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Forums - General Discussion - Seal Clubbing is a sick tradition and it must end!

IsawYoshi said:
Qwark said:

It's not the use of the animal or the hunting that I am against. It's the manner of killing that's inhumane most seals don't die on the first impact. They are beaten to dead with a baseball bat. That's even worse than slaughtering an innocent animal by cutting it's troath and leave it to drown in its own blood.

Not sure what you have been reading, but none of these methods of killing are used in the sealing industry. 

Well, that was what this thread originally was about. A lot of seals are clubbed, just look it up.

(I'm not saying that the local population uses these methods when hunting.)

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Flilix said:
IsawYoshi said:

Not sure what you have been reading, but none of these methods of killing are used in the sealing industry. 

Well, that was what this thread originally was about. A lot of seals are clubbed, just look it up.

(I'm not saying that the local population uses these methods when hunting.)

A lot of seals are not clubbed no. Some are, just like some dogs get killed by their owners, just like some cats gets mistreated by their owners. In the end there are always going to be cruel humans going around doing stuff that they shouldn't do, but seals are not victims of this more than any other animals. In fact much less so, because they are so inaccessible. Locals and the industry are following laws and try to go by with their job and lifestyle as animal friendly as possible. Throwing around false, generalizing and horrible accusations should be unecessary.

Here, something to read before bedtime

In 2005, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) commissioned the Independent Veterinarians Working Group Report. With reference to video evidence, the report states: "Perception of the seal hunt seems to be based largely on emotion, and on visual images that are often difficult even for experienced observers to interpret with certainty. While a hakapik strike on the skull of a seal appears brutal, it is humane if it achieves rapid, irreversible loss of consciousness leading to death."


Furthermore, since a few have point In 1978, marine ecologist Jacques Cousteau criticized the focus on the seal hunt, arguing it is entirely emotional: "We have to be logical. We have to aim our activity first to the endangered species. Those who are moved by the plight of the harp seal could also be moved by the plight of the pig – the way they are slaughtered is horrible."

All Norwegian sealing vessels are required to carry a qualified veterinary inspector on board.[99] Norwegian sealers are required to pass a shooting test each year before the season starts, using the same weapon and ammunition as they would on the ice. Likewise, they have to pass a hakapik test.[100]
Adult seals more than one year old must be shot in the head with expanding bullets, and cannot be clubbed to death.


Ps3 said:

Sorry! But... I think it's a cruel and horrible thing. And what's their excuse for clubbing? Food? Sorry, but eating a seal is like eating siht and is totally weird! For sport? Sorry, but that's some kind of satanic stuff. And 3 if you support or seal club you are the devil!

While I somewhat agree with the sentiment, you REALLY need to work on your argumentation. A basic philosophy course might do you some good.

1. (it's a cruel and horrible thing)


Why? Worse than industrial pig farming?


2.(And what's their excuse for clubbing? Food? Sorry, but eating a seal is like eating siht and is totally weird!)

 . is entirely subjective, and doesn't offer much of an argument at all. By the way, the more industrial practice of seal hunting usually goes after the fur, which does have desirable qualities (isolates against the cold and water).

3.(And 3 if you support or seal club you are the devil!)


I don't even see what you were trying to bring across. It's an attack on the person, as an argument poor and insufficiant (and that's being nice - insufficiant would be having a weak base, you offer none at all.)

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Ps3 said:

Well, as long as you aren't eating micro sized pigs, then I think it's okay, because pigs are becoming popular animals. However, big farm pigs, they're different. I'm not saying it's okay, but we eat pigs.. Most countries in the world eat pig. Only like a few thousand eat seals. Most people would vomit if seal was on their plate.  But I'm for eating less meat. I think we rely way too much on meat. Perhaps potatoes and cherries? I love those.

No offence dude but have you tried seal to say people would vomit, my view on hunting is that I don't agree with it if it's just for sport and would prefer if it's done in the most ethical manner possible, if that's what you're arguing than I agree but if you mean hunting in general then I can't agree. I've watched documentaries of Eskimo tribes that rely on them as a good food source.

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Ka-pi96 said:
Ps3 said:

So clubbing an animal with a spike bat is humane? Yeah okay! And anyone who eats cats or dogs should be strapped to a bed and given medicine. That's sick!

Well obviously not

There's a reason I said I can't agree "anymore". Seal clubbing sounds bad, yeah and probably should be stopped. But if they're killed in a more humane way I don't see why people shouldn't be able to eat them. The eating seals = inherently bad part is where I disagree.

And nothing wrong with those eating cats or dogs. I know China even has a dog eating festival. Good on 'em! Not something I'd ever partake in, but they have every right to eat it, just like the French eat horses or whatever.

Reading up a bit on the topic, the spiked bat (called a hakapik) seems to be the way that kills the seals quickest, in that the spike crushes the brain and the seal dies basically instantly. It may seem gory, but as far as pain for the animal goes, it's painless.

I'm about to reply to losts of posts.. Hold up let me say what I have to say.


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3


Yeah never been a fan of hunting for sport, foods another matter though.

Those Poor seals.

Acevil said:
Ps3 said:

1. Grammar is important.

2. Nobody ever said meat was in the fridge. I said other foods were.

I think knowledge is far more important compared to small grammatical error, maybe you should educate yourself on the subject, and try again, because you literally have compared Human babies to seals. (If you are trying to imply people hunt baby seals, you are incredibly wrong, since that is illegal act.)

So are you vegeterian? Do you ever at any point have any leather in your household. Are you against farming practices of your own nation, as they can be crueler than clubbing a seal, as they keep various animals in a crammed environment. 

Also add if you think grammar is important, maybe you should do spell check and punctuation check on the stuff you write. 

I'd rather have punctuation errors than sentences that make no sense. I never said human babies. Where are you making this stuff up from? Not all babies are humans. Dogs have babies, cats have babies, seals have babies!


I don't have to be a vegetarian. Or even leather. Seals play on the ice and live in one small part of the world, and don't both anyone! Yet, you have idiots who invade them take club them to death.


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3


IsawYoshi said:
Ps3 said:

With all due respect, but I think you should look into the matter as well. These seals are mostly hunted for sport and for fun. Seal clubbing is a national pass time for some people, and thousands are murdered for their fur, and they're left on the ice to die alone and cold.

Seals are not "mostly hunted for sport and for fun." They are hunted for the meat and for the fur. Trophy hunting of seals is pretty much a non issue compared to other animals. I'm not saying this because I think the limited "for fun" hunting isn't a problem, but I'm saying it because it is just that, limited. You make it seem like that's the only reason people do it. 


It's not "national pass time" for anyone. There are to my knowledge a few tour opperators (not in norway though) that let's you hunt it for fun. This I do not support, but the hunting is in this case something people do on vacation. No one in the artic goes hunting for seals just cause they are bored on a sunday morning. Furthermore the seals are killed before skinning, so they are not left to die from hypothermia. 


Ps3 said:

I can blame them cause they can eat plenty of other things. You're telling me that the only thing to eat up there are seals? That's ridiculous. 

They eat fish as well, and some eat whale. There isn't really anything else to eat but fish, seal and whale. It's not like they have a corn field right next to their homes and they choose to ignore it. When you live in that way you can't afford to be picky about what you eat.


Ps3 said:

2. Well fish lay thousands of babies at a time. They're billions upon billions! and they're also not as intelligent as seals.

They lay eggs not babies. Only a few of them ever become fish. 

The incredible thing here is that you are portraying others as monsters because they kill animals, and then you say that it's better to kill fish because they aren't as intelligent as seals? If anything you should look at your own ethical thinking. 


Ps3 said:

Well, I hope you stop eating seal if you do eat them. And I'm completely serious about comparing to eating babies to seals, because they are babies, and they're raped of their fur and left on the ice to bleed to death. Do you have any idea how they must feel inside their head?

Well, Norway, doesn't really participate in seal hunting, to my knowledge, but do you eat seal?

I don't think I've tasted seal myself, but I'm probably going to taste it sooner or later (I moved to the artic quite recently). The seals that are hunted are grown up and not babies, hunting non-grown up animals isn't allowed. They are not raped for their fur, and are not left on the ice to bleed to death. On one hand you claim that they are clubbed to death, on the other that they freeze to death and on the third that they bleed to death. Killing of these animals are as humane as possible, unlike what you're suggesting. Meaning that they end their life without unnecessary suffering such as "freezing", "bleeding" or spiked clubs like you suggested earlier. It might happen in isolated incidences, but sadly this happens to any animals, humans included. This hasn't anything to do with the commercial hunting of them though, as it is strickly forbidden.

We do participate in seal hunting, but nothing major as far as I know, some thousands a year. People do eat seal, but seing as not many seals are killed it's not a regular thing. I do think they sell it at the supermarket though. Whale is more normal here. 



You should take a step back and look at your arguments and knowledge of the matter. It almost seems like it's a joke thread, and in case it is I would say that it's a bad one. There are serious issues with animal rights, and you're not helping any of them by throwing out baseless allegations.

So you admit, there are people who do it for for fun!

Well, there are things you can make. Why not take a drive to town once in a blue moon? Buy some canned goods. How about some breads or something else? It's cause they're lazy and evil and use it as an excuse to pick on the weak.

They are in fact raped of their fur, and they are beat to death.  Yes, they are ripped of their fur while they're still alive. Do some reading on the subject. Most of the time they are still breathing while their bodies lay on the ice without fur.

So it's a joke because I'm standing up with facts? YEAH OKAY! Seal clubbing is sick and anyone who does it needs help.


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3