide between the wealthy and poor. It also tends to lead to places like America, and the entire world, being lifted out of what was considered poverty, faster than it would be otherwise. Yes the poor are poor, but nowhere near as poor in general as they used to be, or would be in another system.

Now you could do more to make the poor and rich, middle class, but you would slow progress by doing so. That seems like an ok idea, until something terrible happens and you need top notch results quick, and then it's too late, because the system isn't designed for that any longer. That's not to say you can't find a reasonable answer in the allotted time, but odds are much higher that the quickest, best answer, comes from a system with the resources and drive. Socialist systems don't have that baked in.

What's great about the world today is that there are plenty of places that have a more socialist system, and they are more than happy to take you in for the most part. Why not let the greedy from the land of greed do their own thing and 'cripple' themselves, while you go get taken care of properly elsewhere and live a better life? Truth is this would only last for so long as well before it became a problem wherever you go.

Should someone born handicapped have to live a lesser life than everyone else? No matter what, they will, because they simply drew the short straw in life. It sucks, but it is what it is. If you're born into a terrible family, and your IQ is low, and you're not athletic, etc, you just happened to pull a longer straw than the handicapped person, but it's still a shorter straw than others. Mother nature makes life better for the longer straws. That's just the way it is.

Life isn't fair, but trying to make it as equal as possible will ruin everything. Life is not designed to be perfectly balanced. Life is designed to thrive and prosper or get left behind, and those extremes create the balance. The sooner people understand that, the sooner things get better for everyone exponentially faster. Either that, or everyone becomes equal and we stagnate. I'd like to say somewhere in the middle would be the best compromise overall, but you know the less fortunate in that system will continue to fight for more equality regardless, so why compromise in the first place is the question.

Just look at how far ahead America used to be until it started tinkering with socialism, and look at how the rest of the world is slowly catching up. Almost as if other countries started implementing capitalism, like it was a good thing.

Last edited by EricHiggin - on 24 January 2020

SpokenTruth said:
RJTM1991 said:

Not at all, my man. Though I'm not super into politics, I do know of Socialism and what a cancer it is.

I've always wanted to see some eccentric multi-millionaire offer serious money to some of those so-called "Socialists" to live in a Socialist country for a month. It's quite obvious that photos, videos, and pleas from immigrants won't work, so giving them first-hand experience should do the trick.

zorg1000 said:

"Socialism has never worked!!!"

"What about Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Germany, France, etc?"


OMG... there it is.

Oh, and RJTM1991, you are confusing socialism with totalitarianism. If you cannot separate these two, you do not get to tell us we do not know anything.

Hahaha that could not have played out any better

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

SpokenTruth said:
RJTM1991 said:

You can try to brush it off, but it's there and it's true.

Dude, you need to recognize the difference between an economy and a government power.  Socialism is an economic system.  The problems in Venezuela are governmental. Yes, their economy has many aspects of socialism but it is the government itself (who controls that economy through authoritative means) that is the cause of their strife.

But please, tell us again how it is socialism itself that is the problem.  We'll wait.

Hmm, who to believe... A Venezuelan or a guy who lives in a bubble on a gaming forum?

HMM... Who. To. Believe?

I'm going with the guy who has been there and knows what he's talking about.