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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Star Fox Zero adds invincible mode for beginners, internet reacts


Does this actually bother anyone here?

No 217 67.18%
Sort of 30 9.29%
YEs 46 14.24%
Other explain below 2 0.62%
see results 28 8.67%

The mode shouldn't exist. If a player gets too used to their hand being held then most games will seem like a souls game to 'em. It does anyone a disservice in the long run that uses it because they'll never get any better as a player and that will ultimately limit what games they can enjoy.

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curl-6 said:

Jim throws in his 2 cents:

Jim exposing the amount of stupidity in gaming comunity again.

Who the hell cares if my little cousin plays the game on invincible mode? If you dont want to, then dont freaking play it.

I think it makes specially sense in this game since the controls are pretty unique and people would need time to get used to it, so with a mode like this the most casual gamers can have some relaxed practice, is rarely a good thing to make your player feel very stressed on the first minutes of the game, and this can happen the first tiome you try such a special control scheme, specially if you are not very good at games. But there is not enough feeling of reward in that mode, so thats enough to make people that likes the game to play it on normal mode once they have enough skills to do it without too much fustration.

curl-6 said:
archer9234 said:

It's not optional, when the person just picked it. Once you CHOOSE Invincible mode. You are now in abridge mode. It's like a book. Some people just read the end. Because they just want to know the ending that bad. When Harry Potter Book 7 came out. Most of the people just read the end. To find out Snape died. Before they read any other page. This is basically that. Wouldn't it be better, if a person got stuck in the level. To just press start and hit skip. There's no point in even playing the game. With 0 challange. Because, the person may learn "the patterns" in this mode. But damage and when to dodge will not be taught. You are invincible. You won't know what ship is stronger. Or know if you dodged correctly.

And you're admitting it's a cheat mode. Were we had to use other means to do it. A device which you spent extra money on. This also use to be earned in games. So it was fine. Or you had to find the name cheat in a mag. More money. These things deterred/challenged you. The game is just giving it away. It be like allowing a FPS game to disable your health. Or your ammo. And leave it on unlimited. It's gonna tempt too many people to just do that. Then the game becomes pointless.

The fact that you have to choose it makes it by definition optional.

If you don't like it, don't use it, simple. Why should other people have to play it your way? No offense, but who appointed you the dictator of how other people are allowed to have fun?

So then you'd have no problem if this was added to every game and genre out their. Telltale Games, Smash Bros, Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Zelda, Simulations, & MMO's. Were everything can be unlocked, and acheviments can be earned.

curl-6 said:

Jim throws in his 2 cents:

Yeah, saw it yesterday. Spot on as always. I like when he dropped the Dark Souls bomb too :P. I'm really sick and tired of the "hardcore" community. The most options and customization, the better. Now I can play Star Fox Zero with my 4 years old cousin and have some fun. Which is what games are about in the end.

archer9234 said:
curl-6 said:

The fact that you have to choose it makes it by definition optional.

If you don't like it, don't use it, simple. Why should other people have to play it your way? No offense, but who appointed you the dictator of how other people are allowed to have fun?

So then you'd have no problem if this was added to every game and genre out their. Telltale Games, Smash Bros, Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Zelda, Simulations, & MMO's.

No problem whatsoever.

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the internet overreacts

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

That's fine. Like mellow mode in yoshis wooly world... I wont use it and they wont need to make the normal game too easy for the sake of kids.

I'm all in favor of a full range of difficulty settings and vastly prefer them to the solution you saw in mario 3d world, dktf and sonic lost world of tempting you with an easy option should you die a few times in a row. Lost worlds implementation of that system was utterly terrible.

Volterra_90 said:
curl-6 said:

Jim throws in his 2 cents:

Yeah, saw it yesterday. Spot on as always. I like when he dropped the Dark Souls bomb too :P. I'm really sick and tired of the "hardcore" community. The most options and customization, the better. Now I can play Star Fox Zero with my 4 years old cousin and have some fun. Which is what games are about in the end.


As someone who really likes the souls games I'm all for an easy mode. I find the repetitive difficulty to be detrimental to my enjoyment of the game, but i really enjoy the world's, creatures, lore ect, and wish I didn't have to beat my head against a wall to get to them. 

curl-6 said:
archer9234 said:

So then you'd have no problem if this was added to every game and genre out their. Telltale Games, Smash Bros, Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Zelda, Simulations, & MMO's.

No problem whatsoever.

You'd have no problem if someone just turns on this mode. Stands still, and just punches characters to unlock each of them, in street fighter 5. And gets cleared arcade mode achivment. And then hearing people complain the games too short. This is what this mode would eventually devolve into. Reviewers will eventually abuse this. And someone is gonna mess up on their article.

archer9234 said:
curl-6 said:

No problem whatsoever.

You'd have no problem if someone just turns on this mode. Stands still, and just punches characters to unlock each of them, in street fighter 5. And gets cleared arcade mode achivment. And then hearing people complain the games too short. This is what this mode would eventually devolve into. Reviewers will eventually abuse this. And someone is gonna mess up on their article.

Stop trying so hard to find problems were there are not, those are movies in your head, what we have here is a E rated game with an extra easy difficulty mode. Nothing more.