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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VR is not a gimmick!

I agree with the OP. Though I feel the word gimmick tends to get overused in video games and perhaps not in an accurate manner (I feel many get the word gimmick, which means something that has an instant appeal, and fad, which is something that has a short-term appeal that fades out and does not become anything substantial in the end, confused) . Case and point is motion controls. I still feel that short of a mouse, motion controls like those found in the DualShock 4, PS Move, Switch Pro Controller, and Joy-Cons that allow for 1 to 1 aiming are far superior to many people than using an analog stick (at least for some that like 1 to 1 aiming controls) and yet there are those that still dismiss it as a fad.

As a PSVR owner, I don't think VR is a fad at all. When VR is done correctly it can feel really immersive (which I thought was the entire point of wanting things like better graphics and interactivity in games). My problem with VR in general right now is that there are far too few large-scale games that actually pushes the technology to its full potential, instead we have many smaller experiences (which are great ways of showing off the possibilities of the device but they do not in and of themselves fulfill the potential of these devices). That is not really the fault of the technology itself; simply put, the installbase on these VR devices is still a bit too low for many developers to want to make a big risk and the technology is still a too young to go fully mainstream. However, once we get more substantive experiences and once the technology becomes a bit more refined and inexpensive then I think we will see more gamers view it more than a fad. Of course we might need to see a fad game or experience to make it popular among the non-dedicated gamer mainstream, which would be key to the technology's growth and adoption.

Last edited by nemo37 - on 21 January 2018

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John2290 said:

But now we are just getting into semantics. Beyond gimmick by definition if that's what you're looking for. Let's put it like this, do I think VR will have a large enough user base to justify big triple A games on par with that of the high end PC gamer base or on par with a low preforming console in the nest decade, yes! Tottally, the proof is already starting to show. The Inpatient, Apex construct, Blood and truth ...even RE7 are just the start of what we have yet to see. If skyrim can boost sales so much imagine what a GTA game with VR support on par with how RE7 was handled, could do? 

Imagine what a brand new Elder Scrolls or GTA just made for VR could do !


But even then, for real mass adaption it actually needs that one killer app (mass adaption that goes way beyoned current gaming, definitly possible imo). Something like the "Oasis". 

What is the big reason smartphones got so successfull ? IMO because of instand messangers. Whatsapp in the EU ( and NA as far as I know). People started to using it more and more. It was cheaper then SMS and better.  So it got more and more popular and in the end, if you are a person without a smartphone, cou even got isolated. Not beeing into groups, not knowing what goes on. 

So almost everybody bought and smartphone for that (most one a cheap one). And by using it, they actually understand all its benefits and bought a expensiver/better one later.

Nogamez said:

I had psvr. Felt really gimmicky to me. IE played it loads for about a week then never touched it for 5 months. Sold it.

What games have you bought for it?

Nogamez said:
No one cares about VR. Seriously do you people live under a rock? No one talks about it, no one buys it hardly. Its so niche. Yeah its great for about 5 minutes till you get motion sickness that lasts all day. Also unpacking and getting out the PSVR headset is such a pain in the ass that after like 5 goes it just stays in your cuoboard. Thats my opionim.,news-26373.html



On this forum alone (which isnt even VR specific or even has its own forum) there are at least 3 or 4 vr posts per week beeing made.



"PlayStation VR has been doing very well in terms of sales, even beating out the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift and hitting the top spot on Amazon’s Black Friday Top Seller lists." "the PlayStation VR has now become the number 1 selling product on Amazon in the UK."

Last edited by habam - on 21 January 2018

I like mine. The last several times I used my PS4 it was exclusively for PSVR. Not for everyone. I have family members who won't even touch it. Meanwhile, when I'm using mine, I'm in another world. Sometimes, it's a little too immersive. I was replaying Resident Evil 7 and I was creeped out even after I took the headset off.

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nemo37 said: 

As a PSVR owner, I don't think VR is a fad at all. When VR is done correctly it can feel really immersive (which I thought was the hole point of wanting things like better graphics and interactivity in games). My problem with VR in general right now is that there are far too few large-scale games that actually pushes the technology to its full potential, instead we have many smaller experiences (which are great ways of showing off the possibilities of the device but they do not in and of themselves fulfill the potential of these devices). That is not really the fault of the technology itself; simply put, the installbase on these VR devices is still a bit too low for many developers to want to make a big risk and the technology is still a too young to go fully mainstream. However, once we get more substantive experiences and once the technology becomes a bit more refined and inexpensive then I think we will see more gamers view it more than a fad. Of course we might need to see a fad game or experience to make it popular among the non-dedicated gamer mainstream, which would be key to the technology's growth and adoption.

I think 2017 was legit.

Skyrim, Resident Evil 7, Farpoint, Doom, Raw Data, Dirt Rally, Starblood Arena, Sparc, Superhot VR,  Archangel, Paranormal Activity...


And 2018 looks great so far:

The Inpatient, Ace Combat 7, Firewall: Zero Hour, Bravo Team, Moss, The Persistence, Starchild, Ark Park, Apex, ...


I think the lineup is good. Sure not as good as on PS4 but common, thats the most successfull gaming plattform currently. VR is brand new. 

Volterra_90 said:
........ I just hate VR gaming.


Whether or not VR gaming is a gimmick or not is irrelevant to me. I just don't care about it in the first place. If people like it then that's great, but I just don't see it having any long term appeal to me personally, at least in its current form and technological level. Maybe someday I'll feel differently, but right now I'd much rather just play games on TV or computer screen.

It's simply another peripheral to improve immersion. It's great for people who want to experience cool stuff. It's also still early so it's just gonna get so much better in the near future.

How you think it will ever be as big as a normal screen is beyond me. People have shown time and time again that comfort and accessibility go above everything else, including immersion. No matter how comfortable and accessible VR will become it will never beat just sitting on a couch and pressing a button. Don't forget that the majority of gamers are casuals and even the majority of core gamers will prefer the more standard method. It doesn't really matter how much stronger the VR experience is.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

It is a gimmick...

You can see applications like porn for it, just like fitness applications for the kinect. The VR is not necessary to enjoy any applications. It just presents them in a slightly different way. It's unecessary to enjoy the applications, and thus a gimmick.

I've said it since day one. Bring me the holo deck or during sleep VR and we can talk. This is still just 2 screens on your face to simulate a 3D depth effect and tracking of head movement. 

Last edited by Nem - on 22 January 2018