Good on them,just like what MS did back in 2014.
Smart PR move by Sony and hopefully it results in new jobs for some of them.
Reminder that Sony is the one popular kid at school who isn't a douche and is a pretty cool guy.
bet: lost
Be it legitimate or just a PR stunt, great move by Sony.They are hardly slipping this gen.Very impressed by them
My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.
Versus_Evil said: Seems more like a PR stunt tbh. |
PR move or not. I'm sure the people that were canned without notice don't care and would like to be employed.
Good on them, even if it is a PR move, though I liked it better when Lionhead was making games for two platforms, so it's likely that whoever takes up on said invite will strictly work for a single platform.
Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.
As a show of solidarity for today's graceful, moral and ambient move by Sony I hereby decree that all shall sacrifice 3GB of their hard drives to updates in order to appease Lord Yoshida
Wagram said:
PR move or not. I'm sure the people that were canned without notice don't care and would like to be employed. |
I guess it depends on who is doing the PR Stunt. Either way, it would be intersting to see who hasn't already been absorbed back into MS Studios and who were left with serverance cuts. When all is said and done, this gesture is just a PR gesture. These people would be applying to any and all studios anyway including Sony. Making a public show just to win a few mind bucks is icing on the cake for Sony but unless it actually translate to new jobs, its pointless.
Case in point, if none of Sony studios are hiring but they make this gesture, they get all the mind bucks from you fans but you will never hear about who got hired or didn't.
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