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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mass Effect Andromeda: PS4 vs. Xbox One resolution and frame-rate test (Digital Foundry)

Not interested at the moment.There are simply other games that are either better or Im more interested in at the moment to care for ME Andromeda.And these issues dosent help its case either.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

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Normchacho said:
d21lewis said:
I already preordered the Xbox version. I figured the performance issues would be negligible. The PS4 version is better but nothing I'll lose sleep over.

I'd like a PS4 Pro vs PS4 vs XBO S vs XBO video, though. Just to see where different versions stand.

I assume we'll get a PS4 Pro video in a few days, and I think the Xbox One S is the only one they test now.

I also expect them to add the PC version in either the PS4 vs XOne S video or the PS4 Pro one.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

PC saves the day, this game cannot be played with sub 30 fps. What a joke in 2017.

d21lewis said:
I already preordered the Xbox version. I figured the performance issues would be negligible. The PS4 version is better but nothing I'll lose sleep over.

I'd like a PS4 Pro vs PS4 vs XBO S vs XBO video, though. Just to see where different versions stand.

close as I could get:

Xbox One S  vs PS4 Pro vs PC:

PC >> PS4Pro >>>>>> Xbox One S

Performance should be the least of peoples concerns with this game. The Gifs rolling out are hilarious

Around the Network
Mafioso said:
The tearing isn't very noticeable for me, but i'm going for the PC version for the full 4K HDR experience.

I assume you have your PC hooked up to a TV? I don't think 4k HDR PC screens are available yet (i believe the first are launcher later this year).

Before people starts crying about " this gen can't handle this"
Horizon zero dawn.
Nuff said.


My youtube gaming page.

bananaking21 said:
I'll be waiting to pick this up anyways. So by the time i pick it up patches would have fixed a lot of issues.

But it won't fix bad writing,bad VA and being at best an average TPS.

JRPGfan said:
d21lewis said:
I already preordered the Xbox version. I figured the performance issues would be negligible. The PS4 version is better but nothing I'll lose sleep over.

I'd like a PS4 Pro vs PS4 vs XBO S vs XBO video, though. Just to see where different versions stand.

close as I could get:

Xbox One S  vs PS4 Pro vs PC:

PC >> PS4Pro >>>>>> Xbox One S

So X1s is holding the pro back, look identical more or less.

These DF videos are more pointless now than ever considering there are far more important things that Bioware clearly have not focused on. Animations make a game, not pixels and frame rate. Not sure of ''graphics'' is the cause for MEA's shortcomings, but I would rather games go back to 720p in order to get the fundamentals right.