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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - [Rumor]Breath of Wild cancelled on WiiU

StarOcean said:
Pavolink said:

When?! How?!


About a year or so ago. She said they were prioritizing the Switch version due to the Wii U having issues with the game. Thats what she heard around the office anyway

I think that right there should say her info is not true...

And the fact that LKD said last month that the Wii U version will release a week after the Switch version.

At the end of the day I just know it would cause a big uproar if they cancelled the Wii U version at this point, I'm getting the Switch version but you don't want to screw over the people waiting for the Wii U version because people will start to think Nintendo will always do this.

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Mnementh said:
Random_Matt said:
Makes sense to be honest.

Actually, it doea not make sense. If WiiU really is dead, it will not hurt sales on Switch. If WiiU isn't dead, it contributes to sales. Also the question is, how much WiiU-owners already are won over to Switch. So even if WiiU-owners still use the device, they may prefer buying Zelda on Switch. So, the interesting set of people would be the ones, that would buy Zelda on WiiU, but if not available purchase Switch for the game.  I doubt that are many. WiiU-owners either buy Switch right away or aren't swayed by Zelda.

On the other hand is the negative effect if the do not release it on WiiU. That would be PR-disaster and might turn away customers from all Nintendo-products.

So, if Nintendo-management made this decision they are stupid as hell.

Why waste resources on a terrible sell rate of Wii U, just bloody can it. Would want to push Switch sales, most businesses would want the new thing to sell to the best possible potential. I honestly think Nintendo doesn't really care for 10 - 15 million Wii U Owners, they will sell more Switches.

Can't be.

C'mon, it won't happen. Nintendo couldn't lie like this.

God bless You.

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Yeah, not gonna happen. Nintendo will double dip. They know some aren't going to make the jump and enough development has already been done on the U version.

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Goodnightmoon said:
Dr.Vita said:
If this rumor is true then Nintendo should really leave the home console business..

And you should stop daydreaming so much.

I am sorry but I think a cancellation on Wii U is an inexcusable rip-off to all the loyal Nintendo fans who bought the Wii U. You really want to defend a company who lied to the face of all the loyal Wii U fans? Don't forget that Nintendo advertised this game for Wii U since the console was announced... It's like NMS all over again just worse...

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superchunk said:

Please tell me no one believes this.


Also, even Japan will get the retail Wii U version. Seriously, guys come on! Don't you think japanese gamers wouldn't be just as upset as you are? And that's their strongest market.

You know what this rumour is? Clickbait, ffs! You've been falling for it.

Not gonna happen though. I'm still worried about the WiiU version performance. I hope it's good enough. I expect Switch version to be technically better, but WiiU version should, at least, have an estable 30fps/720p.

Also, here's a link to the exact same japanese amazon site that OP linked to, but after searching "breath of the wild".

GoOnKid said:

Also, here's a link to the exact same japanese amazon site that OP linked to, but after searching "breath of the wild".

again, the result you get is from a vendor called Office Uk, and that's the imported version form the USA.

The japanese version is written in japanese, and has disappeared...

Some people on gamefaqs said that 10ys ago, with TP GC version Nintendo did the same only for Japan. In the end, they printed a small amount of copies sold online exclusively. Is that true? Because maybe this is the same and just Japan again?

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