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Thinking about what I dislike in Persona

Is clearly the lack of replayability. I've beaten the original game and beaten Royal (which combined means over 200 hours of gameplay) but can't manage to start again even though I would really like to play the palaces again. I retried Royal two times and in both cases stopped in first palace

You can argue it's the best, but if you are a long time player, it can be the worst because it works as a tutorial. You don't need a tutorial if you already know how to play the damn game 

It spent an obscene amount of time with a plot that I already know and mostly I can't skip. If you speed up dialogue whatever you get is an tremendous amount of time looking for the character saying nothing on the screen. Worth nothing to mention you often need to interact giving answers that don't affect the story which make things really a drag

I don't have any hope to see this fixed in Persona 6, I guess they are purposefully trying to make games that can only be fully appreciated when playing once

Last edited by IcaroRibeiro - on 30 June 2022