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Forums - General Discussion - Seal Clubbing is a sick tradition and it must end!

TheLastStarFighter said:
Everyone knows that seals are shot, not clubbed, by the seal industry, right?



Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3


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IsawYoshi said:
Qwark said:

It's not the use of the animal or the hunting that I am against. It's the manner of killing that's inhumane most seals don't die on the first impact. They are beaten to dead with a baseball bat. That's even worse than slaughtering an innocent animal by cutting it's troath and leave it to drown in its own blood.

Not sure what you have been reading, but none of these methods of killing are used in the sealing industry. 




Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3

BUY TAYLOR'S NEW ALBUM REPUTATION!! avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Kaneman! said:
Holy shit OP, haven't seen such terrible argumentation and so many fallacies in one thread for quite a while.

Continue opening topics though, I'm getting a good laugh from them.

And...... you are, who? *Looks at your time on these forums* Oh, that's why I don't know you.


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3


Ka-pi96 said:
Ps3 said:

So clubbing an animal with a spike bat is humane? Yeah okay! And anyone who eats cats or dogs should be strapped to a bed and given medicine. That's sick!

Well obviously not

There's a reason I said I can't agree "anymore". Seal clubbing sounds bad, yeah and probably should be stopped. But if they're killed in a more humane way I don't see why people shouldn't be able to eat them. The eating seals = inherently bad part is where I disagree.

And nothing wrong with those eating cats or dogs. I know China even has a dog eating festival. Good on 'em! Not something I'd ever partake in, but they have every right to eat it, just like the French eat horses or whatever.

How can you even say that festical is okay. Did you know they lock about 40 dogs in one cage on top of each other? There are even reported cases of people walking their dogs on the streets, and vans rolling up on them, stealing their dogs and driving off? That's not okay, and that needs to stop too.


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3


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Flilix said:
IsawYoshi said:

Not sure what you have been reading, but none of these methods of killing are used in the sealing industry. 

Well, that was what this thread originally was about. A lot of seals are clubbed, just look it up.

(I'm not saying that the local population uses these methods when hunting.)

You're right don't let them tell you you're wrong. That's how 99% of those seals are murdered.


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3


palou said:
Ps3 said:

Sorry! But... I think it's a cruel and horrible thing. And what's their excuse for clubbing? Food? Sorry, but eating a seal is like eating siht and is totally weird! For sport? Sorry, but that's some kind of satanic stuff. And 3 if you support or seal club you are the devil!

 . is entirely subjective, and doesn't offer much of an argument at all. By the way, the more industrial practice of seal hunting usually goes after the fur, which does have desirable qualities (isolates against the cold and water).

Well, it isn't sold in America!


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3


Teeqoz said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Well obviously not

There's a reason I said I can't agree "anymore". Seal clubbing sounds bad, yeah and probably should be stopped. But if they're killed in a more humane way I don't see why people shouldn't be able to eat them. The eating seals = inherently bad part is where I disagree.

And nothing wrong with those eating cats or dogs. I know China even has a dog eating festival. Good on 'em! Not something I'd ever partake in, but they have every right to eat it, just like the French eat horses or whatever.

Reading up a bit on the topic, the spiked bat (called a hakapik) seems to be the way that kills the seals quickest, in that the spike crushes the brain and the seal dies basically instantly. It may seem gory, but as far as pain for the animal goes, it's painless.

But they don't die immedidately. There are videos of them shaking on the floor, still breathing while their coats are ripped off.


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3


Ps3 said:
monocle_layton said:

Wow, you're so educated and informed about this topic. Such amazing responses. Blew me away









And you're educated on this subject? YEAH OKAY! You haven't provided one thing anyone has agreed with yet. Yet many have agreed with me. HAHA!

Yeah, I'm not even gonna continue.


Almost everyone has agreed that those who simply kill a seal and eat it (such as inuits) do not bring any sort of problem.


Besides, why should I care if everyone agrees with you? Should we now switch our mindsets due to us being against the supposed majority? You must be a mindless dumbass to think appealing to the majority magically makes you smarter or superior in any shape or form.


The more I think about it, that's what the majority of your posts are. I thought I created garbage threads when I was a troll, and yet you seem to have surpassed me. Post after post, you've done nothing but use fallacy after fallacy. You respond in the same manner as well.



If you can't seem to understand the food chain and think it's a matter up for debate, then this thread doesn't even deserve to stay up.

monocle_layton said:
Ps3 said:

And you're educated on this subject? YEAH OKAY! You haven't provided one thing anyone has agreed with yet. Yet many have agreed with me. HAHA!

Yeah, I'm not even gonna continue.


Almost everyone has agreed that those who simply kill a seal and eat it (such as inuits) do not bring any sort of problem.


Besides, why should I care if everyone agrees with you? Should we now switch our mindsets due to us being against the supposed majority? You must be a mindless dumbass to think appealing to the majority magically makes you smarter or superior in any shape or form.


The more I think about it, that's what the majority of your posts are. I thought I created garbage threads when I was a troll, and yet you seem to have surpassed me. Post after post, you've done nothing but use fallacy after fallacy. You respond in the same manner as well.



If you can't seem to understand the food chain and think it's a matter up for debate, then this thread doesn't even deserve to stay up.

^This. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.