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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Direct Feed Games: NX Is 3-4x The Wii U, Nvidia Pascal Tegra GPU

Soundwave said:

Getting a battery life better than 2 hours would be tough though. 

This is what bothers me more. NX shapes more and more to be the 3DS-successor. As such battery life is important. I wait for the reveal.


I also think Nintendo will give up on home console completely. They will say NX is the successor of the WiiU too, as you can connect it to the TV. Which will be basically a lie.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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Mnementh said:
vivster said:

So if AMD FLOPS are comparable with Nvidia FLOPS it's still below X1. So basically what everyone was expecting.

That begs the question if 3rd parties will bother with ports now that Nintendo's console differs even more from the other two and PC. It might get some fine mobile games which should be easy to port.

Well, what do you expect from the successor of the 3DS? To be stronger than PS4NEO, Scorpio, PS5, XBFuture? If the rumors are true, it is stronger than 3DS and Vita - which should be expected.

Going by the rumors I expect there to be a separate handheld based on a smaller Tegra.

I don't really care that the home console part is slightly weaker than the X1. It will still be enough to deliver Nintendo's 1st party games at 1080p60.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

NX really shouldnt launch at over 249$ imo.
And I believe nintendo can manage that and still sell the NX at a slight profit.

The chip costs for a tegra mobile chip should be much lower than whats in a PS4 or XB1.
They dont need to spend any $ on a blu-ray drive, and they can use small cheap flash memory instead of supplying it with a HDD. Use of cartridges means dont need to install the games, just run them strait off of it.

Tablet with controller + docking station (thats basically just a chargeing port to sit the tablet in) for 249$.

I dont see why not.

bunchanumbers said:
Soundwave said:

The problem is outside of a small group of Nintendo loyalists like myself and you, probably not a lot of people would buy such a system. 

It'd be the GameCube all over again, but worse because Sony and MS both have 3+ year head starts, and today Sony/MS also lock people into to their online ecosystems, which is more of a factor than it was in 2001 (ie: even if you prefer say an XBox, you buy the PS4 because your best friend already has it and you want to be able to play COD, NBA2K, Destiny, GTA, etc. online with them). 

Nintendo needed to release the system you've described 2-3 years ago, by 2017 it's way too late. 

If they want to release a "serious" console now, it has to be Scorpio level in spec at minimum, I would say probably even beyond that to really get any mainstream attention. 

2.5 TFLOP isn't going to impress anyone when the PS4 Pro is already 4 TFLOPS and Scorpio is at 6 TFLOP and while the regular PS4 has thousands of games already. The only system it would maybe compare favorably against would maybe be the vanilla XBox One S. 

That is why it has to have a lower price point. $199 and people would love the thing. 2.5 isn't much compared to Scorpio, but it is ahead of PS4 and Xbox One. Then all Nintendo needs to do is ride out the generation with their unified teams, sell on mobile, make some theme park rides and make some more Nintendo merch, and they will have carved out a real solid niche for themselves that doesn't solely rely on video games, but still features it prominently. You can't tell me that a Pokemon with 2.5 TFs of power wouldn't look like the cartoon but in real time. That alone would move units. People will buy a console and Pokemon for $249, but they won't spend $299 for a 720p tablet, no matter who makes it.

The problem is that line of thinking didn't work with the GameCube either. People were willing to pay more for the PS2. 

For that strategy to work, the systems have to be expensive, and they're not, you can get a PS4 for a reasonable price, Sony/MS would just position the PS4/XB1 S as the low cost alternatives, and NX would be stuck there with 15 games vs. like 3000+ for the PS4. Even $399 for a PS4 Pro isn't expensive really, it's with inflation the same price a launch Super NES was, $399.99 is just a standard price point these days. 

Whereas for parents a $269.99 NX "tablet" (lets say) next to a $400 iPad Mini is pretty good value considering it can do things other tablets cannot. 

They missed the bus this generation, if they want to release a "serious" console now it has to be Scorpio tier or probably even better than that (PS5 competitor). You can't show up 3 1/2 years late in this business, you are in for a rude, rude awakening. 

GameCube would've trounced the PS2 given a 3 1/2 year headstart, any system with that long of a headstart is going to be make short work of a similarily spec-ed direct competitor. PS4 would dismantle a 2.5 TFLOP 2017 NX. Absolutely take it to school. 

Zekkyou said:
Miyamotoo said:


So what if NX failes, they have tons of money they will just try again. Saying that, nothing tells it will fail, they aiming mass appealing with affordable price, and they merged they software units.

Nintendo is a business, not a hobby group. They're not going to indefinitely throw money at their console business if it doesn't achieve the results they want. I have no idea how the NX will do, and even if it does fail they may very well try again, but every time one of their consoles fails it pushes them further towards alternatives. Hell, if the NX is a hybrid, it's already an alternative. Do you really believe that if the NX fails, which would likely drain a significant chunk of that 'tons of money' every year, that they'd just me like "meh, so what?".

Well, finally Nintendo will go 3rd-party and produce games exclusively for mobile devices...

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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bunchanumbers said:
Miyamotoo said:

Again you talk only about hardware power, its not just hardware power what makes console. If that is a case why 3DS doesn't have price of $49, it has very weak hardware!?

Of Course, I expecting $249-299 price point, expecting $99-149 (when 3DS is $150) is talking crazy staffs. Again that is a hybrid, home console (that is around 3x stronger than WiiU) and handheld in one, not just Wii U or 3DS, but Wii U and 3DS in same package.

Offcoruse, some 3rd partys will suport NX (you can count almost all Japanese 3rd party), some will not (for instance hardly we will see Bethesda games), but for most developers its most important how much NX will be popular and how much will sale.

You look at NX like just handheld, but its not, its handheld (big) and home console, so you cant expect that will have lower price than 3DS or Vita, lol.

You realize they're selling the 2DS for $79 right? And that's including a game and memory card. I wouldn't be surprised if they're spending less than $50 to produce a 2DS.

If NX is going to be a 720p tablet, I don't see why they can't make it for $99 or $149.

The 2DS cost £79, I struggle to believe $79 is the US RRSP. The truth is the 2DS has kind of sold like crap (5m units to date), I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo is just getting rid of stock..

Regardless, NX is 100x stronger than the 2DS. The 720p NX tablet couldn't be $99-149 because it wouldn't powerful enough to compete with the Wii U when docked let alone match it in portable mode. they're paying for a GPU infinitely more power, a more expensive screen, a more expensive battery to support the additional power, more memory, better microphone/speakers, better everything... Its just makes no sense to compare the 2. The NVida shield tablet which without a controller is using a much older tegra chip then whats reported in the NX is selling for $179-$199. Obviously as Nintendo isn't the provider of the parts themselves they'd probably sell the same device for a bit higher. Add the fact that NX will likely come with dock/controller. $199 is absolute minimun and $249 makes most sense if they want to ensure profitability.

vivster said:
Mnementh said:

Well, what do you expect from the successor of the 3DS? To be stronger than PS4NEO, Scorpio, PS5, XBFuture? If the rumors are true, it is stronger than 3DS and Vita - which should be expected.

Going by the rumors I expect there to be a separate handheld based on a smaller Tegra.

I don't really care that the home console part is slightly weaker than the X1. It will still be enough to deliver Nintendo's 1st party games at 1080p60.

I see it as a strong possibility for Nintendo giving up on home console altogether. Connecting the handheld to the TV may be enough. But it's just speculation at this point, just as the thread-starter. Nintendo needs to finally reveal what the NX really is.

If they are trolls, they may have spread some of the rumors on purpose.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Metroid33slayer said:
JRPGfan said:

Wii U is 176 Gflops.

PS4 is 1840 Gflops (aka 1.84 Teraflops)

So theres about a 10 times differnce in flops.

If you take into account, the newer and more effecient design, its well over 10 times the power of a Wii U.

Flops arnt just flops.


Wii U is 352 Gflops, get it right.


Sh1nn said:
Metroid33slayer said:


Wii U is 352 Gflops, get it right.

its 176GF

160ALU /176GF


352 GFLOPS / 320 spu / edram until 550 Gbit /s (2 times gdr ps4p, and less latency) 

Wiiu have 2 screens.... 

Akeos said:
Metroid33slayer said:
Wii U is 352 Gflops, get it right.


Sh1nn said:

its 176GF

160ALU /176GF

352 GFLOPS / 320 spu / edram until 550 Gbit /s (2 times gdr ps4p, and less latency) 

Wiiu have 2 screens.... 

That is a old thread from 2013, back before people really knew.

Now in 2016 we have people confirmed its 176 Gflops, after haveing looked at die shots of the GPU inside the wii u.


"The Rv770 has 180 lots of 5 shaders giving a total of 900 shaders of which only 800 were enabled on the full fat die as the other 100 were spares to increase yields. Looking at the latte die it appears to have 32 lots of 5 shaders which is 160 cores meaning 176 GLOPS is the correct answer." - Marlenus


160 x 2 x 550 mhz = 176000 flops  (176 Gflops)


Everything else beside what I just wrote above is wrong.

Now you know, stop spreading wrong information.

If this indeed will be Tegra based, then the other semicustom win AMD must be talking about must be an Amazon console.

PC I i7 3770K @4.5Ghz I 16GB 2400Mhz I GTX 980Ti FTW

Consoles I PS4 Pro I Xbox One S 2TB I Wii U I Xbox 360 S