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Ljink96 said:
Again, they could port it but it'd look blurry as hell, and run like garbage. Unless serious modifications are made to factors that influence performance like poly counts, texture resolutions, and frame rates. And man, can anybody imagine what it'd look like undocked? Just a smudge of Vaseline. If Xenoblade 2 looks the way it does undocked, I don't expect a game like this to look any better.

I had no problems with Xenoblade 2 undocked.  I do however feel like the portable portion of the package was not as well optimized as it could have been though.  We still have BotW running undocked at 720p with a solid frame rate, and that game is also massive and shares the same art style.


I love Xenoblade 2, but using it as a tech benchmark makes no sense as I feel it could have hit those upper marks easily with a bit more time in development.

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