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If it's an IP we're talking about, it's hard to match any first party IP from Sony or Microsoft to that of Pokemon or Mario. Very few IPs can match their popularity and relevance beyond the gaming world. As some would mention, they were introduced to Pokemon from other outlets before the games, it can be similarly applied to Mario (though not to a great extent). When you get people who probably don't care much for games to mention a video game IP, then you know that the popularity has caught their attention. For example, Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump have just mentioned Pokemon Go recently, as well as other celebrities.

Probably the only other IPs that could match these two are GTA and CoD, though some would say it's due to the controversies behind these games due their nature and not necessarily the games themselves. Angry Birds and Warcraft are probably up there too.. though still have a way to go.


Edit: an example of a cultural phenomenon: