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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. January bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

Really glad to see Bayonetta doing so well.
Nintendo made the franchise become much nore popular just with her in Smash.

With the install base of the Switch being more core gamers im certain that Bayo 1+2 will do great even tho the game didn't sold as bad on Wii U. Bayo 3 will do pretty well that's for sure. I predict Bayo 3 will sell more than Bayo 1 on One/PS4 and bayo 2 Wii U combined

Switch will pretty much dominate in calm periods but Sony has bigger games for the year for now so they will get bigger boost. I just really hope Nintendo will have a big direct around March/April because they need to show more stuff than Kirby and Yoshi to attract gamers from buying a PS4 with GoW lmao.

As for MH, i don't know if its going to do really well outside of Japan. Pretty sure it will do under MH4U numbers. If it is really well received it has chances but its not exclusives so it wont get as much hype from xbox fans and playstation fans. We will have to see the marketing for it also.

Last edited by xMetroid - on 12 January 2018

Around the Network

4 hours since last update.

#08 NS Neon (same)
#12 NS Grey (up 2)
#28 PS4 Fool's Edition (up 1)
#37 PS4 Star Wars (down 4)
#50 PS4 Pro (down 1)
#51 XB1 Forza (down 1)
#58 XB1X (up 3)
#69 XB1 (up 4)

SOFTWARE (Pre-orders Only)**:
#09 NS Bayonetta 2 + Bayonetta (Digital Download) (up 2)*
#41 PS4 Dissidia Final Fantasy (down 3)

Does not affect this month: *
Software outside of the month only gets added if it's in the top 20: **

PS4: 3 in the top 100 / 3 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
XB1: 3 in the top 100 / 2 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
NIS:  2 in the top 100 / 2 in the top 50 / 2 in the top 20 / 1 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5

tbone51 said:
Green098 said:
Although it's still early, would it seem like Switch should be able to take January in the US? I feel like it should be easier for it to do so since there aren't as many deals like there was during November/December for the other consoles.

Going by most realistic yes. Mhw is releasing though so any1 guess but switch seems to be going where the Christmas money is at 💰

In the US it's possible. Switch has just been hitting it big lately with their 3rd party support and key exclusives. So that is a factor. Meanwhile PlayStation  and  to a lesser effect, Xbox has Monster Hunter World coming out and Dragon Ball Fighters and PlayStation also has Dissidia Final Fantasy. I think where PlayStation is going to see the hardware boost though is in Japan. Their pre-orders on Amazon for MHW is topped only by the recently announced Dark Souls Remaster. And the PS4 console is at the top as well. Should be really fun though as the competition gets heated up.

Are we seeing the start of the XB1 slump already?

Switch winning NPD


Nairo TOP 3 in the Super Smash Bros 4 PGR


Around the Network
Kyuu said:
xMetroid said:

Really glad to see Bayonetta doing so well.
Nintendo made the franchise become much nore popular just with her in Smash.

With the install base of the Switch being more core gamers im certain that Bayo 1+2 will do great even tho the game didn't sold as bad on Wii U. Bayo 3 will do pretty well that's for sure. I predict Bayo 3 will sell more than Bayo 1 on One/PS4 and bayo 2 Wii U combined

Switch will pretty much dominate in calm periods but Sony has bigger games for the year for now so they will get bigger boost. I just really hope Nintendo will have a big direct around March/April because they need to show more stuff than Kirby and Yoshi to attract gamers from buying a PS4 with GoW lmao.

As for MH, i don't know if its going to do really well outside of Japan. Pretty sure it will do under MH4U numbers. If it is really well received it has chances but its not exclusives so it wont get as much hype from xbox fans and playstation fans. We will have to see the marketing for it also.

Bayonetta 3 will do 2 million max (most likely around 1.5 mil), and MHW will probably outsell MH4U in the west on PS4 alone.

Considering Bayonetta go so popular, the Switch is oriented core gamers and games are selling extremely well there is no way it will sell under 2 million. On top of that, with Nintendo trying to push their eSport and the online subscription, there is no way they will not release Smash this year. Bayonetta will most likely be included in the game and it will be major publicity for the franchise. 

And we will see, MHW can be a major success but I don't think it will beat Horizon with it being an exclusive, got SO MUCH marketing from Sony and was praised by the critics, and yet the game didn't sell really well. I highly doubt MHW will do better than Horizon in the Eu/NA but it will have Japan to pick up the sales to a similar number.

MHW now @ #4!

I predict this for Software sales this month.
MHW: 230k on PS4 and 90K on XBO so 300K
DBFZ: 250K on PS4 and 150K on XBO so 400k.

Mar1217 said:
peachbuggy said:
Mario tennis aces is at 31 and Kirby is at 33. Pretty good for Mario tennis since it doesn't even have a release date.

Don't underestimate our National Pink puffball !! Hope it can stay there for the month and climb up the charts until march 16th.

Mario Tennis Aces will do great just by de facto of being(or looking at least) a decent Mario Tennis game !

I hope so too and yes, Mario tennis looks like a vast improvement over Ultra Smash.



In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!

MHW up to 4.

xMetroid said:
Kyuu said:

Bayonetta 3 will do 2 million max (most likely around 1.5 mil), and MHW will probably outsell MH4U in the west on PS4 alone.

Considering Bayonetta go so popular, the Switch is oriented core gamers and games are selling extremely well there is no way it will sell under 2 million. On top of that, with Nintendo trying to push their eSport and the online subscription, there is no way they will not release Smash this year. Bayonetta will most likely be included in the game and it will be major publicity for the franchise. 

And we will see, MHW can be a major success but I don't think it will beat Horizon with it being an exclusive, got SO MUCH marketing from Sony and was praised by the critics, and yet the game didn't sell really well. I highly doubt MHW will do better than Horizon in the Eu/NA but it will have Japan to pick up the sales to a similar number.

What timeline do you live in?