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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The PC Platform is becoming the new home and definitive platform for the Final Fantasy Series (Prediction and Discussion Thread) (UPDATE 2025: Fulfilled)


What Final Fantasy game are you hoping will be released on PC/Steam next the most??

Final Fantasy I 9 7.20%
Final Fantasy II 1 0.80%
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD remaster 22 17.60%
Final Fantasy IX 12 9.60%
Final Fantasy XII 23 18.40%
Final Fantasy XV (per announcement) 44 35.20%
Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions 14 11.20%
BasilZero said:
OneKartVita said:

The definitive way to play final fantasy has been to own whatever console it's been coming out on first.  So recently that would be ps4/ps3/psp/ps2/ps1.


Either way there's nothing definite about consistently getting the releases years after they've come out.  


Don't get me wrong,  it's great but not definitive. 

All playstation systems lmao! (Except for poor ol Vita)

Anyways your argument is flawed and works against the PS4 and the Vita themselves (on top of the PC platform which this thread is specifically about)

Final Fantasy I, II, III, IV, V , and VI were all originally on Nintendo platforms and were re-released on PS1 and PSP.

Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX and Tactics were originally on PS1 yet it was re-released on PSP and PS3.

Final Fantasy VII PS4 port is a port of the PC version which was worked up from scratch from the 1998 PC port.

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD was originally a PSP Japan only game and was remastered released on PS4 and XBO

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD remaster were originally released on PS2 - remastered on PS3 and re-ported to PS4 and Vita.


Using your argument - I should be playing these games on my NES, SNES, PS1, PS2 and PSP only - and not bother buying/playing them on my PC and PS4 (and if ever I get a future Vita)

Yes that's exactly it.  if you are a final fantasy fan the definitive way to play has been on the consoles you mentioned when they released.  That's definitive.  There has been no single platform that's been definitive.  


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Chazore said:
OneKartVita said:

I am neither being positive or negative.  Just pointing out the misuse of the word definitive.  You're being negative with your reply, saying I'm moving the proverbial goal posts and that part about caring.  no need for that.  


If you don't want to debate the topic and have a go at me please don't press that reply button.  


It's as easy as pouring a pint of superior carling :)

This whole "misuse" of the word and yet this gen we've got the word "exclusive" losing a lot of it;s meaning and being misused a lot and yet that'd not corrected as much, Definitive doesn't mean "the platform that gets it first", Basil already listed what makes it definitive on PC and I'd agree with him on that but certainly not on who gets it first, that doesn't matter because in the end what matters is the platform that has them all *in the end* and that is to say PC is looking to be that platform as it has no gens, it has full BC and has for years.

No ened to tell me I;m being negative with your being negative, nice try.

Also don't tell me what to do just as a heads up, if you have issues with commanding others then don't bother.

It's easy pouring out some Vodka/Cider/Wine ;)

IOS has them all so nice try.  


I'll do you a deal.  Stop replying to me with negative off topic things and I'll stop telling you what to do.  

OneKartVita said:

IOS has them all so nice try.  


I'll do you a deal.  Stop replying to me with negative off topic things and I'll stop telling you what to do.  

Last I checked this site detests Mobile gaming, bit odd to try using that excuse now, especially when PC is getting a lot of them in the end and I don't see mobiles playing the latest either.

Striking me a deal to try keeping a balance you seek to keep?(which is already unbalanced anyway)

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

BasilZero said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
BasilZero said:

Its simple how I got the PS4 and Vita. Both have Final Fantasy games both physical and digital.

So what?

However none of the games are "defined" using your logic for those two systems since they were ports themselves or re-releases.

I never called them Definitive.

I.e Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD remaster is a remaster of two PS2 games and was remastered originally on the PS3 however were ported over to the PS4 and the Vita. Same with Final Fantasy Type-0 HD - the game was originally designed for the PSP but was remastered for the PS4. All the PSVita titles are digital re-releases of what they had on the PS1 and PSP.

A remaster is not a direct port. A re-release is. If it is a remaster it is taking advantage of the new platform.

Also your posts @ bolded/italic/underlined - is contradicting each other. You say ports have the limitations of the console - if that is the case then higher resolution and framerate would also be limited specifically 720p or 1080p and at 30 FPS which in this case is incorrect - I'm guessing you never played a FF game on PC?

Resolution and framerate are not the only limitations of the game. Having played KH2 on PC with unlocked framerate, I know the difference. It certainly looks better, but the mechanics of the game haven't changed and the same is true for FF. 

Especially since you mentioned higher resolution and framerate for a SNES game when the PC doesnt have any SNES ports - only the Wii, WiiU and 3DS have any ports from Nintendo's old systems. Again, please do research before posting claims as you did.

It's an example. The same applies universally. Wii ports of SNES games are no more definitive than PC ports. 

Definitive =/= Better

1st bold - So what? Your argument gets played in this case - you say games define what platforms they were released on and thus is "vacuous" (your words) when they are re-released or ported over - PS4 and Vita only have re-releases and ports - they dont have any original Final Fantasy game yet to be released on it. That is so what.

Released on, as it first released on, not re released on. So again, mentioning PS4 or Vita is irrelevant, I never said they had definitive final fantasy's

2nd bold - Okay but using your argument you are saying its better to play on the legacy platforms rather than the PS4, Vita or PC. Your "games define" argument.

I never said definitive = better, in fact I explicitly said definitive =/= better

3rd bold - But the PS4 and Vita versions are ports since FFX/X-2 HD Remaster was actually designed for the PS3. Thus making the PS4 and Vita versions obsolete if we use your "Games are defined on their platform of release" argument.

Again reiterating, I never said they had definitive final fantasy's, there is no contradiction

4th bold - Kingdom Hearts was never released on the PC. So your argument is flawed once again. It is running through a emulator that emulates the legacy platform's bios and code and is enhanced. This is different from the actual PC releases of the Final Fantasy games - they are not being emulated and are running directly through that specific platform and the only limitations that those games have are any that the developer themselves placed - not of their platform it was released on. Just like it runs on the PC the way it is designed - the PS4 and Vita versions are also running the way they are designed on their respective platforms.

I never said KH on PC was the definitive edition. I said on PC it has clear advantages. If the developer placed limitations on a game, it was for the platform said game was originally released for. Those limitations persist regardless of future platforms.

Pokemon Red was in black and white, that is a limitation. Just because you play it on a holocube 20XX, doesn't mean it won't still be in black and white.

5th bold - Your example is flawed though. Because the PSX versions are fundamentally different from the SNES versions due to translation, difficulty, and even content. The PC ports even more considering Final Fantasy IV, V and VI are all remakes and not ports of either the SNES, GBA or PSX versions.

The purpose of an example is to represent general truths, not the intricate details pertinent to a specific game. If game A is released for platform A and platform A <<<< Platform B, than game A is not taking advantage of Platform B.

Are you sure you are actually contesting my argument? Because you consistently seem to argue against points that are completely irrelevant to my claim.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

BasilZero said:
OneKartVita said:

Yes that's exactly it.  if you are a final fantasy fan the definitive way to play has been on the consoles you mentioned when they released.  That's definitive.  There has been no single platform that's been definitive.  


Well good thing I own them all and plus more l0l.

Anyways, when I meant by definitive - is the ability to play the games (without being limited to no b/c and having to repurchase them) but also get the best output from them. (i.e the ability to play them at the highest of resolutions, FPS, modding, etc)

One  can say iOS/mobile may be the definitive in that case but honestly who the hell even likes touch controls?! xD

Yeah sure it's a good platform but for a fan of the series it's a moot point.  You're not gonna hold out to 2016 to get them all on pc.  You're going to get the console and play them there each gen.  That's what most fans have done.  


I want to agree from your point of view but if we are to factually and politically correct then iOS is definitive and not pc.  mobile is bigger than pc gaming so we can't really be like,  nobody cares about that like we would the ouya. 

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Chazore said:
OneKartVita said:

IOS has them all so nice try.  


I'll do you a deal.  Stop replying to me with negative off topic things and I'll stop telling you what to do.  

Last I checked this site detests Mobile gaming, bit odd to try using that excuse now, especially when PC is getting a lot of them in the end and I don't see mobiles playing the latest either.

Striking me a deal to try keeping a balance you seek to keep?(which is already unbalanced anyway)

Oh I see Vgchartz is a hive mind now where individual opinions and facts are not allowed.  


I'm sorry but I don't sign up to that.  I came here from gaf to get away from that way of thinking. 


Fact is for a fan of the series you'll have played on consoles and if we are to go by basil's logic which is fine then iOS is the ultimate.  


And mobile is bigger than pc so don't give me the whole who games on mobile lark.  

OneKartVita said:

Oh I see Vgchartz is a hive mind now where individual opinions and facts are not allowed.  


I'm sorry but I don't sign up to that.  I came here from gaf to get away from that way of thinking. 


I'm sorry but I came here to get away from the likes of IGN and I;m still seing behaviour types of that site on here.


Fact is for a fan of the series you'll have played on consoles and if we are to go by basil's logic which is fine then iOS is the ultimate.  

and if we go by yours which you clearly want to stick with then mobile isn't due to the fact it doesn't have every single ff game (yes even the MMO and upcoming XV which you know mobiles won't be able to process for years and then we get back to basils logic which you don't agree with in the first place).


And mobile is bigger than pc so don't give me the whole who games on mobile lark.  

Which is bigger than consoles so lets not pretend here.

Fact is you're trying to antagonize now because you feel that's all you can do, taking a high road where there is none, I'd suggest not going that route out of kindness (seriously no need to spin what I said around becauseI know you by now to see your balance trick of "same to you").

At the end of the day this thread was about the PC platform being a new home to the FF series and the definitive talk is clearly being warped as we speak, it was a positive thread but now it's clearly being turned into a non positive one (and no it's not me before you go for the easiest antagonist jab of the century).

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

BasilZero said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Are you sure you are actually contesting my argument? Because you consistently seem to argue against points that are completely irrelevant to my claim.

The problem here is that your argument is contradicts itself.

By using your argument - you too are saying that the PS4 and Vita are in the same position as the PC and that everyone should play the games on the consoles that the games were originally released on.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble but that is not how the industry works nor how consumers work either. Just because a game was "defined" by the platform of release does not mean it cannot be improved on a re-release, a port or even a remaster. In the case of the PS4, Vita and PC - all of the games that were released (specifically talking about the Final Fantasy series) is a far better experience of playing them on those three systems than their legacy platforms simply because of things such as higher resolution, FPS, etc - these are improvements which were limited on the legacy platforms but limits that no longer apply for these three platforms.

@bold one: I never said that. You assumed that, because I called it definitive. Definitive =/= better.

@second paragraph: If the game is improved, it no longer applies to the original version. It has been redefined, it is a different experience, perhaps a better experience, but that doesn't mean it defines the experience. You insist on using definitive as a substitute for better or optimal, because you buy into industry buzzwords. 

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Chazore said:
OneKartVita said:

Oh I see Vgchartz is a hive mind now where individual opinions and facts are not allowed.  


I'm sorry but I don't sign up to that.  I came here from gaf to get away from that way of thinking. 


I'm sorry but I came here to get away from the likes of IGN and I;m still seing behaviour types of that site on here.


Fact is for a fan of the series you'll have played on consoles and if we are to go by basil's logic which is fine then iOS is the ultimate.  

and if we go by yours which you clearly want to stick with then mobile isn't due to the fact it doesn't have every single ff game (yes even the MMO and upcoming XV which you know mobiles won't be able to process for years and then we get back to basils logic which you don't agree with in the first place).


And mobile is bigger than pc so don't give me the whole who games on mobile lark.  

Which is bigger than consoles so lets not pretend here.

Fact is you're trying to antagonize now because you feel that's all you can do, taking a high road where there is none, I'd suggest not going that route out of kindness (seriously no need to spin what I said around becauseI know you by now to see your balance trick of "same to you").

At the end of the day this thread was about the PC platform being a new home to the FF series and the definitive talk is clearly being warped as we speak, it was a positive thread but now it's clearly being turned into a non positive one (and no it's not me before you go for the easiest antagonist jab of the century).

Yeah and I'm debating and saying it's not.  You know that's like a big part of forums but you've a problem with this.  I thought I left that behind on gaf but obviously not.  


It's hilarious your double standards. On one hand you say oh but mobile won't get it for years.  Well guess what pc doesn't get most final fantasys for years either so what's the difference.  


Bottom line is right now iOS has more and bottom line is it'll eventually get the new ones yet to release same as pc will get it eventually.  But right here,  right now iOS is definitive if you're talking about playing all the games on one platform.  


Don't move the goal posts. 

BasilZero said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

@bold one: I never said that. You assumed that, because I called it definitive. Definitive =/= better.

@second paragraph: If the game is improved, it no longer applies to the original version. It has been redefined, it is a different experience, perhaps a better experience, but that doesn't mean it defines the experience. You insist on using definitive as a substitute for better or optimal, because you buy into industry buzzwords. 

Definitive =/= better?


Bolded/Italic/underlined - But definitive does mean better and optimal. In PC's case - the ability to mod, play in higher resolution, play on higher FPS, and the ability to keep on playing even when you upgrade your system rather than having to re-purchase them again. You cant do any of that on any home console. Hence why I said PC is becoming the definitive platform for the Final Fantasy series.

I'm not using definitive as a substitue - I'm using it as it is. The best, the ultimate, etc.

Fair enough, but why not just use better? And if we want to argue semantics, no "authority" has reached this decision decisively, it's just an opinion. The benefits are only potentials, not guarantees. 

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank