Chazore said:
OneKartVita said:
Oh I see Vgchartz is a hive mind now where individual opinions and facts are not allowed.
I'm sorry but I don't sign up to that. I came here from gaf to get away from that way of thinking.
I'm sorry but I came here to get away from the likes of IGN and I;m still seing behaviour types of that site on here.
Fact is for a fan of the series you'll have played on consoles and if we are to go by basil's logic which is fine then iOS is the ultimate.
and if we go by yours which you clearly want to stick with then mobile isn't due to the fact it doesn't have every single ff game (yes even the MMO and upcoming XV which you know mobiles won't be able to process for years and then we get back to basils logic which you don't agree with in the first place).
And mobile is bigger than pc so don't give me the whole who games on mobile lark.
Which is bigger than consoles so lets not pretend here.
Fact is you're trying to antagonize now because you feel that's all you can do, taking a high road where there is none, I'd suggest not going that route out of kindness (seriously no need to spin what I said around becauseI know you by now to see your balance trick of "same to you").
At the end of the day this thread was about the PC platform being a new home to the FF series and the definitive talk is clearly being warped as we speak, it was a positive thread but now it's clearly being turned into a non positive one (and no it's not me before you go for the easiest antagonist jab of the century).
Yeah and I'm debating and saying it's not. You know that's like a big part of forums but you've a problem with this. I thought I left that behind on gaf but obviously not.
It's hilarious your double standards. On one hand you say oh but mobile won't get it for years. Well guess what pc doesn't get most final fantasys for years either so what's the difference.
Bottom line is right now iOS has more and bottom line is it'll eventually get the new ones yet to release same as pc will get it eventually. But right here, right now iOS is definitive if you're talking about playing all the games on one platform.
Don't move the goal posts.