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nemo37 said: 

As a PSVR owner, I don't think VR is a fad at all. When VR is done correctly it can feel really immersive (which I thought was the hole point of wanting things like better graphics and interactivity in games). My problem with VR in general right now is that there are far too few large-scale games that actually pushes the technology to its full potential, instead we have many smaller experiences (which are great ways of showing off the possibilities of the device but they do not in and of themselves fulfill the potential of these devices). That is not really the fault of the technology itself; simply put, the installbase on these VR devices is still a bit too low for many developers to want to make a big risk and the technology is still a too young to go fully mainstream. However, once we get more substantive experiences and once the technology becomes a bit more refined and inexpensive then I think we will see more gamers view it more than a fad. Of course we might need to see a fad game or experience to make it popular among the non-dedicated gamer mainstream, which would be key to the technology's growth and adoption.

I think 2017 was legit.

Skyrim, Resident Evil 7, Farpoint, Doom, Raw Data, Dirt Rally, Starblood Arena, Sparc, Superhot VR,  Archangel, Paranormal Activity...


And 2018 looks great so far:

The Inpatient, Ace Combat 7, Firewall: Zero Hour, Bravo Team, Moss, The Persistence, Starchild, Ark Park, Apex, ...


I think the lineup is good. Sure not as good as on PS4 but common, thats the most successfull gaming plattform currently. VR is brand new.