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Forums - Politics Discussion - Being anti-nazi shouldn't be political or controversial


Fuck nazis

Hell yeah 139 100.00%

Only thing worse than nazism is socialism.

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the problem is that many people don't understand what a nazi is


so... considering on top of that you have people calling for violence against nazis ( nazi behaior ) when they don't even know wat they are talking about and you have a recipe for disaster

collint0101 said:
DialgaMarine said:
I don't think it is; you just have a handful of dumbasses that think it's cool. Neither the left nor right support them; the right just doesn't think it's necessary to go out of their way to inflict physical harm, so long as they stay in their lane and do their silly chants. At the end of the day, people like ANTIFA are honestly no better; just a group of fascists with a slightly different rhetoric. Communism deserves to be ripped to shreds as much Fascism, if not more so.

Am I the only person that thinks communism simply isn't as bad as fascism or nazism? Communism is just an economic system, it's not sustainable in the long run but it's not evil. Like there's no part in the Communist manifesto that says hate this group of people just because they're different. Yes a lot of evil was done by communist in the 1900s but evil is just as capable of existing within capitalist systems. 


what makes communism inherently eveil is its reliance on the suppression of individual freedom

Fededx said:

Well you antifas say you're tolerant, but there's no tolerance in this thread. We live in this so called democracy, but if I say I'm neonazi here, you would insult me for my beliefs. You're as nazis as the nazis, but in modern era.

I suggest you take a look at the paradox of tolerance.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Aeolus451 said:

I guess you didn't read the thread because there's people who did exactly what I described (including you) by calling people nazis when they aren't. You got on a guy's ass for saying that milo isn't a nazi. Saying "milo isn't a nazi" is considered defending him? That must mean that you disagree with "milo isn't a nazi" which means you believe the opposite of that.  You also linked a source with a comment suggesting that you support what was written in it. 

"Guess people already educated you on the thing, but keep on defending these pieces of shit ." 

It's as good as saying it. 

Yes, nazis are dead. It's members and political party are dead. They don't exist anymore. Neo-nazis are the closest group to them because they believe in a bastardized version of nazism. It's probably fine to call them nazis but not anyone else. It's idiotic (worthy of going back to middle school) to call people like Milo or Ben Shapiro, nazis or neo-nazis because they're jews and speak out against nazism. 

But the article does not say " that nazi dude named millo smuggled white nacionalism " , the article is about what he have done to help and shape the movement, talks about gamergate and harrassment and so on, talk about nazi salutes when he was doing karaoke xD. The article even quotes him trying to defend himself, i posted it and called him a piece of shit didnt called him a nazi.

When i talked about how people educated the other guy i was taalking about the fact that he was talking about how a person that dates a black cant be a nazi etc. and someone responded.

If you think there is no nazis then i dont know what to say to you anymore dude.

Gamergate movement.... You should watch Dave Rubin's interview of Candance Owen. From her experience, the only real harassers are the anti-GG movement.

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There is nothing wrong being Antifa/BLM or Nazi/Alt-right if that is what you believe in. People can believe in what they want if they live in a democratic nation.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Aeolus451 said:

I guess you didn't read the thread because there's people who did exactly what I described (including you) by calling people nazis when they aren't. You got on a guy's ass for saying that milo isn't a nazi. Saying "milo isn't a nazi" is considered defending him? That must mean that you disagree with "milo isn't a nazi" which means you believe the opposite of that.  You also linked a source with a comment suggesting that you support what was written in it. 

"Guess people already educated you on the thing, but keep on defending these pieces of shit ." 

It's as good as saying it. 

Yes, nazis are dead. It's members and political party are dead. They don't exist anymore. Neo-nazis are the closest group to them because they believe in a bastardized version of nazism. It's probably fine to call them nazis but not anyone else. It's idiotic (worthy of going back to middle school) to call people like Milo or Ben Shapiro, nazis or neo-nazis because they're jews and speak out against nazism. 

But the article does not say " that nazi dude named millo smuggled white nacionalism " , the article is about what he have done to help and shape the movement, talks about gamergate and harrassment and so on, talk about nazi salutes when he was doing karaoke xD. The article even quotes him trying to defend himself, i posted it and called him a piece of shit didnt called him a nazi.

When i talked about how people educated the other guy i was taalking about the fact that he was talking about how a person that dates a black cant be a nazi etc. and someone responded.

If you think there is no nazis then i dont know what to say to you anymore dude.

Again, you're insinuating that Milo is a nazi when you go after someone for defending Milo by saying he's not a nazi because all of the things actual nazis don't like. 

You've proved my point about people misusing terms in my first comment to you with "If you think there is no nazis then i dont know what to say to you anymore dude." and your punch a nazi gif of Richard Spencer. You're conflating nazi with other words. 

Normally, I don't talk about politics in this forum, but this should be as clear cut as a hot knife through butter. Nazism is bad. This has been proven by its non-perverted practice prior to and during WWII. Thus killing Nazis in games has been basically ok since FPS genre's conception and generally in every other form of entertainment mediums.

If, for any reason, you are offended that they are advertising killing Nazi's in a video game, in historic context, in a alternate reality, you either might share Nazi sentiments that ultimately make you offended in the first place OR need to strongly reassess your sense of rationality, as it is irrational. If you are definitely (not probably) the former you're also the latter.

And anyone (obviously I'm referring to the ones who are not being sarcastic) saying something like, the issue is that certain white people are being called Nazis: It's not. The issue's that killing Nazis in what is quite obviously a V-I-D-E-O-G-A-M-E and is making very sensitive people offended and comparing fake killings to, accurate or otherwise, name calling.

Being anti-Islam shouldn't be political or controversial either. But this is the world we live in

Killing anyone in videogames is fine. Punching nazis in real life is not ok. If you allow that then people can just label anyone they disagree with a nazi and justify violence against them.