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MHW up to 4.

xMetroid said:
Kyuu said:

Bayonetta 3 will do 2 million max (most likely around 1.5 mil), and MHW will probably outsell MH4U in the west on PS4 alone.

Considering Bayonetta go so popular, the Switch is oriented core gamers and games are selling extremely well there is no way it will sell under 2 million. On top of that, with Nintendo trying to push their eSport and the online subscription, there is no way they will not release Smash this year. Bayonetta will most likely be included in the game and it will be major publicity for the franchise. 

And we will see, MHW can be a major success but I don't think it will beat Horizon with it being an exclusive, got SO MUCH marketing from Sony and was praised by the critics, and yet the game didn't sell really well. I highly doubt MHW will do better than Horizon in the Eu/NA but it will have Japan to pick up the sales to a similar number.

What timeline do you live in?