Chazore said:
This whole "misuse" of the word and yet this gen we've got the word "exclusive" losing a lot of it;s meaning and being misused a lot and yet that'd not corrected as much, Definitive doesn't mean "the platform that gets it first", Basil already listed what makes it definitive on PC and I'd agree with him on that but certainly not on who gets it first, that doesn't matter because in the end what matters is the platform that has them all *in the end* and that is to say PC is looking to be that platform as it has no gens, it has full BC and has for years. No ened to tell me I;m being negative with your being negative, nice try. Also don't tell me what to do just as a heads up, if you have issues with commanding others then don't bother. It's easy pouring out some Vodka/Cider/Wine ;) |
IOS has them all so nice try.
I'll do you a deal. Stop replying to me with negative off topic things and I'll stop telling you what to do.