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Forums - Politics Discussion - Official 2020 US Election: Democratic Party Discussion

Rab said:

Trump isnt the real issue, Trump is a symptom of the real issue, until we change the system to include all the people and not just give a dominiate voice to the elites (both Dems and Reps) the people will suffer

Trump is the 'orange pill'. For those who won't take the pills and have to deal with the syrup, they hate it.

"It tastes awful, but it works". Over time, once it's done it's job, you put it back in the cabinet and stop taking it.

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SpokenTruth said:

The Vote Blue No Matter Who crowd and the Bernie or Bust crowd boil down to immediacy and future.

The former simply want Trump out possibly fearing he'll do even more damage to our country.
The latter want to pressure the DNC to lean further left because they fear we aren't doing enough for our country.

One is short term, one is long term.

One addresses preventing further harm, one addresses doing more good.

I think that's an over simplification of it especially since that doesn't encompass a lot of the nuance in it. VBNMW are democratic party tribalist and are similar(practically the same) to how the republican party was behaving when it came to obama in 2012. Bernie or Bust are the people who put all their faith in 1 guy to fix the issue and see no real value in anyone else. Then there's leftist who fall outside these groups which are 100% policy base but there is overlap with both in the sense of "trump bad" and in the sense of "bernie is the only way we get x passed". I especially think you're giving the vote blue crowd too much credit for the simple reason being that Trump isn't really governing that much different from Obama, the only differences being he's less charismatic and a lot more xenophobic etc. They're looking entirely at image when they think "preventing harm" and even then, I think its more that they just hate him just like the republicans simply hate obama.

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"Only Difference" - "A lot more xenophobic".


tsogud said:
KLAMarine said:

Are the concerns of white democratic voters not also erased by a conservative agenda?

That's bait, low quality bait, and you know exactly what I mean.

I don't know what you mean. That's why I asked you a question.

Moren said:
"Only Difference" - "A lot more xenophobic".


Caging children - both check

Bombing foreign countries - both check

Doing the bidding of corporate america while acting like you don't - both check

Unless you mean one has a D and one has an R cause at one point Trump had a D next to his name as well. In terms of how they govern there really isn't that much of a difference I have a wonderful thread on the obama years:

I'm sorry if you think Obama is some saint and Trump is just some devil, but they share a lot in common in the way they govern the country, the big difference being Obama was charismatic and able to hide his evil behind flowery language while trump is trump. Please take some time to study up on the Obama years from that thread, then compare it to Trump, especially the actions taken.

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uran10 said:
Moren said:
"Only Difference" - "A lot more xenophobic".


Caging children - both check

Bombing foreign countries - both check

Doing the bidding of corporate america while acting like you don't - both check

Unless you mean one has a D and one has an R cause at one point Trump had a D next to his name as well. In terms of how they govern there really isn't that much of a difference I have a wonderful thread on the obama years:

I'm sorry if you think Obama is some saint and Trump is just some devil, but they share a lot in common in the way they govern the country, the big difference being Obama was charismatic and able to hide his evil behind flowery language while trump is trump. Please take some time to study up on the Obama years from that thread, then compare it to Trump, especially the actions taken.

Obama's foreign policy was definitely a major disappointment. He needed the be harsher against Russia in Ukraine, bring down Assad when he said he would, and put far more pressure on Maduro, but he didn't.

uran10 said:
Moren said:
"Only Difference" - "A lot more xenophobic".


Caging children - both check

Bombing foreign countries - both check

Doing the bidding of corporate america while acting like you don't - both check

Unless you mean one has a D and one has an R cause at one point Trump had a D next to his name as well. In terms of how they govern there really isn't that much of a difference I have a wonderful thread on the obama years:

I'm sorry if you think Obama is some saint and Trump is just some devil, but they share a lot in common in the way they govern the country, the big difference being Obama was charismatic and able to hide his evil behind flowery language while trump is trump. Please take some time to study up on the Obama years from that thread, then compare it to Trump, especially the actions taken.

Kind of bizarre to see you saying "I think that's an over simplification of it especially since that doesn't encompass a lot of the nuance in it" and then immediately reducing complicated issues to binaries. Don't reduce complicated issues to binaries. That is pretty much never a good plan.

Like, on that first point, there is a world of difference between Obama's immigration policy (and Biden's proposed immigration policy) and Trump's immigration policy. I don't agree with a lot of what Obama did on immigration, but it wasn't the same as Trump's policies. The family separation policy under Trump was a blanket rule to prosecute parents and separate them from their children. This policy did not exist under Obama. While separations did at times occur, according to a Department of Health and Human Services’ inspector general report “historically” such family “separations were rare and occurred because of circumstances such as a parent’s medical emergency or a determination that the parent was a threat to the child’s safety.”

Immigration also extends far beyond this one point. There is no question that Obama and Biden were better, and would continue to be better for those who support a Democratic perspective on immigration. It is absolutely ludicrous to imply otherwise.

sundin13 said:
uran10 said:

Caging children - both check

Bombing foreign countries - both check

Doing the bidding of corporate america while acting like you don't - both check

Unless you mean one has a D and one has an R cause at one point Trump had a D next to his name as well. In terms of how they govern there really isn't that much of a difference I have a wonderful thread on the obama years:

I'm sorry if you think Obama is some saint and Trump is just some devil, but they share a lot in common in the way they govern the country, the big difference being Obama was charismatic and able to hide his evil behind flowery language while trump is trump. Please take some time to study up on the Obama years from that thread, then compare it to Trump, especially the actions taken.

Kind of bizarre to see you saying "I think that's an over simplification of it especially since that doesn't encompass a lot of the nuance in it" and then immediately reducing complicated issues to binaries. Don't reduce complicated issues to binaries. That is pretty much never a good plan.

Like, on that first point, there is a world of difference between Obama's immigration policy (and Biden's proposed immigration policy) and Trump's immigration policy. I don't agree with a lot of what Obama did on immigration, but it wasn't the same as Trump's policies. The family separation policy under Trump was a blanket rule to prosecute parents and separate them from their children. This policy did not exist under Obama. While separations did at times occur, according to a Department of Health and Human Services’ inspector general report “historically” such family “separations were rare and occurred because of circumstances such as a parent’s medical emergency or a determination that the parent was a threat to the child’s safety.”

Immigration also extends far beyond this one point. There is no question that Obama and Biden were better, and would continue to be better for those who support a Democratic perspective on immigration. It is absolutely ludicrous to imply otherwise.

Yes. I'd like to add to this:

While Obama increased the refugee cap every year up to 110K in 2016, Trump slashed the refugee cap to 18K. Trump also banned Syrian refugees from entering the country at all.

Trump is working hard to get rid of the DACA benefits. He was going to get 25 billion for his wall on the condition of DACA support and he refused to accept it.

Trump is also trying to punish low income immigrants. The "Public Charge" rule he has started to enforce would deny green cards to poor immigrants using any assistance program. Some immigrants with children enrolled in special education programs withdrew them from school and refugees and asylum seekers dropped out of food assistance programs to avoid future issues.

For Green Cards - Trump purposely changed the rules for work-based and family-based green to dramatically increase wait times. He added unnecessary in-person interviews and shifted USCIS resources to increased vetting. The result is a long backlog of people waiting for green cards that did not exist under Obama.

Just last month he stopped the issuance of new green cards with the excuse of Coronavirus.

Trump alongside Republicans also tried to stop high-skilled migration. Cotton-Perdue-Miller worked on a bill to cut highly skilled immigration in half when they controlled both chambers of congress.

So Trump has worked to torment undocumented law-abiding immigrants, highly educated immigrants, low-income immigrants, family-based immigrants, and refugees.

So no, Trump and Obama are not same.

Last edited by Moren - on 22 May 2020

uran10 said:

Unless you mean one has a D and one has an R cause at one point Trump had a D next to his name as well. In terms of how they govern there really isn't that much of a difference I have a wonderful thread on the obama years:

What mostly makes lots of people feel uncomfortable is the mask that previous presidents were wearing while expanding the USA's imperialism is now off. CNN was singing praises the other day for Bush and how "civil" he sounded when he talked after 9/11, completely brushing off the wars that followed that speech.......

I guarantee you this clown show that in twitter thread you quoted will continue under Biden and you will not get nearly as much daily outrage because Biden's "demeanor" is presidential and he will not remind Americans that they are not doing enough to influence their politicians so they can sleep better at night while their drones are bombing civilians somewhere.