DonFerrari said:
Shiken said:
I had no problems with Xenoblade 2 undocked. I do however feel like the portable portion of the package was not as well optimized as it could have been though. We still have BotW running undocked at 720p with a solid frame rate, and that game is also massive and shares the same art style.
I love Xenoblade 2, but using it as a tech benchmark makes no sense as I feel it could have hit those upper marks easily with a bit more time in development.
BotW runs on WiiU so that show wiggle room for undocked Switch.
True, but some could argue that Xenoblade 2 could run on the WiiU as well. With that in mind, I still wouldn't use Xeno 2 as a tech benchmark for what the Switch could do.
Now on topic, I do believe MHW could run on Switch. However it would have such strong drawbacks that people would be too busy comparing it to the PS4 version instead of enjoying it for what it is, a portable alternative of the same game. I can see it drawing the wrong type of publicity to be honest.
Another route they could take is to make an exclusive MH for Switch that focuses on the tech it has to offer. The problem here is that haters would cry out that it is not the same game and in turn a lesser version (especially if they try to follow the same theme as MHW). Die hard MH fans with a Switch would be happy though, so there is that. Now if they follow their own gameplay formula and add unique features that cater towards the Switch, then that could be the best option. It would be a totally different game so they would not be able to directly compare it to MHW and aside from desprate haters, it would not be viewed as a lesser game.
I say let them do the port while working on a more unique, seperate game designed for the Switch in house. It will run on the Switch with major cutbacks on visuals, but I think it would be interesting to see myself. People would have a portable version of MHW and it would certainly sell without a doubt. As for the bad publicity, it is better than no publicity at all, right?