BasilZero said:
1st bold - So what? Your argument gets played in this case - you say games define what platforms they were released on and thus is "vacuous" (your words) when they are re-released or ported over - PS4 and Vita only have re-releases and ports - they dont have any original Final Fantasy game yet to be released on it. That is so what. Released on, as it first released on, not re released on. So again, mentioning PS4 or Vita is irrelevant, I never said they had definitive final fantasy's 2nd bold - Okay but using your argument you are saying its better to play on the legacy platforms rather than the PS4, Vita or PC. Your "games define" argument. I never said definitive = better, in fact I explicitly said definitive =/= better 3rd bold - But the PS4 and Vita versions are ports since FFX/X-2 HD Remaster was actually designed for the PS3. Thus making the PS4 and Vita versions obsolete if we use your "Games are defined on their platform of release" argument. Again reiterating, I never said they had definitive final fantasy's, there is no contradiction 4th bold - Kingdom Hearts was never released on the PC. So your argument is flawed once again. It is running through a emulator that emulates the legacy platform's bios and code and is enhanced. This is different from the actual PC releases of the Final Fantasy games - they are not being emulated and are running directly through that specific platform and the only limitations that those games have are any that the developer themselves placed - not of their platform it was released on. Just like it runs on the PC the way it is designed - the PS4 and Vita versions are also running the way they are designed on their respective platforms. I never said KH on PC was the definitive edition. I said on PC it has clear advantages. If the developer placed limitations on a game, it was for the platform said game was originally released for. Those limitations persist regardless of future platforms. Pokemon Red was in black and white, that is a limitation. Just because you play it on a holocube 20XX, doesn't mean it won't still be in black and white. 5th bold - Your example is flawed though. Because the PSX versions are fundamentally different from the SNES versions due to translation, difficulty, and even content. The PC ports even more considering Final Fantasy IV, V and VI are all remakes and not ports of either the SNES, GBA or PSX versions. The purpose of an example is to represent general truths, not the intricate details pertinent to a specific game. If game A is released for platform A and platform A <<<< Platform B, than game A is not taking advantage of Platform B. |
Are you sure you are actually contesting my argument? Because you consistently seem to argue against points that are completely irrelevant to my claim.
In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank