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Normally, I don't talk about politics in this forum, but this should be as clear cut as a hot knife through butter. Nazism is bad. This has been proven by its non-perverted practice prior to and during WWII. Thus killing Nazis in games has been basically ok since FPS genre's conception and generally in every other form of entertainment mediums.

If, for any reason, you are offended that they are advertising killing Nazi's in a video game, in historic context, in a alternate reality, you either might share Nazi sentiments that ultimately make you offended in the first place OR need to strongly reassess your sense of rationality, as it is irrational. If you are definitely (not probably) the former you're also the latter.

And anyone (obviously I'm referring to the ones who are not being sarcastic) saying something like, the issue is that certain white people are being called Nazis: It's not. The issue's that killing Nazis in what is quite obviously a V-I-D-E-O-G-A-M-E and is making very sensitive people offended and comparing fake killings to, accurate or otherwise, name calling.