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Splatsville is awesome! So much bigger than Inkopolis in Splatoon 2 and way more character and detail.
In Splatoon 2 there was always a quite long load time after you leave the customisation menu. In the the Splatoon 3 demo there is barely any load time there. I hope this is the same in the main game.

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Kakadu18 said:

Splatsville is awesome! So much bigger than Inkopolis in Splatoon 2 and way more character and detail.
In Splatoon 2 there was always a quite long load time after you leave the customisation menu. In the the Splatoon 3 demo there is barely any load time there. I hope this is the same in the main game.

Whoa, really??? That's surprising considering Splatoon 2 and 3 are playing on the exact same hardware. Seems like Nintendo has continually optimizing their in-house engine to run as good as possible on Switch. Makes me wonder if Breath of the Wild 2 may get the same benefits! Because I do remember BotW getting an update post launch that shaved a few seconds off of load times.

Really looking forward to Splatoon 3! I'll be checking out the demo tonight.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Mar1217 said:
gtotheunit91 said:

Whoa, really??? That's surprising considering Splatoon 2 and 3 are playing on the exact same hardware. Seems like Nintendo has continually optimizing their in-house engine to run as good as possible on Switch. Makes me wonder if Breath of the Wild 2 may get the same benefits! Because I do remember BotW getting an update post launch that shaved a few seconds off of load times.

Really looking forward to Splatoon 3! I'll be checking out the demo tonight.

How surprising is it really. Splatoon 2 released during the launch window of a new console. Graphical improvement were bound to happen when it's been these teams have been working with the hardware for a few years now. 

We're at the point in the Switch lifetime where every team under Nintendo's umbrella are able to push the hardware to it's or far beyond if you wanna look at games like Xenoblade 3, Luigi's Mansion 3, etc ... 

Oh for sure, but I was more referring to loading times specifically. Most of the time the speed of loading times is tied to the speed of your storage, but that of course is unchanged. So the fact that Splatoon 3 is seemingly both loading faster and better looking graphically while also being just a larger game in general than Splatoon 2 while running on the same hardware is impressive. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Yep, I've decided: Splatoon 3 is way better than Splatoon 2. Everything that they've changed, like the new lobby and the player ghosts, the shorter load times, the new weapons and specials, Splatsville, the emotes, the better customisation etc.
It all makes it a more rounded experience and gives it more character.


@Lonely_Dolphin @Lonely_Dolphin @Lonely_Dolphin @Lonely_Dolphin @Lonely_Dolphin

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

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Look at this idiot. He really thought he'd get Splatoon 3 two weeks early with the Splatoon Switch OLED and then somehow halucinated pictures of the game in the product description. There are only pictures of the console and joy-cons, none of Splatoon 3 itself. I'm regularly baffled at how dumb some people are.

The start of Chapter 5 in XBC3 brings back vibes of the bit in FFVII with

Cloud's memories

Also the villains in the series so far have been insanely good in all games, even the damn henchmen are pulling off out of the world moments.

Stuff like this makes me laugh. Like, it's not Nintendo's fault you can't read, ya know?

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Kakadu18 said:

Look at this idiot. He really thought he'd get Splatoon 3 two weeks early with the Splatoon Switch OLED and then somehow halucinated pictures of the game in the product description. There are only pictures of the console and joy-cons, none of Splatoon 3 itself. I'm regularly baffled at how dumb some people are.

I worked in Best Buy for a few years... nothing would surprise me anymore.

My favorite one was this.

An older woman came in and asked me if we had Mario Galaxy for the Nintendo DS. I told her that Mario Galaxy was only on the Nintendo Wii, but there were other Mario games for the DS. She insisted that her grandson or whatever asked for Mario Galaxy on the DS. I told her again that it didn't exist, and said maybe her grandson was confused, but there were other Mario games. She insisted I help her find Mario Galaxy on the DS. I told her I couldn't because it could not exist. Then I politely excused myself.

About 5 minutes later one of my managers comes up to me and says "Hey, a woman was asking for Mario Galaxy on the Nintendo DS". I explained to my manager that didn't exist (keep in mind the manager was not responsible for gaming, so reasonable for them not to know). Five minutes later another manager comes to me and asks "Do we have Mario Galaxy on the DS"? I'm not 100% sure, but I think I remember a third asking me on a walky talky. But definitely at least two.

A Wii U update just dropped.

As someone who just bought Splatoon 1 and has been DCing out of 50% of my games, I was hoping this would help, but alas, DCed out of my first three. Probably just an update to set up for the upcoming shutdown of the shop or something...