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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Xbox Rant - MS needs to step up their game



Valid rant 156 73.58%
Invalid rant 56 26.42%
bunchanumbers said:
BillyBong said:

Problem with your statement is that PS are consantly making new franchises outside of the regular staple.. They are constantly adding new and retiring franchises with their library.. TLOU, LBP, Bloodborne, Infamous, R&C, Resistance, KZ, knack, siphon filter, etc.. With many new stuff coming out with promise.. Horizon, dreams, nioh, etc..  Just saying..  Variety and well acclaimed and most importantly, exclusive.. Doesn't matter what series stick around..  

You act like Sea of Thieves, Project Spark, Crimson Dragon, Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, Cuphead, and Ori never happened or are happening. MS has and continue to make games happen and they do take risks on new IPs. They just don't get credit for taking a shot at it.

No ones denying those games were made, it's just most ppl didn't buy them or they weren't that good. Project spark? Crimson dragon? Gamers and critics alike didn't care for them. Quantum break was solid but nothing else. Sunset overdrive was a bomb and likely won't get a sequel. So while they have made or helped produce a small number of games, most are commercial failures and fail to become profitable long running franchises the way Sony has been able to do, most recently with knack and the last of us IPs. 

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bunchanumbers said:

Doesn't matter. They're still trying. You act like its just halo/forza/gears but they have taken risks and they continue to do so. Give credit where its due. Its not like Knack is the Citizen Kane of games.

It does matter because the point of a gaming console is the games.  It hurts you when your competitors have quantity and quality and your satisfied on a yearly iterations forzas, bi annual releases of halo, etc. 

Man.. I hate it when your girl has to leave my place to come back to you..

Azzanation said:
onionberry said:

Xbox used to have a diversity of groundbreaking games, anyway, It's not that I don't like the system or the games that's not my issue. The majority of those games are on PC and the only game that I can't play on PC is Halo. So, If they are going to treat windows like the xbox then they should release halo on PC, if they are not going to do that then they need more exclusive games for xbox, cause then as a windows user, if I buy the console the xbox would be a halo machine. Unlike Sony and Nintendo where the consoles feel like its own entity and I have the excuse to buy them because those games are not on PC.

I brought my first ever Xbox (360) only for Halo, there is enough Halo games to keep my console satifaction. Plus with the inclusion of Forza and Gears series i dont really need anything else on Xbox. I buy all my 3rd Party games on PC. I think there new direction is great. It will help qaultiy games like Forza to stay around but increasing its sales. WHen you have been around gaming for a long time. You will see companies come and go. I would hate to see Turn 10 fold due to a lack of sales. PC audience will help continue to grow there main games. You know why Halo isnt on PC? Because Halo doesnt need to. It sells. 

What difference does it make if the Xbox game is available on PC?

Yep, Halo 5 have set new records. Forza and Gears as well.

Could be more to do that without any exclusives (versus PC) the reason for people to buy X1 would be very little.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Yep unfortunately, I believe the glory days of the original Xbox will not happen again. The strategy simply didn't work against the PS2, then again with early 360 days. The 360 didn't sell that well with japanese exclusives and new ip exclusivity (Bioshock, ME, Gears, etc.)

The console didn't start selling well until it had a good price and good marketing the kinect and they focused very little on having a variety of exclusive games in later 360 years. But that is when the 360 sold the best.

BillyBong said:
bunchanumbers said:

Doesn't matter. They're still trying. You act like its just halo/forza/gears but they have taken risks and they continue to do so. Give credit where its due. Its not like Knack is the Citizen Kane of games.

It does matter because the point of a gaming console is the games.  It hurts you when your competitors have quantity and quality and your satisfied on a yearly iterations forzas, bi annual releases of halo, etc. 

Its a focused demographic. They go there because they know what it offers. Its no different than Nintendo fans going to Nintendo because they offer Nintendo games. The secret is trying to appeal to that demographic with games that would appeal to them. Even Nintendo struggles with this. Not every Nintendo game is a hit. Same with Sony. Legend of Dragooon, Heavenly Sword, The Getaway and others offered promise and never got a sequel. Its just the way of the industry.

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shikamaru317 said:
Quality wise, I personally think MS is easily a match for Nintendo and Sony. The problem this gen for MS is quantity, Sony is absolutely spanking MS in terms of software output. Just look at the lists for 2017, Sony has like 3 times as many 2017 exclusives as MS, it's insane. Hopefully MS actually has a decent number of new games to announce at E3 next year instead of the usual 3 or 4.

You're correct that Microsoft has some high quality titlesbut they are few and come in iterations unless a third party exclusive is a hit. Problem is none of the action titles had anything to do with Microsoft in their creation. This doesnt mean to say they dont have great titles, but it means they dont have the same potential to create as their competition. They've even admitted their reasoning as to why they got timed exclusives off of high profile titles when it never made sense. Once more, MS bought or invested in them and then over time made them first party. Sony is actually creative. Similarly to Nintendo, they are capable of pumping out new IP that can drive sales.

Farsala said:
Yep unfortunately, I believe the glory days of the original Xbox will not happen again. The strategy simply didn't work against the PS2, then again with early 360 days. The 360 didn't sell that well with japanese exclusives and new ip exclusivity (Bioshock, ME, Gears, etc.)

The console didn't start selling well until it had a good price and good marketing the kinect and they focused very little on having a variety of exclusive games in later 360 years. But that is when the 360 sold the best.

The PS3 having a high price point and the 360 being the similar alternative  for a cheaper price is why  the 360 sold better. One should never believe they can make godlike moves in the industry and the people will not notice. A humbling moment for Sony to crack down on their ego.

I think MS has stepped up their game. They have had a great holiday with great exclusives, the Xbox S is a hit, backwards compatibility support has been superb with almost 300 games now, GwG has been really strong this year, they are constantly updating and making improvements to the UI, and Xbox play anywhere is great and will get better. They have a great lineup of games for next year like; Scalebound, Sea of Thieves, Halo Wars 2, State of decay 2, Crackdown 3, Cuphead, and I'm sure more to be announced, especially with Project Scorpio releasing. I don't see a Forza(yet), Gears, or mainline Halo in that lineup. Even if they do, it just goes to show MS can cover all bases.
If you get upset they release their games on PC, buy them on PC then. You're not hurting MS's feelings if you don't buy those games on an Xbox One.

@OP, Microsoft doesn't really care if you buy their software on PC or console. And there's no way Alan Wake will skip PC if it were to happen, lol. I don't think really any of the big three have done a good job this gen making exciting new IP's. Nintendo had Splatoon, Sony might have something in Horizon. Microsoft might have something in Sea of Thieves.

Personally I don't see them "stepping their game up" in the area you wish they would. It flies right in the face of what they have been all about lately. If you already have a good gaming PC then you'll already be able to play whatever future Xbone game they release that appeals to you. And you won't need new hardware. Seems like a win/win.


S.T.A.G.E. said:

Microsoft has never been good at making games. They've always paid outsiders to make their games for them or acquired franchises. Halo was purchased when they bought Bungie before it launched for Apple and the same Gears was purchased outright. Not only that but they hired a team composed of Sony and irattional games workers to make Gears 4 helmed by Rod Ferguson. MS making a key action-based exclusive all by themselves is a little much to ask. Theyve never done it after all of their time in the console business. It would be nice, but they dont take risk,because I feel they know they arent that creative.

I've had this issue with Microsoft for a long time and have expressed this for years. I dub this a valid rant. 

You've held a lot of incorrect theories about Microsoft for years, this is just one of them. Also, lol @ no risks. Just this gen they have payrolled Ryse, Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, ReCore, among other "action-based" games. All of those were risks. One could easily argue 0 of them paid off. The strangest part about this theory is that you're a huge Sony fan, and if this bothers you about Microsoft, then surely it must bother you about Sony? Possibly even more, since they are supposed to be the far superior game maker with much more and much better studios.

We're three years into this gen.. where are the games? We've actually had a couple threads touching on this in the last couple days. Something about PS4 having ten exclusive one million sellers on PS4, but half of them were not made by Sony but rather farmed out. And someone else made a thread about the top 100+ scoring PS4 games on Metacritic, IIRC only three are PS4 exclusives? If you use this website and look at the top 100 selling titles on PS4, a decent amount, 15 IIRC, are Sony games. But in those 15, you have:

3 yearly MLB releases
2 ports/collections from last gen
5 of the remaining 10 are made by third party companies paid by Sony, aka the same thing you're bitching about with Microsoft.
4 of the remaining 5 games are made by first party companies that Sony bought, aka the same thing you're bitching about with Microsoft.

The lone remaining game is Knack. Yeah, Knack.

Where is the risk you want? Where is the creativity? It doesn't exist here imho, which is more shameful because as the market leader with way more consoles sold and way more appeal worldwide, there is far less risk for them and yet you can compare their output with Microsoft's very easily. We all know Sony has wider appeal and will, by default, get way more exclusive games just by way of third party Japanese support. But this theory you have just doesn't mesh with the reality we have seen this gen.


Snoopy said:
CGI-Quality said:

Because Naughty Dog's games are all in-engine. Precisely why you shouldn't make baseless accusations. Now move on!


User was moderated for this and other posts ~ CGI

Don't forget about Uncharted 4, it was also downgraded from the initial reveal. Maybe what people mean to say is ND's demos are all in engine, but the engine can always be downgraded.

wow you were banned for basically proving your own point... lol. Guess you should have just stuck with "xbox is done" or "microsoft sucks at making games" or something equally "constructive", that seems to fly perfectly fine.


User was warned for this post ~ CGI

onionberry said:

Xbox used to have a diversity of groundbreaking games, anyway, It's not that I don't like the system or the games that's not my issue. The majority of those games are on PC and the only game that I can't play on PC is Halo. So, If they are going to treat windows like the xbox then they should release halo on PC, if they are not going to do that then they need more exclusive games for xbox, cause then as a windows user, if I buy the console the xbox would be a halo machine. Unlike Sony and Nintendo where the consoles feel like its own entity and I have the excuse to buy them because those games are not on PC.

But then in that scenario, you create a rip like alst gen, where MS ignored it's PC userbase and in turn that abse flocked to Steam. MS wants and cannot ignore the PC space as it is now and they have to cater to waht it wants. If you want Xbox to have more exclusives, then what is MS going to do about their PC space?, they cannot pull another 7th gen and give them nothing and ignore them all over again.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"