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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft Can't Win.


Will Xbox Continue to be outsold 2:1?

Yes 151 78.24%
No 25 12.95%
Maybe 17 8.81%

Oh. Seeing that title, I had hoped this was a thread discussing how Xbox can't win no mater what they do. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't.

But it's a thread tearing down Xbox at the expense of building up PlayStation :(

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JRPGfan said:
jason1637 said:
Just wondering how many games did Sony show at e3 that releasing this year?

Id guess like 15 outta 25 or so games.

I didnt write down games and release dates, id have to rewatch the thing and cant be arsed right now.

Most of them where 2016.

What are the big games aside for the Last guardian? 

Yeah pretty much, releasing all their games on PC is a mistake of biblical proportions. In fact, I would say it's about as bad as when they had a bunch of circus clowns on stage and announced Kinect. The common gamers won't care so much about 4k and 60fps, because they probably don't even own 4k TVs. High end specs is something that only PC gamers care about. And, here's a shocker, those people already own a pc right now...

4K Might be a big deal for VR though and I am convinced that VR is going to be huge. So if MS can come out swinging with loads of awesome VR games, they may still may have a shot. However, I'm guessing the XboxS doesn't have it's own VR glasses, but is just compatible with Oculus Rift.

jason1637 said:
JRPGfan said:

Id guess like 15 outta 25 or so games.

I didnt write down games and release dates, id have to rewatch the thing and cant be arsed right now.

Most of them where 2016.

What are the big games aside for the Last guardian? 

CoD Infinate warfare, Spiderman, God of war, Days Gone, Detroit becomeing human, Horizon zero dawn, Resident Evil VII,  Death Stranding, Crash Bandicoot remakes (1-3), Farpoint?,....

Cant think of more right now.

You can go watch the E3 thingy if you wanna know more.

JRPGfan said:
jason1637 said:

What are the big games aside for the Last guardian? 

CoD Infinate warfare, Spiderman, God of war, Days Gone, Detroit becomeing human, Horizon zero dawn, Resident Evil VII,  Death Stranding, Crash Bandicoot remakes (1-3), Farpoint?,....

Cant think of more right now.

You can go watch the E3 thingy if you wanna know more.

Yeah I saw it I just didn't keep track of the release dates of the big games releasing this year. 

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sony won't change their plans. they will release this year with lower specs and lower price. scorpio's spec advantage is meaningless because ms doesn't have the first party to create high quality games to prove the extra terra flop and a half even exists.

hell, sony is the only one making games that prove the ps4 is far more powerful than the previous generation. even more power is just wasted on developers for the first 3 years after neo/scorpio even launch.

Well, expected to see either a "my team is winning" boast thread or a "the industry is unfair" whine thread. At this point very obviously MS is not going to 'win' 8th gen, even with a super deluxe PConsole available. Not a shocking new revelation, just stone cold meh. Let's move on.

Yes, even more so now that they're merging it with windows 10


I have heard both Consoles have the same GPU just at different clock-speeds. I think MS got a good setup for fans for a Console though since they will use the entire Clock-speed. All Sony need to do is to tweak it through their software and it's fixed. ''Rumor's'' So is NEO


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