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The Castlevania DS collection is awesome. Also great to see Yakuza get another chance on a Nintendo system.

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Runa216 said:

IT's also worth people gotta stop being hyper bitchy any time these presentations don't show like 40 megaton announcements.

An indie showcase and a partner showcase...we got exactly the sort of things you'd expect yet the chat was nothing but "Ls all around" and like...what? How does anyone live such a miserable life?

Don't worry, this is mostly just the internet rot effect on those people's brain when they act in these kind of situations. 

Anyway, as long as you find your something from these Directs, you'll be fine. It's not like gaming has been short of choices as of late lol.

Plenty to be frankly overjoyed in some cases.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Not a lot from the new Direct that I care about to be honest.

The new Castlevania collection is the easy winner for me. I missed the DS games when they were new, so this will be the first time I get to play them. That is awesome that they have the DS games and the Advance games all on the same console now. Now we just need Symphony of the Night on Switch.

Also interested in the Metal Slug Tactics game. Good to see a new game in that franchise.

That new Rune Factory game looks interesting. Looks better than the last one anyway. I didn't play it, but I know it had performance issues.

Not the first time these games have been shown, but I'm also interested in the remakes for Dragon Quest and Suikoden.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

Now Playing
Switch - Super Mario Maker 2 (2019)
3DS - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Trilogy) (2005/2014)
Mobile - Yugioh Duel Links (2017)
Mobile - Super Mario Run (2017)
PC - Borderlands 2 (2012)
PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)

Loved the direct honestly. Plenty of games that I want are coming out.

High Priority
-Capcom Fighting Collection 2
-Marvel VS Capcom Fighting Collection (release date)+
-Tales of Graces F Remastered

Medium Priority
-Rune Factory Guardians of Azuma
-Castlevania Dominus Collection
-Suikoden I & II
-Atelier Yumia
-Worms Armageddon Anniversary
-The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky 1st

Low Priority
-Yakuza Kiwami
-Tetris Forever

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Can't wait for the new Zelda. Looking really good. I have it pretty ordered.

Emio The Smiling Man reviews are now out !

Game has an OpenCritic of 79, Metacritic 78.
Better scores than the first two remakes.
Anywoo, the main points are :

-The story is really good (especially the later chapters apparently)

- The talk mechanics haven't evolved much, so if you didn't gel with it in the first place, it won't be an easy.

Personally, the last point is kind of true/untrue. Refinements are certainly there. The "think" option functions more as a hint option most of the time, outside of when you use it to advance the discussions. You definitely get lost less often than the first two games.

Anywoo, it's kind of cool to get these kind of games from Nintendo knowadays. Sakamoto really came in force since 2017. Guy is living the years of his life has a producer/writer at Nintendo currently

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Wait, what? I can't imagine this is for Switch! Would be a crazy launch title for Switch 2 though.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

G2ThaUNiT said:

Wait, what? I can't imagine this is for Switch! Would be a crazy launch title for Switch 2 though.

It'd sure be cool if true, but in all honesty. FFXIV is so faaaarrr along its own path now that it's difficult to convince me to even touch it when I'd prefer to spend my time on conventional gaming instead of online RPGs

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

G2ThaUNiT said:

Wait, what? I can't imagine this is for Switch! Would be a crazy launch title for Switch 2 though.

Putting it on Switch 2 may be easier.