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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Where is the Gears / Uncharted / Tekken 3 of this generation?

I retract the genre keyword (although I meant it - as in tps sense), I'd rather go with generation instead.
I am really sorry If I offended somebody, but I've got keyboard tourrete's.

Ex Graphics Whore.

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CGI-Quality said:
TimCliveroller said:

I retract the genre keyword (although I meant it - as in tps sense), I'd rather go with generation instead.
I am really sorry If I offended somebody, but I've got keyboard tourrete's.

Then should we change the thread title to mean TPS titles, specifically?

Nice try....

Ex Graphics Whore.

Easy... Uncharted 4 and Gears 4...

On a more productive point. 

Nothing, but then again, this gen has done fine without a great playing, great looking, genre defying new IP. There is Destiny, but its hated as much as its loved. The Division will most likely be the same.  

This generation is so starved for decent games, they'll lap up anything that is hyped so its fair to say most people are satisfied this gen, dispite how poor the quality of most big games are.

CGI-Quality said:
TimCliveroller said:

Nice try....

Hmmm... I must say, you often speak in cryptic terms, so this, again, does nothing for me

I love you, and the reason for this fact eludes you? 

P.S. Let's get back to gaming.

Ex Graphics Whore.

Turkish said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Don't see why that should prevent it from being a gen defining game. OP considers Gears/Uncharted to have been gen defining and one of them was on the lowest selling platform too...

Still 8x more than the Wii u. The majority doesn't care about the wii u so whatever is on that system will never be gen defining.


Regardless of how many consoles were sold, IPs can still become succesful franchises and be considered generationally-defining. Halo debuted on a console that was severely stomped by the PS2. Sonic games were on the commercially unpopular (less so than WiiU) Sega consoles. Yet both games created very succesful franchises we still see today, and their root games can be considered gen-defining.

Thus by extension, the same logic should apply to any possible WiiU games - for the opportunity to be a gen-defining game is an all-inclusive club that does not pick and choose depending on hardware sales.

#1 Amb-ass-ador

Around the Network
TimCliveroller said:
Nope.... these are not games that will define a generation; Destiny and Watchdogs are cross-gen... I'm thinking of: gameplay-graphics-complete paradigm.

Therre are plenty, but just to name one - Splatoon.New IP, completely new gameplay style and a completely new take on old ideas.What more can you want?

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Nautilus said:
TimCliveroller said:
Nope.... these are not games that will define a generation; Destiny and Watchdogs are cross-gen... I'm thinking of: gameplay-graphics-complete paradigm.

Therre are plenty, but just to name one - Splatoon.New IP, completely new gameplay style and a completely new take on old ideas.What more can you want?


Ex Graphics Whore.

CGI-Quality said:
TimCliveroller said:

I love you, and the reason for this fact eludes you? 

P.S. Let's get back to gaming.

Lets - my questions need answering...

Indeed they do, yet you know all the answers.

Ex Graphics Whore.

TimCliveroller said:
Nautilus said:

Therre are plenty, but just to name one - Splatoon.New IP, completely new gameplay style and a completely new take on old ideas.What more can you want?


It has single player

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Nautilus said:
TimCliveroller said:


It has single player

So does quake 

Ex Graphics Whore.