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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is Nintendo switch (or NS) the start of Gen 9?


Start of gen 8

Yes 74 24.58%
No 112 37.21%
Gens are now dead 115 38.21%
Hiku said:
spemanig said:

I don't have much to add LOL I agree with most of what you're saying. Very well put.

I feel like I said a lot, but not really, you know? xD And I should have elaborated on how "generations" affect competition, but I didn't want to make it too long. I'll try to think of a TL;DR version for future conversations.
(Really, I saved this to my notepad. lol)

Well what you did say was very good!I will say that the only minor disagreement I have is with your assessment that the switch is Nintendo's reentry into the 8th generation. While I understand what you are saying, I truly believe that the Switch is the first entry in the real "generationless" era of consoles we will soon face. I think that the PS4 will be succeeded by one final Sony gaming platform that goes on indefinitely, and I believe that the same thing will happen to Xbox. I think we've already seen that platform for Sony in PlayStation Now, and I'm suspicious that we might be seeing that platform come into fruition fully with Microsoft's project Scorpio.

Either way, whatever the PS5 and Xbox Two eventually end up being, I think those platforms will end up being indefinite as well. Because I also think that the Switch is an indefinite platform, it will just continue on a long side those until the end of time, having frequent but incremental hardware updates to keep up graphically. I guess the most apt comparison is the original GameBoy, which started during the fourth generation, but didn't really end until the sixth generation of home consoles started coming out.

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Generations are dead. The term "next-generation" is just marketing at this point.

NS is Nintendo's latest gaming console, but the distinction of "generations" is lost to how hardware revisions are changing. All you have to do is look at how mobile is handled to see how gaming consoles are shifting. PS4Pro/Scorpio is further illustration of this concept. Nintendo following suit by moving to ARM is further demonstration.

Nintendo will follow NS (if successful) with hardware revisions every few years just like MSony are doing now.

I don't mind that either. You can still skip revisions and buy every other to get that feels of significant change or buy each revision as some buy new phones every year.

Yes. Gen 9.


Machina said:
Nogamez said:

It won't let me edit thread title. If you actually read the OP before gobbing off you would have realised this........

I've gone ahead and edited the thread title for you. Can't seem to edit the poll though.

Oh wow thank you ☺

Generations are kinda over. For Nintendo segmented hardware in general seems to be over too. None of the companies coordinate on these "generations" either, lol.

Like how is XBox One the start of a new generation when it sounds like XBox Scorpio is an equal hardware leap (1.2 TFLOP up to 6 TFLOP? That's the same leap as 250 GFLOP to 1.2 TFLOP).

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It s a new gen for Nintendo at least.
And doesn t try to be on par with the rest of the gen anyway.

The NS has the Ps4 slim, the PS4 pro, One S, scorpio, Iphone and android devices as competitors.

Ka-pi96 said:
Same gen as PS4/Xbox One. ie. 8th gen.

Generations aren't defined by power. They're defined by brand new platforms. The NS is an entirely new platform thus, 9th generation. 

DonFerrari said:
Since Switch won't play WiiU games and WiiU won't play switch games it isn't a mid gen for me but nintendo getting early for new gen so gen 9, and it will be alone at it for quite a long time.

I completely agree with you: to US is generation 9, the compatibility of games is crucial.

Persona 5 on PS3, I won't need next gen!

I think "Gens" are pretty much done. PS4 pro and next year Scorpio as well as Nintendo's efforts.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

Ka-pi96 said:
pray4mojo said:

Generations aren't defined by power. They're defined by brand new platforms. The NS is an entirely new platform thus, 9th generation. 

Then by that logic the NS is... still 8th gen


Since Nintendo skipped the 2nd gen and the NES went in to the 3rd gen, based partially on it`s power but probably just as much, if not more so, on the timing of its release. If gens were defined solely by new platforms then the NES would have been placed in the 2nd gen instead since it followed Nintendo`s 1st gen console. Thus all their later consoles would also go back one gen making SNES 3rd, N64 4th, Gamecube 5th, Wii 6th, Wii U 7th, NS 8th.

I`m aruging that the timing of release, ie. it`s going to be competing with gen 8 consoles, not gen 9 consoles, for the majority of its life would mean that it too is an 8th gen console. Of course this would also mean that if the PS5 were to release in 2018 then the NS would be 9th gen since it would be competing with that, but I expect the next set of consoles to be too long after the NS for them to be considered the same gen.

None of anything either of us say is going to change the fact that when it comes out, it's going to be listed as a 9th generation console.