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What do you think will get better support?

Ps4 322 58.02%
PC 168 30.27%
Results 65 11.71%
WC4Life said:

PC obviously.

VR should not be exclusively classified as a gaming experience. PSVR will get mostly game-type VR-software but overall PC wins hands down, it's not even a contest. People need to forget the games and look at the bigger picture.

Yeah i agree that PC will get everything. But i think that PS4 should be fine aswell. 

PS4 does have VR media like movies and photos which covers most content out there. I can't find confirmation as to wether or not web browser VR things will be compatible. But they might.

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History shows, that these type of hardware upgrades do not generally do well with consoles. Most consumers will not buy the set, only a small % will. And if Sony forces VR to come with their systems, people will complain like they did with Kinect on Xbox one. If a lot of consumers do not own VR, why will devs spend time and money developing games for VR?

So as far as I'm concerned, PS4 has no chance of having better support than a PC.

Ramadear said:
History shows, that these type of hardware upgrades do not generally do well with consoles.

So which hardware upgrades on consoles were comparable to VR with a new level of immersion?

Ramadear said:
History shows, that these type of hardware upgrades do not generally do well with consoles. Most consumers will not buy the set, only a small % will. And if Sony forces VR to come with their systems, people will complain like they did with Kinect on Xbox one. If a lot of consumers do not own VR, why will devs spend time and money developing games for VR?

So as far as I'm concerned, PS4 has no chance of having better support than a PC.

You do know you can use the exact same arguement against pc aswell right?

The main difference here is that PSVR is not just a peripheral, it is considered a platform.

PS3 and PSP had a great run alongside eachother. You should consider it to be more along those lines. Instead of Sony going for a handheld they are going for VR.

The reason Vita "failed" in europe and US is because the cost of game development was bigger than it was on PSP, but without much more end user benefit. With PSVR there is a way bigger end user benefit to having the game development cost more.

If you make a game for PSVR, the amount of effort you spend on porting it to non-vr PS4 is very very small. Not everyone can be in a position like Gravity rush was where you can just remaster it from Vita to PS4.

Besides the PSVR also has the media capabilities so people are likely to buy it for that reason aswell. People bought the PS3 for the blu-ray player, i could imagine maybe just a few people wanting it for that.

If they do well they might even be able to do some PSnow stuff with VR video streaming. I know its possible where i live because connection speeds have like quadrupled for years in a row.

But anyway... My point is that this is not the same as other peripherals. This is an entirely new way to enjoy your entertainment.

Its not just a gimmicky peripheral like the playstation move.

Conina said:
Ramadear said:
History shows, that these type of hardware upgrades do not generally do well with consoles.

So which hardware upgrades on consoles were comparable to VR with a new level of immersion?

It doesn't matter which type. The point is that upgrades that add a different or higher level of performance are never successful on consoles. A closed platform creates a closed mind, just like a open platform creates a more open mind. Its likely for VR to succeed on PC. Very unlikely for it to succeed on consoles unless next gens consoles come bundled with VR for a reasonable price.

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eva01beserk said:

Heard of theater mode on PSVR? Lets you put any game on VR, Albeit just a gyant screen only, but its some support. The only games that will benefict from VR is first person games and trust me, no dev is dumb enough to no go the extra mile to just make it optional. But as always, this  is one of the big PC Master race braging rights, Mods. But again, mods arent that big of a bonus cus they usually alter a game way long after a game is relevant. 

But I know its pointless discussing this with you, cuz I know how this will go. Everyone will show you how things have gone in the past, of consoles always receiving better support because they are cheaper even though pc's are more powerfull, you will ignore it, whiile at the same time pointing out past consoles and products that failed, but for you its one way. Ill just say it again, it does not matter how much bettter it is on PC, it has always been better on pc, but also way more expensive and the mass market does not adopt PC for this reason. Gaming will always be more accecible on consoles, therefore get more support.

You mean this?

PC has it's own version and it does and offers more with it being on an open platform with a program that isn't restricted. I honestly don't know why you throw aside mods as mere bragging rights, are you honestly just doing this out of being annoyed or soemthing?, you seemingly brush aside any such advantage PC has vs a conbsole and then you go with "no one will listen CUZ", I mean we all talk english here, you can say *because* without sounding like you're talking strictly in phone text lingo.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Palmer bringing the first CV1 to the first person who pre ordered it.   All the way to Alaska with his flip flops and his Hawaii(an) shirt =p.

Based upon the pre-sale success, and I say success on the basis of pre-order allocations being expanded as orders are being filled, PS VR is in a very strong position, compounded by the commercial success and market penetration of the PS4, to become the de facto in home VR gaming.

Of course, it's very easy to cock this up if the first wave of software doesn't deliver, support flags subsequently and consumers are left with another fad/gimmick and buyer's remorse.

PS VR should be in more homes, due largely in part to the entry level hardware requirements on the PC side of things, but who's to say how numerical superiority will translate into a better experience, and more importantly, better support.

Chazore said:
eva01beserk said:

Heard of theater mode on PSVR? Lets you put any game on VR, Albeit just a gyant screen only, but its some support. The only games that will benefict from VR is first person games and trust me, no dev is dumb enough to no go the extra mile to just make it optional. But as always, this  is one of the big PC Master race braging rights, Mods. But again, mods arent that big of a bonus cus they usually alter a game way long after a game is relevant. 

But I know its pointless discussing this with you, cuz I know how this will go. Everyone will show you how things have gone in the past, of consoles always receiving better support because they are cheaper even though pc's are more powerfull, you will ignore it, whiile at the same time pointing out past consoles and products that failed, but for you its one way. Ill just say it again, it does not matter how much bettter it is on PC, it has always been better on pc, but also way more expensive and the mass market does not adopt PC for this reason. Gaming will always be more accecible on consoles, therefore get more support.

You mean this?

PC has it's own version and it does and offers more with it being on an open platform with a program that isn't restricted. I honestly don't know why you throw aside mods as mere bragging rights, are you honestly just doing this out of being annoyed or soemthing?, you seemingly brush aside any such advantage PC has vs a conbsole and then you go with "no one will listen CUZ", I mean we all talk english here, you can say *because* without sounding like you're talking strictly in phone text lingo.

I only used the quoted cuz he previously just used the same line, I was just turning it around on him. I should have probably done it on the same comment.

And I even said theater mode was no big deal, but its something. 

Not tosisng aside the plus that mods are, just saying how they are not gods and they are definetly not creators. It keeps the point to what it originally is, mods could make a game better, on a device over twice the price, its still comes down to the same argument. Lower price, bigger install base, more support.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

I know I chimed in with this before, but it is getting more and more relevent as each new event passes.

PSVR is not only about games. In fact gamers are only a very small part. Sony has the inital focus on games as that is what they do that no one else does, but, at the end of the day, it is other experiences that are going to make PSVR and the rest of the VR devices change the way we do everything.

For everyone that thinks PSVR is going to be a limited platform, on a closed ecosystem, its time to think again. Sony is opening the flood gates with PSVR, and they are going to try and turn it into the defacto VR device. They want to be the iOS of the VR world, and they are approaching it with that type of business model in mind.

Now, I think both PSVR and PCVR are going to be huge hits, I just think Sony is in a spot where they can taking a commanding lead. With PSVR Sony has a business model that is as easy to understand, and easy to sell. On the PC side of things, you are asking consumers to be quite tech savy to make sure that it actually works, and for quite some time, that is going to lead to very disopionted Oculus and Vive consumers.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams