Mar1217 said:
How surprising is it really. Splatoon 2 released during the launch window of a new console. Graphical improvement were bound to happen when it's been these teams have been working with the hardware for a few years now. We're at the point in the Switch lifetime where every team under Nintendo's umbrella are able to push the hardware to it's or far beyond if you wanna look at games like Xenoblade 3, Luigi's Mansion 3, etc ... |
Oh for sure, but I was more referring to loading times specifically. Most of the time the speed of loading times is tied to the speed of your storage, but that of course is unchanged. So the fact that Splatoon 3 is seemingly both loading faster and better looking graphically while also being just a larger game in general than Splatoon 2 while running on the same hardware is impressive.
You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind