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John2290 said:

But now we are just getting into semantics. Beyond gimmick by definition if that's what you're looking for. Let's put it like this, do I think VR will have a large enough user base to justify big triple A games on par with that of the high end PC gamer base or on par with a low preforming console in the nest decade, yes! Tottally, the proof is already starting to show. The Inpatient, Apex construct, Blood and truth ...even RE7 are just the start of what we have yet to see. If skyrim can boost sales so much imagine what a GTA game with VR support on par with how RE7 was handled, could do? 

Imagine what a brand new Elder Scrolls or GTA just made for VR could do !


But even then, for real mass adaption it actually needs that one killer app (mass adaption that goes way beyoned current gaming, definitly possible imo). Something like the "Oasis". 

What is the big reason smartphones got so successfull ? IMO because of instand messangers. Whatsapp in the EU ( and NA as far as I know). People started to using it more and more. It was cheaper then SMS and better.  So it got more and more popular and in the end, if you are a person without a smartphone, cou even got isolated. Not beeing into groups, not knowing what goes on. 

So almost everybody bought and smartphone for that (most one a cheap one). And by using it, they actually understand all its benefits and bought a expensiver/better one later.