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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Switch 1 year Anniversary thread!


Bought the Switch at launch?

Yes. 18 60.00%
No. 12 40.00%
AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Yeah. I shared a pretty good memory with the Switch. Those first dozen or so hours exploring Breath of the Wild, and having it regularly beat me over the head was very fun. It truly felt like exploring another world, when you'd scale up these flat mountains in the tropics and come face to face with a giant enemy archer who'd one shot you. Good times.

Playing Mario Odyssey and getting to Wooded Kingdom for the first time - having your jaw drop once the theme started kicking in. Damn, that was great! Or when you first go to the Seaside Kingdom and take over a tiny squid to fly up in the air. Pretty damn fun times.

At the same time I do remember a lot of the bad. Xenoblade 2's terrible blur effect and bad resolution. Splatoon 2 locking players out from game modes. Having to still sit at the title screen of the game and hear some annoying announces bug you. Oh, and the disappointment that was Arms. But ultimately, the good definitely outwayed the bad, and it was a pretty damn good year. Hopefully they can get even better.

Yeah good stuff.

Last point is certainly important. All consoles come with the good and the bad. I certainly wished their online infrastructure were better (VC, apps etc included). But in all, it's a great device that has a bright future ahead.

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Happy Birthday! To the number 1 Hybrid!

OTBWY said:
vivster said:
Played Rocket League the first year. Can't wait for more Rocket League this year.


If only there was Rocket League on the Switch. I might have played 4 games then.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Tbh the Switch will likely go down as one of my favourite platforms as its form factor has allowed the platform to be adjusted to my gaming habits and schedule. I had it with me last weekend on a business trip and it made a tonne of difference.

Yasss! Happy 1 year to Switch! Best memory would probably be able to play the new game in the series! Splatoon 2! Good to be back!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

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I had fun memories playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe online, still need to play Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey and Mario x Rabbids, though.

vivster said:
OTBWY said:


If only there was Rocket League on the Switch. I might have played 4 games then.

There is. It's where I play Rocket League after all even though I have it on PC.

Happy Birthday, Switch!

Got it mine in may, but had to sold it in july, until I bought one again in september (for a cheaper price, couldn't afford to buy a full priced one again). And since, got my best gaming experience, my first Zelda title (I mostly buy Sony consoles so I never had the chance to play Zelda before), the greatest Mario game (I love Galaxy 2 but Odyssey is just epic), and various 3rd party titles like Doom, L.A. Noire, Skyrim (never played it), or Bayonetta

Happy B-day Switch