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Ps3 said:

Sorry! But... I think it's a cruel and horrible thing. And what's their excuse for clubbing? Food? Sorry, but eating a seal is like eating siht and is totally weird! For sport? Sorry, but that's some kind of satanic stuff. And 3 if you support or seal club you are the devil!

While I somewhat agree with the sentiment, you REALLY need to work on your argumentation. A basic philosophy course might do you some good.

1. (it's a cruel and horrible thing)


Why? Worse than industrial pig farming?


2.(And what's their excuse for clubbing? Food? Sorry, but eating a seal is like eating siht and is totally weird!)

 . is entirely subjective, and doesn't offer much of an argument at all. By the way, the more industrial practice of seal hunting usually goes after the fur, which does have desirable qualities (isolates against the cold and water).

3.(And 3 if you support or seal club you are the devil!)


I don't even see what you were trying to bring across. It's an attack on the person, as an argument poor and insufficiant (and that's being nice - insufficiant would be having a weak base, you offer none at all.)

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