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Forums - Sales Discussion - Kotaku - Switch is Dominating PS4 in Japan



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Wyrdness said:
Zekkyou said:

You're right that most people don't buy their phone upfront (and that does significantly change how the purchase is perceived, so i'm not sure why Ketotan chose it as an example), but the phone isn't 'free on contract deals', the price is just included in your monthly bill. It often actually ends up cost you more, depending on the contract.

Which is why I said on contract deals.

Well yeah, my comment was directly aimed at that :p Contract deal or not, it's still not free. The means through which it's paid for just change (similar to the 'free' games with PS+).

Pyro as Bill said:
Maynard_Tool said:

It is doing far better than expected. Not even nintendo planned for this.... that's why they can't meet demand. Is a Wii-like situation all over again

It can't be like Wii. Wii was an outlier. Nintendo home consoles are in permanent decline and smartphones have killed Nintendo's handhelds. They'll be going third party any day now.

Wii like situation. By that, I mean not even nintendo knew the success it would be. Wii was soldout for a long time, because nintendo did not anticipate how big it would be. I'm not saying it will sell as the wii, just that it took nintendo (and everyone) by surprise

RolStoppable said:
GProgrammer said:
Were there people on this site expecting the home console PS4 to outsell the handheld Switch in Japan on this site? I would say 90% of the people here before the Switch launched would pick the handheld to sell more in Japan

Depends on your regional breakdown.

Hindsight is 20/20, so now in September the general consensus is that it was obvious that Switch would do well. But looking back at the actual predictions, the general consensus was that it wasn't obvious.

Exactly this!! Now everyone seem to knew it would be like this. And the poor excuse of "handheld" sells better, when we all know this is Nintendo bet for the home console market. They've claimed it before. 


People are just looking for excuses now because they know switch is doing way better than expected

NATO said:
tbone51 said:

1 i never said price doesnt matter at all. Im talking about 1 thing and 1 thing only. The price point. Your right with everything else (i should of taking note woth hh and home console) but your post made it seem like it was just the price difference that makes this not shocking.... So apologies if thats not it.


That said compare vita and ps4 and there you go "25k yen handheld vs a 40k yen home console

And PSV is over a million ahead of PS4 in japan... 

Not only this is wrong but your acting like itll stay ahead.


1 its 450k ahead. Its not over a million. Not even half.

2 ps4 weekly is selling 5-6x more than vita is now currently (at its lowest)

3 ps4 launched align is killing vita, they are 450k difference with vita being out 2years+ before and an extra holiday

4 the lifetime wont be close as ps4 will be minimum 50% higher when its all said and done

5 :p

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outlawauron said:

Going to need some stronger showings in Japan first. The more niche offerings have done pretty well in the West (except Fate: Extella), but they've not done very well in Japan. Considering that the majority of PSV games have been on PS4 for the past year or two, I see a far more likely near future of PS4 only and PS4/Switch games.


Ps4 is a 8th generation console so of course it will look like it has more support. Right now we are in the transition of 8th to 9th generation. I expect that the number of PS4/Vita titles to go down and replaced by more PS4/Switch titles. Right now 3rd parties are just porting games right now to the Switch. However by 2019 we will start seeing more full fledged support. The 3DS devlopers will also start putting titles on the Switch as early as next year. Also  I am expecting Sony to release the PS5 in 2018 or 2019 so.  PS4 will be declining in support by 2019 . When 9th generation is in full swing I expect the Switch to have a bulk of the 3rd party support by 2020.  

Azuren said:
p0isonparadise said:
Switch will end up becoming the best selling home console in Japan.




With that logic the Switch is also the worst selling hybrid of all time as well.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 



so many trigged people in this thread

Click HERE and be happy 

killeryoshis said:
Azuren said:




With that logic the Switch is also the worst selling hybrid of all time as well.

That sounds like a rather clickbaity thread title.

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NATO said:
tbone51 said:

Not only this is wrong but your acting like itll stay ahead.


1 its 450k ahead. Its not over a million. Not even half.

2 ps4 weekly is selling 5-6x more than vita is now currently (at its lowest)

3 ps4 launched align is killing vita, they are 450k difference with vita being out 2years+ before and an extra holiday

4 the lifetime wont be close as ps4 will be minimum 50% higher when its all said and done

5 :p

Psv: 5.58m

Ps4: 4.91m

Difference: 670,000 

We were both wrong, but that doesnt change the fact that you used vita vs ps4 as an example of a console being ahead, when it isnt, yet. 

And this is with the best selling home console vs the worst selling handheld too. 

No, tbone is correct, and you are wrong. VGChartz is two months behind, although you probably know that and were just trying to find a way to spin this as some sort of tie. As of the latest Japanese charts ending August 27th, PS4 is 450k behind Vita.