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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reggie on NX: "For us it's not about specs"

Birimbau said:
Can I predict that Nintendo will continue being excluded by most third party games again?

It was probably inevitable to some degree anyway. Even with the GameCube with hardware parity, the GameCube sold less of pretty much all the major multiplats in those days aside from very small examples like Soul Calibur 2 selling more on the GCN than XBox because it had Link in it. But there's only so many games you can shove Link or Mario into. 

It sucks, but it is what it is. Sony/MS are just too big and even if Nintendo did spec a reasonably powerful machine (2.5 TFLOP say) ... it's now going to be eclipsed easily by Neo/Scorpio and guess which one of the three will be the lowest priority for third parties (not that I blame them). 

At least us older Nintendo fans will always have the NES and SNES to look back upon with fondness. Those days were glorious, it's actually funny because at that time Nintendo was synonmous with having the widest variety of games. 

For Nintendo now, the battle is to be relevant at all. If NX between the portable and console models combined (assuming they fall into that) can sell 60 million units (the same as the current 3DS) ... I think that will be considered a reasonable success or at least enough to make a good sized profit on. 

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Azzanation said:
oniyide said:

because you cant play games like Mario Kart, Smash Bros etc on dfferent systems...right

The point went right over your head. Games like Mario Galaxies were inpired by the mechanics of the Wii. With innovation comes newer ideas. Sure you can play Mario Galaxies with a standard controller however would Mario Galaxies even exist if the Wii never made it into production? Nintendo try new things all the time. There games inspire new controls. eg: Mario 64 Inpired the analoged sticks. Its part of Nintendo's evolution of games. Why do you think Nintendo games are some of the best in the business? Because they may be sequals, however they play totally different to the last. They keep there franchises fresh and new. Thats why there still around today.

If Nintendo games came to PS4 and XB1 then expect the same old games all the time, Mario 10 will be no different to Mario 9 apart from visuals, Mario Kart 12 will be no different to Mario Kart 11 apart from the visual. See the point.

Yes it would have, there is nothing in Galaxies that really NEEDED the Wiimote it could have been a standard Ninty system and just have removed the whole pointing at the screen to get the gems or whatever. Because the NSMB games are SO different from each other? What was so different between the MK on Wii U? and Wii? What about the Smash games? Metroid Primes? Can you give me a list of games that are so integral to the hardware that it could not possibly have worked on another system? Ninty isnt the end all be all of games and they havent been in a long time.

Xenostar said:
Drakrami said:


But what's Reggie supposed to say? Sorry, the competition is blowing us away with hardware, but we cant keep up. Because we would like to sell inferior hardware at elevated prices to earn the maximum profit. 

Well he should give us some good reason why were having to buy Nintendo hardware just to play Nintendo games, somekind of hardware innovation, power is not the be all and end all, but there needs to be something. 

Nintendo games are the greatest! Thats not reason enough?

oniyide said:
Azzanation said:

The point went right over your head. Games like Mario Galaxies were inpired by the mechanics of the Wii. With innovation comes newer ideas. Sure you can play Mario Galaxies with a standard controller however would Mario Galaxies even exist if the Wii never made it into production? Nintendo try new things all the time. There games inspire new controls. eg: Mario 64 Inpired the analoged sticks. Its part of Nintendo's evolution of games. Why do you think Nintendo games are some of the best in the business? Because they may be sequals, however they play totally different to the last. They keep there franchises fresh and new. Thats why there still around today.

If Nintendo games came to PS4 and XB1 then expect the same old games all the time, Mario 10 will be no different to Mario 9 apart from visuals, Mario Kart 12 will be no different to Mario Kart 11 apart from the visual. See the point.

Yes it would have, there is nothing in Galaxies that really NEEDED the Wiimote it could have been a standard Ninty system and just have removed the whole pointing at the screen to get the gems or whatever. Because the NSMB games are SO different from each other? What was so different between the MK on Wii U? and Wii? What about the Smash games? Metroid Primes? Can you give me a list of games that are so integral to the hardware that it could not possibly have worked on another system? Ninty isnt the end all be all of games and they havent been in a long time.

Power isnt the end all be all either.

Like i tell many gamers, if you dont like there products, dont buy there products. If you like Nintendo games then suck it up and buy there consoles.

I am excited for the NX and cant wait to buy one. The direction where they will go next is whats even more exciting for me. While you will probably buy the same consoles over and over again with only updated graphics, Nintendo will be finding newer and more exciting ways to play the games we love. Thats why i enjoy gaming on NIntendo and why i prefer the company to stay away from the other two. We dont need a 3rd identical console on the market doing the exact same things.

Azzanation said:
oniyide said:

Yes it would have, there is nothing in Galaxies that really NEEDED the Wiimote it could have been a standard Ninty system and just have removed the whole pointing at the screen to get the gems or whatever. Because the NSMB games are SO different from each other? What was so different between the MK on Wii U? and Wii? What about the Smash games? Metroid Primes? Can you give me a list of games that are so integral to the hardware that it could not possibly have worked on another system? Ninty isnt the end all be all of games and they havent been in a long time.

Power isnt the end all be all either.

Like i tell many gamers, if you dont like there products, dont buy there products. If you like Nintendo games then suck it up and buy there consoles.

at no point in time did i mention power or anything of the like, so i am not sure where that came from. I simply stated that most of those games could have been done on a different console or hardware and it would have been mostly the same and deep down we all know that.

As for the last sentence, that goes without saying and thats exactly what people have been doing, just not a lot (at least on the home console front)

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I hope it's 2TF, but it will probably closer to half that knowing Nintendo. Hope they have some incredible lineup of games planned.

So the NX is going to be a Wii U with a different controller. Sound familiar?

Dear Lord... where do you go from there?


The only viable alternative to the market is a low cost console.


Power like XBONE/PS4 without optical drive (3DS Card system instead) and no internal HDD.


Most games cross platform to the new handheld.


199$, to be lowered to 149$ at Christmas.

vivster said:
KungKras said:

What about the fans who want cheap hardware over expensive and the developers who want a big install base to sell their games on? Do you care about them too?

That's what the Wii U is for. Weak and cheap console with a great library. The developers who want a big install base should probably look at the 3DS or other popular consoles.

Or Nintendo's new console could have those qualities as well.