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  • I've never played Neir: Automata, so definitely interested in picking that up.
  • Blanc looks really cool.
  • Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope looks really good.
  • Sonic Frontiers...actually looked pretty good?  I had heard some complaining about the first trailers, but that actually looked like it might be a good game. I haven't played a Sonic game since the Gamecube, so not sure if I will pick that up.
  • Live A Live is very interesting.  Likely pick this up at some point.
  • Dragon Quest Treasures looks sort of interesting.  Would have to see more.
  • Portal on the Switch is awesome, but I already have them on PC.
  • Harvestella looks fantastic.  Looks like Rune Factory has some strong competition now.  That is good news.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)

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CaptainExplosion said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

I think Persona 5 can be painful if you don't like story and characters, because I often come across moments in the game that I could spend as long as 3 hours without doing anything meaningful other than social sim mechanics and watching the plot progressing 

Plus it is too massive, Royal take me 130 hours to beat with no proper way to speed things up. It took me 5 weeks, playing every day for hours. If you don't absolutely love it you will drop no question. 

I gave it a 10/10, but I understand someone who give it a score like 5

Yes, I've heard that Persona 5 can be a chore to play through because the characters are such unlikable piss stains.

Where are you getting your info from?

The cast of Persona 5, especially Persona 5 Royal, is absolutely incredible! One of the greatest, if not, THE greatest cast of characters I've ever had the privilege of seeing and interacting with in a video game. It's either them or the cast from Xenoblade Chronicles 1!

Each one has their own journey, growth, set of flaws and qualities, and characteristics that makes them easy to connect with.

The Phantom Thieves are the best batch of friends/family you could possibly ask for and each one of them has their own traits that sets them apart from the rest.

Ryuji is best bro; Morgana is a charming mofo; Ann is a gorgeous sweetheart; Yusuke is the weird oddball who can't help but make you laugh; Makoto is the strong, intimidating badass! Futaba is the precious little sister you want to protect (or a gamer boy's dream girl); Haru is the sweet roll of fluffy hair who's bad side you DON'T want to be on; Kasumi is the sweet, beautiful, and polite underclassmen who looks up to you; And Akechi... OH... MY... GOD... AKECHI!!!!

Even the none playable characters range from harmless to freaking awesome!

Last edited by PAOerfulone - on 28 June 2022

Mar1217 said:

Beforehand the games fall into a formulaic approach following the template of the 1st chapter (arguably the best) and kinda expect the player to engross themselves into it's heavy repetitiveness.

Do you mean gameplay wise or story wise?

Gameplay wise I can think some better designed palaces that come latter, and with a bit more interesting visual/music/arts as well

Story wise I think I prefer the Casino of Envy, it's probably the tipping point of the game with an awesome twist too. And, of course, the Laboratory of Sorrow in the third semester, as you already mentioned

Thinking about what I dislike in Persona

Is clearly the lack of replayability. I've beaten the original game and beaten Royal (which combined means over 200 hours of gameplay) but can't manage to start again even though I would really like to play the palaces again. I retried Royal two times and in both cases stopped in first palace

You can argue it's the best, but if you are a long time player, it can be the worst because it works as a tutorial. You don't need a tutorial if you already know how to play the damn game 

It spent an obscene amount of time with a plot that I already know and mostly I can't skip. If you speed up dialogue whatever you get is an tremendous amount of time looking for the character saying nothing on the screen. Worth nothing to mention you often need to interact giving answers that don't affect the story which make things really a drag

I don't have any hope to see this fixed in Persona 6, I guess they are purposefully trying to make games that can only be fully appreciated when playing once

Last edited by IcaroRibeiro - on 30 June 2022

Enjoying Three Hopes so far. I stand by my initial complaints in the story from the demo. In a lot of ways, the narrative kind of goes against some of the themes in Three Houses. In that game, the House leaders and Rhea will all go off the deep end without Byleth's influence (except Claude really). Here, they're all kind of rational and moderate so far. And, without spending time in the academy, you don't have bonds with the characters, so it's not a huge emotional deal fighting against them on the battlefield. Even though I came in knowing them from three Houses, it feels different. Even if I had attachment to them in Three Houses, I haven't spent time with them this playthrough, so the feels are weaker, if that makes sense. May just be me though.

All that said, it's a perfectly fun game. The Warriors format is still fun. There were some changes made to both the Warrior and Fire Emblem aspects that are improvments on either. For instance, being able to train in classes I'm not currently equipped with is a great addition, and is more intuitive than Three Houses skill level system. And while the overall story is kind of meh, it's still fun to see all of the character interactions, particularly between some characters who weren't together much in the game. We'll see how things finish up, but of the three Warriors games I've played (the Nintendo ones minus age of calamity) this is my favorite so far.

CaptainExplosion said:

Uh oh...

... I'm genuinely confused as to what there is making you say uh oh. 

Around the Network
CaptainExplosion said:
JWeinCom said:

Enjoying Three Hopes so far. I stand by my initial complaints in the story from the demo. In a lot of ways, the narrative kind of goes against some of the themes in Three Houses. In that game, the House leaders and Rhea will all go off the deep end without Byleth's influence (except Claude really). Here, they're all kind of rational and moderate so far. And, without spending time in the academy, you don't have bonds with the characters, so it's not a huge emotional deal fighting against them on the battlefield. Even though I came in knowing them from three Houses, it feels different. Even if I had attachment to them in Three Houses, I haven't spent time with them this playthrough, so the feels are weaker, if that makes sense. May just be me though.

All that said, it's a perfectly fun game. The Warriors format is still fun. There were some changes made to both the Warrior and Fire Emblem aspects that are improvments on either. For instance, being able to train in classes I'm not currently equipped with is a great addition, and is more intuitive than Three Houses skill level system. And while the overall story is kind of meh, it's still fun to see all of the character interactions, particularly between some characters who weren't together much in the game. We'll see how things finish up, but of the three Warriors games I've played (the Nintendo ones minus age of calamity) this is my favorite so far.

... I'm genuinely confused as to what there is making you say uh oh. 

Just expecting Nintendo to screw this up.

Screw up... what exactly? 

IcaroRibeiro said:

Thinking about what I dislike in Persona

Is clearly the lack of replayability. I've beaten the original game and beaten Royal (which combined means over 200 hours of gameplay) but can't manage to start again even though I would really like to play the palaces again. I retried Royal two times and in both cases stopped in first palace

You can argue it's the best, but if you are a long time player, it can be the worst because it works as a tutorial. You don't need a tutorial if you already know how to play the damn game 

It's spend an obscene amount of time with a plot that I already know and mostly I can't skip. If you speed up dialogue whatever you get is an tremendous amount of time looking for the character saying nothing on the screen  it words nothing to mention you often need to interact giving answers that don't affect the story which make things really a drag

I don't have any hope to see this fixed in Persona 6, I guess they are purposefully trying to make games that can only be fully appreciated when playing once

I guess it comes down to preference, but I don't think replay value matters as much. Some are created for that one time experience and that's what makes it good. 

Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope Showcase

CaptainExplosion said:
JWeinCom said:

Screw up... what exactly? 

Whatever comes after the Switch. Every time Nintendo has a best-selling system of a generation they get careless and screw up the successor. Happened with the N64, happened with the Wii U, and now I'm afraid of them doing it a third time.

Eh..? Ok, but I'm still not seeing the connection.

CaptainExplosion said:
JWeinCom said:

Screw up... what exactly? 

Whatever comes after the Switch. Every time Nintendo has a best-selling system of a generation they get careless and screw up the successor. Happened with the N64, happened with the Wii U, and now I'm afraid of them doing it a third time.

"Every Time" 

It happened once with the WiiU. Before that it was a steady, gradual decline. What are you even talking about? 

NES - 61.91 Million

SNES - 49.10 Million

N64 - 32.93 Million

GCN - 21.74 Million

WiiU - 13.56 Million

That was a pretty steady decline, which was probably more to do with market trends and better competition than anything directly on Nintendo's part. Nintendo had virtually no competition, SNES had Genesis which sold 34.06 Million. N64 had Playstation, which sold 102.49 Million, and Gamecube had PS2 which sold a record 158.70 and Xbox which sold 24.65 Million on its own. Y'all can theorize all you want about shit but like, the Wii was the outlier here, not the WiiU. 

The Switch is in a similar position to the Wii, but it has more in common with their handhelds than anything else at this point, which is all over the place in terms of sales. 118.69 million, 81.51 million, 154.02 million, 75.94 million, then Switch at 109.25 and counting. (I am so ready for it to burst past the GB to become the 3rd best selling platform according to VGC). 

Point is, you're attributing patterns inaccurately. Home consoles have been on a steady decline with the Wii being the outlier and handhelds have been bouncing up and down with each generation, currently ending with a pretty damn high point. 

**Edit** Oh, and WiiU had both the PS4 (which is at 116.93 million currently) and the Xbox One (which is at 50.53 Million, currently). so, like, yeah, a lot of it has to do with the success of the competition and Nintendo's steadfast nature. Again, Wii was the exception and the outlier, not the WiiU. Because Wii not only was their best console to that point, but also competed against the most competitive generation yet (Though I genuinely think a Switch/PS5/XSX generation will be even more competitive and higher overall.)

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android