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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are Sony or MS capable of creating a cultural phenomenon like Pokemon Go?


Are they?

No, only Nintendo with Pokemon. 328 78.47%
Yes, Sony with __________. 61 14.59%
Yes, Microsoft with____________. 29 6.94%
Ck1x said:
Nogamez said:
"Can Sony or Microsoft create a cultural phenomenon like pokemon go"? A: yes they already have with PS and Xbox.

With any of there current IPS? A: Yes, minecraft is a cultural phenomenon. Sony Nor so much but hey they have the strongest brand so....

Obviously you don't know what cultural phenomenon means! 

The news isn't reporting on Playstation and Xbox because of a single game being released... Minecraft is big but even it isn't on cultural phenomenon status. In all of Minecraft's success nobody has ever just stopped me on the street to ask if I've played Minecraft. Pokémon GO is getting people out of the house and talking to complete strangers, no game in recent memories has been on this level!

I'm sorry define " A cultural phenomenon" for me. 

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not a chance, sony and microsoft dont have anything that has the same appeal as pokemon

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

Not really, maybe Microsoft can do something with minecraft.

No. Not happening in a million years. Pokemon is a proven franchise and it helps as well because it's the first one to arrive in the mobile market.

Nothing can match this. If anything does I'll eat my shoe.

If it's an IP we're talking about, it's hard to match any first party IP from Sony or Microsoft to that of Pokemon or Mario. Very few IPs can match their popularity and relevance beyond the gaming world. As some would mention, they were introduced to Pokemon from other outlets before the games, it can be similarly applied to Mario (though not to a great extent). When you get people who probably don't care much for games to mention a video game IP, then you know that the popularity has caught their attention. For example, Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump have just mentioned Pokemon Go recently, as well as other celebrities.

Probably the only other IPs that could match these two are GTA and CoD, though some would say it's due to the controversies behind these games due their nature and not necessarily the games themselves. Angry Birds and Warcraft are probably up there too.. though still have a way to go.


Edit: an example of a cultural phenomenon:

Around the Network
kyprime said:
mountaindewslave said:
kyprime said:
Most people that are playing Pokemon Go are NOT pokemon fans, it's just a mobile game that is social, that it, it will be dead in a month, is Nintendo capable of creating a service like PS+ and make more money just with that than the whole of Sony? like they are doing more money with PS+ than the whole of Nintendo?

right, if all of the people playing Pokemon GO are casuals then explain why the Pokemon games are some of the best selling every gen and almost always seem to hit 10 million (even both versions of very similar games)?

Sony isn't doing more with PS+ than the whole of Nintendo, and you should watch your words before you further jinx Sony, their video game division is doing better but the company isn't out of debt and their other company sections haven't magically started to do amazingly 

facts son

The number they used is for Network Services.  Network Services is not just PS+, so this is somewhat misleading.  Network Services is also not just for PSN games either.  Network Services is an all encompassing division (that is grouped with the game division) that along with games includes all services for video, music, photo streaming like those that were under Sony Entertainment Network (SEN), PS Vue, Spotify and other networked services.  So no, PS+ is not making more money than the whole of Nintendo.

The only thing that could possibly make a shit ton of money is a GTA Go thing probably. But I have no idea how it would work.

[Switch Friend code: 3909-3991-4970]

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[PSN: Jissu]

No chance in hell.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

On ip's no, but Sony does it with their consoles

Nogamez said:
Ck1x said:

Obviously you don't know what cultural phenomenon means! 

The news isn't reporting on Playstation and Xbox because of a single game being released... Minecraft is big but even it isn't on cultural phenomenon status. In all of Minecraft's success nobody has ever just stopped me on the street to ask if I've played Minecraft. Pokémon GO is getting people out of the house and talking to complete strangers, no game in recent memories has been on this level!

I'm sorry define " A cultural phenomenon" for me. 

Something that is so popular that it transcends the traditional bounds of its genre/subject/industry type and becomes tied to the broader popular culture of its time. 

I think there is some confusion here as to something being popular, but popular or successful alone doesn't mean it's a "cultural phenomenon". 

The Avengers is a popular/successful movie, but I wouldn't say it's a "cultural phenomenon". Titanic (1997) was a cultural phenomenon. 

The Macarena is a cultural phenomenon. Michael Jackson's Thriller is a cultural phenomenon. The Beatles are a cultural phenomenon. Pokemon is one for sure, it's actually now twice phenmeonon, which is exceptionally rare.