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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How Much Will Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Sell?


How Much Will Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Sell? (V.2)

20-22 million 1 25.00%
22-24 million 1 25.00%
24-26 million 1 25.00%
26-28 million 0 0%
28-30 million 1 25.00%
>30 million 0 0%
Lonely_Dolphin said:
15+ million for sure. Switch ltd will likely be around Wii's but it's userbase will be more interested in games like Smash.

PwerlvlAmy said:
I have a feeling it will under perform according to normal franchise standards. I absolutely have no valid reason to believe this,but after the E3 presentation,treehouse coverage, I'm not really feeling the big ''oomph'' I usually do after a reveal of a Smash entry. We'll see though.
Probably cause they just casually started talking about it instead of opening with an epic gameplay/cgi trailer, droned on about minor details, and the game be lacking newness, atleast that's it for me. I've never been this underhyped for a Smash game before, though I know it'll be uber good and fun still.

Yeah that direct was mind numbing with going over ever character's changes and differences. Definitely could've saved all that for one big separate video released after the direct or even during the treehouse. But I'm with you on feeling under hyped and underwhelmed by this entry so far. i'm just not feeling it, it looks fun, it's not gonna be a bad game,but im just not excited for it 

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

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PAOerfulone said:
bigtakilla said:

Keep telling yourself that, oh, and be sure to have it in caps on all your threads discussing it, lol.

The fact that you feel the need to criticize me using all caps despite the fact that you turn around and add an 'lol' to your own argument goes to show how weak and ultimately false it really is. But keep telling yourself that it's a port. Maybe a variation of that dead-end saying will apply: "The more you say something is true, sooner or later, people will start to believe you." Don't count on it, though.


bigtakilla said:
PAOerfulone said:

The fact that you feel the need to criticize me using all caps despite the fact that you turn around and add an 'lol' to your own argument goes to show how weak and ultimately false it really is. But keep telling yourself that it's a port. Maybe a variation of that dead-end saying will apply: "The more you say something is true, sooner or later, people will start to believe you." Don't count on it, though.


You aren't going to convince him or anyone else, and he isn't gonna convince you or anyone else, so why keep going?

Medisti said:
I think it'll top 14m because Brawl and Wii/3DS (when combined) neared that. Add the growing fanbase, the mega reaction to everyone returning, the Switch popularity, etc. I think it's going to be the biggest Smash game ever, in terms of both content and sales.

I think this will be key. When Smash Wii U came out, the Wii U was not a popular system by any means, even if it garnered a solid first party lineup. Some have debated that even if the marketing was lackluster, it still didn't change the fact that the Wii U was not a desirable system to have. The Switch is pretty much the opposite of the Wii U in terms of desirability. I don't think its out of the question that more people want a Switch by the time Smash Ultimate comes out than people wanted a Wii U by the time Smash Wii U came out.

This game is very big and with an incredible roster. I say it's going to sell more than 20 million.

Switch Friend Code = 5965 - 4586 - 6484

PSN: alejollorente10

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It will be the best selling smash bros, so more than 13.27m that brawl sold and more than the combined 15m that smash 4 sold on wii u and 3ds.

Lonely_Dolphin said:
bigtakilla said:


You aren't going to convince him or anyone else, and he isn't gonna convince you or anyone else, so why keep going?

Just not appreciative of the condescending thread (and I'm on the side that Smash will eventually reveal itself to be a new entry, though totally see why currently people don't).

melbye said:
PwerlvlAmy said:
I have a feeling it will under perform according to normal franchise standards. I absolutely have no valid reason to believe this,but after the E3 presentation,treehouse coverage, I'm not really feeling the big ''oomph'' I usually do after a reveal of a Smash entry. We'll see though.

There was to much information at once, they really should have spread it out over the next few months. I don't understand why they felt that was necessary. Let's see what happens when we get some time to process what they told us

My theory is that this was Nintendo's revenge for the people asking for Smash in each direct before the March announcement. Did you want Smash? well, you're going to have to see 20 minutes of information from just smash!!! (lol)

Switch Friend Code = 5965 - 4586 - 6484

PSN: alejollorente10

bigtakilla said:
Lonely_Dolphin said:
You aren't going to convince him or anyone else, and he isn't gonna convince you or anyone else, so why keep going?

Just not appreciative of the condescending thread (and I'm on the side that Smash will eventually reveal itself to be a new entry, though totally see why currently people don't).

Well, why didn’t you just say so?!? 

I apolgize if the messaging came across as condescending. I’m just continuously dumbfounding nded my everyone who says it’s a port even though Nintendo themselves have stated, multiple times, that it’s a new game in the series. Regardless, I already edited the OP.

PAOerfulone said:
bigtakilla said:

Just not appreciative of the condescending thread (and I'm on the side that Smash will eventually reveal itself to be a new entry, though totally see why currently people don't).

Well, why didn’t you just say so?!? 

I apolgize if the messaging came across as condescending. I’m just continuously dumbfounding nded my everyone who says it’s a port even though Nintendo themselves have stated, multiple times, that it’s a new game in the series. Regardless, I already edited the OP.

Why is it you believe Nintendo to be gospel though? Even in the Bill Trinen interview he said things that are false n contradictory. Says the game is made from scratch, which is pretty clearly not the case. Later he admits to re-using assets n engines, but because they're tweaked n upgraded that makes them new, which it doesn't, it makes them remade. Then of course there's plenty of instances of Nintendo being misleading, namely Sakurai always saying the next Smash is the last. Surely you never believed that right?

Make no mistake, I'm not arguing whether it's a new game or not, my point is only that Nintendo's word isn't always accurate and should not automatically be accepted no matter what.