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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Where is the Gears / Uncharted / Tekken 3 of this generation?

TimCliveroller said:
Nautilus said:

It has single player

So does quake 

Doom has too

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

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I agree with the OP tbh. I have played many great games (many of which are new IP) this generation and have had an awful lot of fun. Having said that, there has not been a single standout title that has defined this generation as a 'must have'.

Halo, Forza, Gears, Uncharted, Gran Turismo, were all games that blew people away so much they went and purchased a console JUST for that ONE game and were more than happy to purchase the next gen console just to play the sequals. There hasn't been a single new IP this gen whereby the media is in raptures and millions of people all went out and purchased a console just to play it. Desntiny was the closest we had but that was a cross-platform game which flopped in as many ways as it succeeded.

XBL: NathObeaN | PSN: NathObeaN | Steam: NathObeaN

I think we'll see some crop up over 2016. I think Horizon and Quantum Break have big potential. This generation so far has been defined by these over hyped, under delivered online only shooters that are simply non-sense.

TimCliveroller said:
Nope.... these are not games that will define a generation; Destiny and Watchdogs are cross-gen... I'm thinking of: gameplay-graphics-complete paradigm.

I think you're overrating your examples... they're undeniably great games but don't stand head and shoulders above the rest of the generation like you're suggesting.

I would say, in regards to games releasing exclusively on this gen, that Fallout 4 was a pretty darn good experience as far as consoles are concerned, Metal Gear Solid was impressive, Splatoon was fun and seems to have widespread appeal (NA/EU/Asia), and Destiny has been huge. There's probably others coming and we haven't even seen what VR has to offer yet.

Some examples:
Gears / Uncharted
Gow / Halo / RE4 / Soul Calibur
Smash, 3dBro, FF7, MGS
The Marios, the Sonics
even Pitfall
and still, I don't want COD on this list (even considering all the success it had / still has)

Ex Graphics Whore.

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... about the age question: this is probably his second generation, he doesn't know what to expect, he took everything for granted last gen and he is o'rite with this one, but he never saw the spark.

Ex Graphics Whore.

CGI-Quality said:
TimCliveroller said:
Some examples:
Gears / Uncharted
Gow / Halo / RE4 / Soul Calibur
Smash, 3dBro, FF7, MGS
The Marios, the Sonics
even Pitfall
and still, I don't want COD on this list (even considering all the success it had / still has)


Now how did Soul Calibur define 3D fighting games? Also, even though you don't want Call of Duty on the list, that doesn't really change what it's done for the FPS genre (and last gen, as a whole). I'm not talking sales, either.

Are you really not getting it? It had the spark. I feel like you're trying to find logic flaws everywhere... but there is not - and there is not when you see the spark. When that game came out people had erractions (as in real ones... there's a youtube video I think about it)

Ex Graphics Whore.

Hopefully it's on the "Horizon"

Puns are fun

I think titan fall was awesome. It was a great game that sold well. Quantum break can be that new ip franchise that show cases the xbox one.

TimCliveroller said:
CGI-Quality said:


Now how did Soul Calibur define 3D fighting games? Also, even though you don't want Call of Duty on the list, that doesn't really change what it's done for the FPS genre (and last gen, as a whole). I'm not talking sales, either.

Are you really not getting it? It had the spark. I feel like you're trying to find logic flaws everywhere... but there is not - and there is not when you see the spark. When that game came out people had erractions (as in real ones... there's a youtube video I think about it)

You dont.... make much sense.Its like if someone asked you "what is 1+1 equal to?" and you answer:" its like when two universes collides and and comets fly everywhere!"You just dont give a straight answer.

To the post at hand, from what I gather, is that you dont think there is a game int hsi genre that makes you say  OH MY GOSHHHH, like Ocarina of time did to me.The problem with your reasoning is that that is subjective.While you may find the game bad, others may find it awesome.In that sense, you will never arrive at the answer you want

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.