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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do You Own a VR Device?


Do You Own a VR Device?

Yes, and it's awesome 168 13.05%
Yes, it's alright 84 6.53%
Yes, but I regret it 43 3.34%
No, but I really want one 143 11.11%
No, but I'm considering it 243 18.88%
No, not interested at all 606 47.09%
Errorist76 said:

It’s just a fact that many of the sceptics and naysayer have little to no experience with VR themselves. At least with good, real 6DOF VR and full games for it. It might be you’re one of them, it might be you’re not, but I’m sure you understand that owners of VR systems are at least sceptical of the credibility of people who don’t own a system themselves.

It's not a "fact", it's a viewpoint. There are people out there who flat out don't like VR and have no intentions of trying it, so why label them as something petty as "parrots" for not wanting to try what you clearly like?. Do you think it's reasonable to go into a restaurant and force feed someone else your food, and if they don't want it you have to belittle them for it?.

"it might be you're one of them", do you see just how quick you are with the brush?, simply because I'm not aligned with your viewpoint.

I'd be about as skeptical of folk around here who have little to no knowledge of PC's and PC gaming, yet we have that a lot on here, and it certainly doesn't stop anyone otherwise. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

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Chazore said:
Errorist76 said:

It’s just a fact that many of the sceptics and naysayer have little to no experience with VR themselves. At least with good, real 6DOF VR and full games for it. It might be you’re one of them, it might be you’re not, but I’m sure you understand that owners of VR systems are at least sceptical of the credibility of people who don’t own a system themselves.

It's not a "fact", it's a viewpoint. There are people out there who flat out don't like VR and have no intentions of trying it


"it might be you're one of them", do you see just how quick you are with the brush?, simply because I'm not aligned with your viewpoint.


That’s basically all I need to know. Thank you for proving my point.

John2290 said:

I didn't intend to imply that as a whole or that people are skeptical because it's a rational front to put up which is something I also said among other things. I'm saying that's a decent chunk of people. EDIT (small group of vocal people :D) 

I don't wanna get into a flame chain, dude. You're in a heated one with Errorist76 ;), and I don't want in haha and I worded that badly, I was in a rush and on mobile so I don't blame ya for taking it as a blanket statement,  I was speaking from personal and anecdotal experience, Ididn't intend it so and people in this very thread prove it to be wrong at any rate. 

Well you did, because you basically called those who share varying degrees of skepticism as "haters" and "parrots". You sued two labels against a group that do not confine nor share your viewpoint. There is nothing rational in readily labeling people who do not agree with your opinion on something, if anything it shows unwillingness to accept whatever the other side has to say, simply because they do not share the some PoV.

I know you don't, but it becomes a chain when the gas is thrown onto the fire. If you didn't want the fire to grow, then don't throw gas, don't toss labels around like candy and willingly trying to insult another group by calling them "parrots" or "haters", because all that ever does is invite conflict.

I originally wouldn't be making any such replies, had we not decided to split people into groups of two and labeling one over the other. Everything would be just dandy if we didn't have to insult another side for not sharing the same opinion. 

I'm not mad at you or Errorist btw, I'm just a bit disappointed in the need to dismantle another side's say, simply because it is not shared by the other group.

Errorist76 said:


That’s basically all I need to know. Thank you for proving my point.

Your point of what exactly?.

You want to brush over the folk who aren't interested?, why would you even consider doing that?, what ultimate purpose does that serve?. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Yes, I've had a PSVR since launch. I'm pretty happy with it. I think Wipeout and Astrobot are the highlights for me. In the case of Wipeout it's the best the series has ever been and shows how VR can be a game changer for racing games. Astrobot is very fun and although I have a few minor issues with it, I really am having a great time playing it. It's very well made.

Bristow9091 said:

I don't own a headset, and for the most part I'm still in the "No" camp, as in I don't see myself getting one, but there's been some game releases that have tempted me more than a few times, I just have my worries about space, sound, wires etc. not to mention the price, I think even with a good Black Friday sale the price would still be too high for me to buy into it, but maybe if I get to experience it myself it'll change my mind on it. I love the fact that Dreams will be fully playable in VR, I can imagine some really cool levels/games being made, and I think that game will become a "big" draw for the VR audience too, but again, with how expensive the headsets are, and with new models seemingly coming out every year (PSVR is on its second headset already, right?) making me feel like my purchase will become inferior before I get any worth out of it, I don't know if it's for me yet.

TL;DR No I don't have VR, I'm sort of interested and have considered it a few times, but don't think I'll be biting yet unless I can actually try it beforehand and see if it's for me.

Dreams being in VR does sound cool, but I just realised what the reality might be. I'm sure a few decent games will come from it, but given that VR is a completely different way of playing games, I can see amateurs (like me) making absolutely horrible games that make people sick. Maybe Dreams will restrict the VR creation mode to enforce certain comfort settings, which would then limit the potential. I'm still looking forward to the game though and trying out both the VR and "flat" modes.

Basically, I think there's more that can go wrong when making VR games and have suddenly got less excited about Dreams in VR.

Last edited by Landale_Star - on 08 October 2018

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John2290 said:
Mar1217 said:
I do have the Oculus Go ... it's definitely an alright experience. The VR effects are pretty mindblowing (immersion-wise) though I think the Oculus Quest is what I should have waited for actually if I wanted an actual better gaming experience ...

Nah. Ya need to get PSVR and use mobile VR for media only. Gaming is better on devices that have gaming at the frontline of their marketing like PSVR/vive etc. Quest may be better for games but the games may never come or few of them and it'll be a subpar experience for twice the price of PSVR on sale. 

I second this.

While "The Go" has some great VR experiences like Face Your Fears and The Diary of Anne Frank, and it's a media beast, it's pretty weak compared to the PSVR.

My Go is mostly for watching movies and videos (which it does better than the PSVR) but it's like comparing a PS1 to a PS3 or an early PS4 when it comes to games. I do find myself using the Oculus Go more frequently, though. Mostly because of ease of access. Just grab it and you're in VR in two seconds.

Proud owner of a PSVR V1, skyrim, RE7, doom VFR and super stardust VE are fantástic


Errorist76 said:

That’s basically all I need to know. Thank you for proving my point.

Your point of what exactly?.

You want to brush over the folk who aren't interested?, why would you even consider doing that?, what ultimate purpose does that serve?. 

My point was that it’s hard to take people serious, who like you said “just have no interest in VR”. Those, in most cases, are people with prejudices. Why would you dismiss something without having even tried it? I’m speaking from experience btw. I know these stories. I was sceptical myself, man I know a lot of people who had the idea that “it’s just a screen strapped to your face” until they tried it. I just think it’s sad people react like that, when it’s imho literally the most exciting thing that’s happened to gaming in a long time. But that’s just the nature of’s almost impossible to advertise it, so it’s going to take much longer than it usually would.

No. I want a PSVR.

Errorist76 said:


Your point of what exactly?.

You want to brush over the folk who aren't interested?, why would you even consider doing that?, what ultimate purpose does that serve?. 

My point was that it’s hard to take people serious, who like you said “just have no interest in VR”. Those, in most cases, are people with prejudices. Why would you dismiss something without having even tried it? I’m speaking from experience btw. I know these stories. I was sceptical myself, man I know a lot of people who had the idea that “it’s just a screen strapped to your face” until they tried it. I just think it’s sad people react like that, when it’s imho literally the most exciting thing that’s happened to gaming in a long time. But that’s just the nature of’s almost impossible to advertise it, so it’s going to take much longer than it usually would.

Exactly. Just looking at YouTube where people are using them doesn't give much of a clue of how it really feels. It's one of the things you have to try to really appreciate the tech in it. The moment I tried out the Vive and saw how perfectly it all worked together and how it felt, I was purely amazed. 

Intel Core i7 8700K | 32 GB DDR 4 PC 3200 | ROG STRIX Z370-F Gaming | RTX 3090 FE| Crappy Monitor| HTC Vive Pro :3