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Forums - Politics Discussion - Donald Trump: How Do You Feel about Him Now? (Poll)


Last November,

I supported him and I still do - Americas 91 15.77%
I supported him and I now don't - Americas 16 2.77%
I supported him and I still do - Europe 37 6.41%
I supported him and I now don't - Europe 7 1.21%
I supported him and I still do - Asia 6 1.04%
I supported him and I now don't - Asia 1 0.17%
I supported him and I still do - RoW 15 2.60%
I supported him and I now don't - RoW 2 0.35%
I didn't support him and still don't. 373 64.64%
I didn't support him and now do. 29 5.03%

Good for those who are affected but this drama from both sides achieved absolutely fucking nothing. Way to waste our time.

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So now Trump has given the Dems three weeks of reinstated Gov to make a deal, which is what they were asking for. Let's see how much more reasonable they are now and how often they actually show up to meetings. My guess, things won't change, and Trump can shut down again and put the blame on the Dems and make it seem like it was only their fault the entire time. Well played.

EricHiggin said:
So now Trump has given the Dems three weeks of reinstated Gov to make a deal, which is what they were asking for. Let's see how much more reasonable they are now and how often they actually show up to meetings. My guess, things won't change, and Trump can shut down again and put the blame on the Dems and make it seem like it was only their fault the entire time. Well played.

That's one reading of the situation I guess....

Biggerboat1 said:
EricHiggin said:
So now Trump has given the Dems three weeks of reinstated Gov to make a deal, which is what they were asking for. Let's see how much more reasonable they are now and how often they actually show up to meetings. My guess, things won't change, and Trump can shut down again and put the blame on the Dems and make it seem like it was only their fault the entire time. Well played.

That's one reading of the situation I guess....

Or the Dems can deal and give into the wall and say, look, we told you so, all we wanted was for the Gov to be re-opened because getting people back to work and receiving missed pay was the right thing to do. (even though they already said the wall was immoral and the wrong thing to do)

That should look good on the Dems, especially with the way in which the media will portray it, since the average lefty doesn't actually seem to be all that much against the wall itself or it's small price, but for Trump and the right, they really couldn't care less, because they'll have their wall, and it'll be seen as a win to them.

Bandorr said:
I can't decide which made Trump cave faster.

Pelosi taking away his state of the union.
Roger stone being arrested.
Laquiertia(spelling) and Atlanta airports closing.
The democratic bill getting more votes in the senate despite not having the majority.

I look forward to him declaring an emergency in three weeks and immediately getting beaten down.

Next Sunday is the super bowl so if people did not go to work next Sunday it would be chaotic.

Last edited by jason1637 - on 26 January 2019

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Haha, Republicans are pissed. So much for their "expert deal maker" - he's getting $0 for his wall from either the Democratic Party or Mexico. Pathetic spin after pathetic spin to try to put the blame on the Democrats was a losing battle, as fat Donnie's approval began to tumble, and disapproval reached record heights. 5 weeks of wasted government time by America's laziest and most low energy President in history.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has said caving on the wall is the end of Donald's Presidency.
Ann Coulter "Good news for George Herbert Walker Bush: As of today, he is no longer the biggest wimp ever to serve as President of the United States."

He is threatening to declare a state of national emergency on the 15th of February. What's the emergency? The fact that he lacks competence as a negotiator?

The wall is a fucking stupid idea anyway. He should instead focus on Space Force and fight real aliens instead. Yes, it's just as stupid of an idea, but at least it will be entertaining, and might generate some interest in science for the right wingers.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Weird how Trump people keep getting arrested for lying to congress or FBI. Pretty obvious Roger Stone was about to be fucked.  Least there isn't guilt by association. No worries though. Old Donny skin tone will match his new outfit when he joins his buddies in prison.

EricHiggin said:
So now Trump has given the Dems three weeks of reinstated Gov to make a deal, which is what they were asking for. Let's see how much more reasonable they are now and how often they actually show up to meetings. My guess, things won't change, and Trump can shut down again and put the blame on the Dems and make it seem like it was only their fault the entire time. Well played.

PFF! It didn't do that at all, his approval rating dropped like a rock that entire time with +20% blaming the Repubs over the Dems for the shutdown.

EricHiggin said:

Machiavellian said: 

The Dems did say it suck and they did say no.  I guess you miss the memo.  The point still stand, no deal until the government is open.  The DACA offer was a joke and if standing by what you say is weak, then I guess they will be weak in YOUR eyes.  At the end of the day, playing the shutdown game is over.  3 times is enough of that.  The one way you get such a play off the table is to never deal from that position.  The last thing the Dems want is another shutdown because Trump decided to use it a 4th time.  

Lol, so the Dems stance is that Trump is making them look bad so open the government.  I guess if that is how you see it then it must be so.  Since the polls and Trump support doesn't agree with you, I am going to take this as just your opinion.  Also if I am not mistaken, Trump has said numerous times that he has built his wall.  Did you not get the memo on that.

Trump saying he wants to deal and actually dealing is two different things.  Trump says a lot of things he doesn't mean but action is always a true test of a person resolve.  Why don't you show you evidence of Trump actually trying to deal with the Dems at any point.  For every one you find, I can find 10 examples where he has did the opposite.

I love how you throw in there people who have jobs and not working isn't necessary.  That is basically the stance of people like you.  If it doesn't effect me then it sucks for you.  I guess those border agents, TSA agents, Trump security, IRS are all people who are not necessary working for free at the moment.  You are right, Trump should continue this until 2020 costing the country Billions of dollars and nuking the economy.  Yep, that is totally smart Ideal and should have him elected for a second term.  He can proclaim again that he was totally responsible for the Shutdown and it was his glorious strategy to show how weak the Dems are compared to his glorious controlled GOP.  Just think how that worked out for the mid election in the house, because people were so enthralled with his brilliance and the GOP that they were able to maintain control.... opps that did not happen did it.  Oh well, as long as you believe this is a smart strategy, I guess it must be so.  

So the Dems couldn't honestly deny the offer. Gotcha. Both points stand. The Dems won't deal if the Gov re-opens and Trump won't get a deal if he doesn't use leverage. So the Dems think by not playing ball this time, that Trump will 'learn' and never try it again? Ok, because history has proven that to be the case with him, never.

You should take it as my opinion, since my opinion was also that the perfect polls that stated Trump couldn't possibly become Prez even if he rigged the vote we're wrong, and not only were they wrong, they were way off. Trump nor the Dems or MSM seems to have changed, so what makes you think the polls have?

Trump says a lot of things, can't argue that. You want me to prove to you where he does try to deal, which I already pointed out, and your going to prove to me he's avoided dealing at times in the past, and that's supposed to change my mind about the Dems not wanting a deal when it comes to the wall right now? What?

People like me? If it doesn't effect the majority as a whole, then no, it's not that big of a deal. Democracy right? Majority rules? No? The fact you keep assuming I'm so self centered, just makes me think that's how you think about yourself, and your projecting that onto me. The people were already getting tired of winning plus tired of hearing the left complain and figured if they gave them a little power, but not enough to really do any harm, they just might tone it down. Boy were they wrong. After being trained so well by the MSM and their consistent repetitive agenda based talking points, if you keep agreeing with me, I'm going to actually start thinking your a far right winger, or even worse...

lol, you have given no reason for the Dems to deal while the government is shutdown.  Yo have the president saying he will shutdown the government if he doesn't get his way and he has stated he will do it again.  You have presented absolutely no reason why the Dems would continue to go down this route. You continue to state that the government shutdown is Trump leverage and that is where you and Trump are wrong.  After all this time, Trump had to concede because your leverage wasn't working.  So it appears you were wrong.  The Dems stood tough and Trump needed a way out of a stupid plan that failed.

As to your opinions, as the sayings goes, even a broken clock can be right twice a day.

You will have to forgive me, I have no clue what you are talking about in your third paragraph.  You made a silly comment about federal works who are not getting paid and you turned it into some kind of right wing rant.  Yes, I do believe people who think 800K not getting paid no big deal is self centered.  Even if they get back pay, they still have to worry about all the penalties for car, mortgage, utility bills you name it.  Not including food or any medical issues that can occur.  I guess living in your world where you do not have to care about the plight of such people is all good, but I happen to know a bunch of federal works and their issues.

EricHiggin said:
So now Trump has given the Dems three weeks of reinstated Gov to make a deal, which is what they were asking for. Let's see how much more reasonable they are now and how often they actually show up to meetings. My guess, things won't change, and Trump can shut down again and put the blame on the Dems and make it seem like it was only their fault the entire time. Well played.

Lol, that ship has passed.  If you believe Trump can make that same play again you really are deceiving yourself.  The Dems isn't given him a wall unless he gives up a lot.  If he tries the same shutdown play again, he will definitely see even worst results.  I guess Trump showed the Dems how weak they are and continue to play people like you.  Keep up the good fight, this is just getting started.  Now Trump will feel what Obama felt when you have opposition in Congress.

You can put your hopes that he goes for the Emergency route.  That should be even more fun as he lose more Republicans in the Senate for that move and probably more voters.